Melinda and Cathy show friendship in front of the friendship rugs.
Ruth’s “Klimt” rug (pattern by Michelle Micarelli) on the far left won the Viewers’ Choice award. No one was surprised. Other rugs by Cathy, Mary R, Nancy P, Melinda, Betsy, and Nan.
More rugs by AWAG members. There were 27 juried entries that all got in plus the nine friendship rugs. Rugs here hooked by: Betsy, Nan, Melinda, Catherine, Liz, Nancy H, Laura (me!), Kalea, Mary S, Cathy, Marcy, and Darlene.
Melinda’s friendship rug. Can you tell which one I hooked? I might add that the t-shirt strips look just like everyone else’s wool strips. (Gary takes a nice shot of his wife’s rug, yes?)And here’s my friendship rug all nice and finished.So, I’m not sure why Melinda and I don’t look very happy here. It was the start of Fiber Arts Fiesta 2019. A success story. Thanks again, Gary.
And just like that Fiber Arts Fiesta 2019 is a wrap. Thank goodness. There was a LOT of planning and hooking followed by four straight days of work. In a few days Tom and I will rest. Sort of. We’re off on vacation. More on that later. Perhaps WiFi will be good enough to allow for some Facebook and Instagram pics. If not, you’ll just have to withstand the suspense while you wait for my photos and tales. Be back in a couple of weeks. Enjoy your summer!
Deb Moyes says:
What a great event! I hope the ATHA thingy is as good. Have you been to one? I’m very curious to see how it compares to Sauder Village.
Finally made our plane reservations, using points! We will arrive on Friday as Thursday is a blackout day. As “the public” I cannot get not the show until Friday anyway. Not sure where we are staying in Denver.
Looking forward! I hope we can nip away for a little lunch or coffee together to really talk!
Have a wonderful trip!
Well, I think we simply must get lunch in. 🙂 Never been to ATHA or Sauder, though I understand from you and Susan Feller that Sauder tends to be better these days. But Denver is “right around the corner,” so I look forward to it. And seeing you! BTW, while the scenery was gorgeous on the Rhine, we liked the wine cruise better. Less hectic. Still good though!
What a great event! I hope the ATHA thingy is as good. Have you been to one? I’m very curious to see how it compares to Sauder Village.
Finally made our plane reservations, using points! We will arrive on Friday as Thursday is a blackout day. As “the public” I cannot get not the show until Friday anyway. Not sure where we are staying in Denver.
Looking forward! I hope we can nip away for a little lunch or coffee together to really talk!
Have a wonderful trip!
Well, I think we simply must get lunch in. 🙂 Never been to ATHA or Sauder, though I understand from you and Susan Feller that Sauder tends to be better these days. But Denver is “right around the corner,” so I look forward to it. And seeing you! BTW, while the scenery was gorgeous on the Rhine, we liked the wine cruise better. Less hectic. Still good though!