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Category: Albuquerque

Colors of the Southwest

The Colors of the Southwest show put on by the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council is history. It opened Friday morning; there was a “meet the artists” reception that evening. Saturday it ran all day. I was there Friday evening to view and schmooze and Saturday afternoon to demonstrate rug hooking. Took a LOT of pics as there were many, many talented artists represented. Enjoy!

This is Cathy Kelly's rug dedicated to her good friend Emma Webber.
This is Cathy Kelly’s rug dedicated to her good friend Emma Webber.
Very southwestern. "Joya Voladora en la Puesta del Sol" by Molly Gallegos
Very southwestern. “Joya Voladora en la Puesta del Sol” by Molly Gallegos








"The Rare Desert Elephant" knitted by Tara Cummings
“The Rare Desert Elephant” knitted by Tara Cummings





A close-up of "Sitting Pretty" by Rod Daniel
A close-up of “Sitting Pretty” by Rod Daniel








The vibrant “New Mexico Vortex” by Margaret Shumaker




"Intergalactic Tourist" by Nancy Ellis-Hines. (Oddly enough, Tom and I headed out to the movies to see "Star Wars" again after we left the show Friday night.)
“Intergalactic Tourist” by Nancy Ellis-Hines. (Oddly enough, Tom and I headed out to the movies to see “Star Wars” again after we left the show Friday night.)





"Abundecia de Flores," an exa,mple of colcha embroidery, by Annette Turk
“Abundecia de Flores,” an example of colcha embroidery, by Annette Turk










"Roadside Bloom Plastic" woven by Mary Colton
“Roadside Bloom Plastic” woven by Mary Colton
“Flamenca Naranja” by Dana Helms











“Beauty in the Wilderness” quilted by Anita McSorley
"Desert Trolls" by Tara Cunnings
And lastly, the too cute “Desert Trolls” by Tara Cunnings



My own "Ribbons Over Albuquerque"
My own “Ribbons Over Albuquerque”













Congratulations to the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council and member guilds on a show well done!



Experimenting. I’ve got plenty to do this week, still I find myself trying something new. Last

Rug hooking with old sheets. MY new Anderson frame came in handy as the backing is so stiff.
Rug hooking with old sheets. My new Anderson frame came in handy as the backing is so stiff.

Thursday, I started a new rug. One on latch hook backing. Made out of old sheets. This re-cycling – or the more virtuous sounding “up-cycling” – thing has really grabbed me. I’m hoping it’ll grab buyers too when I start selling at the Rail Yard Market in June. Rag rugs are in vogue these days, you know.

Experimenting with old bed sheets. The loops pull smoothly and give a "fluffy" look.
Experimenting with old bed sheets. The loops pull smoothly and give a “fluffy” look.




I’ve included a couple of pics to show how it’s going. The design is simple, paisley-like, as I needed to see how the sheets would hook up before I went crazy. The strips are about a half-inch wide. No need for real precision here. Savers (a used goods store that I frequent) provided the sheets. I’m hoping to find brighter colors next time, though these are fairly desert-esque. That’s fitting for here in Albuquerque.

The desert colors will work nicely in a bedroom or bath.
The desert colors will work nicely in a bedroom or bath.





I’ve sleeved and handed over “Ribbons Over Albuquerque” to the “Colors of the Southwest” fiber arts exhibit. It runs this weekend at the Garden Center (in itself a very cool place to visit) here in town. I’m looking forward to the show’s opening Friday evening along with the artists’ reception. Saturday, I’ve been tasked with demonstrating. That means that I need to get on the stick and finish prepping my next piece. (I figured I’d show them rug hooking in its more traditional form, so I’m leaving the sheets at home. And using t-shirts. 😉  ) Because I sew my binding on before I hook, there’s a needle and some thread in my immediate future.

Before I head back to that mat, though, I need a favor. Yesterday I created a Facebook page for my Adobe Wool Arts guild here in Albuquerque. It’ll let us share what’s going on in the guild as well as communicate with all the hookers out there in cyberspace. If you’d be so kind as to give us a looksie at https://www.facebook.com/AdobeWoolArts/, we’d be ever so grateful. Feel free to comment, share, educate, whatever. And then LIKE us. We love meeting new friends.

How much experimenting do you do when you hook?

The official rug of the Adobe Wool Arts guild here in Albuquerque. Wish I'd gotten here in time to help hook it.
The official rug of the Adobe Wool Arts guild here in Albuquerque. Our Facebook page only shows a tiny part of it. Wish I’d gotten here in time to help hook it.


It’s Easter week and there are all sorts of preparations to make. Okay, we”ve had time for a little New Mexican exploration too.

Monday, Tom and the dog and I headed over to a part of Petroglyph National Monument

The view from Petroglyph National Monument looking south down the RIo Grande river valley.
The view from Petroglyph National Monument looking south down the Rio Grande river valley.

that we’d never visited. For those not familiar with the park, it “protects one of the largest petroglyph sites in North America, featuring designs and symbols carved onto volcanic rocks by Native Americans and Spanish settlers 400 to 700 years ago. These images are a valuable record of cultural expression and hold profound spiritual significance for contemporary Native Americans and for the descendants of the early Spanish settlers.”

We observed very cool rocks and their lichens. (This is for you Karen Miller of Karen Miller Designs.)
We observed very cool rocks and their lichens. (This is for you Karen Miller of Karen D. Miller Studio.)

The national monument – which stretches about 17 miles along  Albuquerque’s west side, right near our house! – also includes several volcanic cinder cones. We hiked up one of them and were treated to fabulous views of the Rio Grande river valley.



As I mentioned last week, I was juried into a big farmers’ market here, the Rail Yards Market, which starts in early June. I’ll be vending about every other Sunday morning through September. That means I need to get on the stick and make several small mats. They tend to sell better. While there are a fair number of hookers in these parts, the general population is far more used weaving as the prominent fiber art. Here’s hoping they embrace my slightly less than traditional offerings. All I can do is try.

A new 8"x8" mat almost completed. Just needs to be pressed and finished off. Woo hoo!
A new 8″x8″ mat almost completed. Just needs to be pressed and finished off. Woo hoo!


The Colors of the Southwest show is next week! While I finished hooking “Ribbons Over Albuquerque,” it needs to be sleeved. It’s due in by Tuesday or Wednesday. Guess I better get on that too.

And lest we forget, it’s Easter week! When I joined a church out here, I volunteered to be on the Art and Environment committee. Turns out not to be as sexy as it sounds. It means that I help to take down various decorations during holidays and put up liturgically appropriate ones. At Christmas time, I did a lot of ironing for them too. We’ll see what’s in store for me Friday and Saturday. I’m hoping not to break any glass candle holders this time.


Some kind of tiny, yellow flowers on top of the cinder cone at Petroglyph. They were well protected from the crazy winds we've been having.
Some kind of tiny, yellow flowers on top of the cinder cone at Petroglyph. They were well protected from the crazy winds we’ve been having.

To those who celebrate, I wish a Joyous Easter.  Enjoy your own preparations. To everyone in the northern hemisphere, I bid you a happy spring. Albuquerque is full of flowering trees and shrubs. And pollen. Don’t forget the antihistamines!

Lilacs before Mothers' Day. Who knew that was possible?
Lilacs before Mothers’ Day. Who knew that was possible?




Hooking feverishly, but what to do about those achy muscles and joints?

Tentative working title: "Ribbons Over Albuquerque." Has to be done and submitted by Monday!
Tentative working title of hooking project: “Ribbons Over Albuquerque.” Has to be done and submitted by Monday!

Not much time to post this week. The “Colors of the Southwest” project I’ve been telling you about is due Monday for jurying. The hooking’s not done yet alone the finishing! This means working during the day, something I tend not to do unless it’s the NFL playoff season.(If you don’t know it already, I’m a BIG New England Patriots fan. As you can imagine, this is not a popular thing in Albuquerque’s Denver Broncos’ territory.)

The pic to the left shows that much of the hooking is actually done. Only the “bows” remain. Unlike the rest of the piece which is comprised of t-shirt strips, I’m creating them out of ribbon and/or cut up poly blouses so that they have a little of the shiny “bling” of a real bow.

Stay tuned; I promise to give more details about this rug and what it means to me when it’s finished. Meanwhile, working with the ribbons is shredding the crap out of my left thumb top, but there’s no time to spare. For now I’m rubbing Vaseline into it. Next week, I’ll give it a day or two off. The things we do for our art…

Lest you think my life’s all about suffering these days, I share our latest new home enhancement.

The kid enjoying our new hot tub. See those cup holders to the right? They hold a glass of chardonnay just perfectly.
The kid enjoying our new hot tub. See those cup holders to the right? They hold a glass of chardonnay just perfectly.

Instead of a pool, we decided to go with a smaller investment: the hot tub. It was installed last week, and we christened it Sunday. Thus far it’s excellent for muscles and joints achy from the trails, the treadmill, and rheumatoid arthritis. Though it’s not done anything for my thumb but dry it out more. I can live with that.

Remember, our door is always open to hookers and other friends visiting Albuquerque. Come rest your achy fingers and hands.

Do you suffer from osteo- or rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel, something else? How does it affect your hooking? I’ve been fortunate in that my RA hasn’t targeted my hands as much as it has other joints. Please share here (or privately) what having a disease or other physical challenge means to your hooking and other pursuits. Are you like me, fearing that you might have to one day give up doing something you love? If there’s enough interest, maybe there’s an article to be written…


Scoping out Albuquerque’s “other” fiber arts



Ostinato 1 and 2 by Katie Pasquini Masopust
“Ostinato 1 and 2” by Katie Pasquini Masopust

Since I had to make my monthly Target trip yesterday, I decided to combine it with a fiber arts show I read about in the Albuquerque Journal. Palette Contemporary Art and Craft is currently hosting the exhibit which features “textile paintings” by Katie Pasquini Masopust. One of these pieces to the right ran in the paper inducing me to visit the gallery and see her other pieces.


Katie is based north of here in Santa Fe – for now. Apparently, she’s getting ready to move to California. Too bad. As you can see, her quilts – not the kind you’d be putting on your bed! – look like paintings until you get right on top of them.

In this close-up, you can see the stitching that makes this piece a "quilt."
In this close-up, you can see the stitching that makes this piece a “quilt.”

The exhibit describes her work as “textile paintings.” I wouldn’t disagree. Painted pieces of canvas are stitched into the quilt with other fabrics.

"Mercato (Play with Emphasis)" by Katie Pasquini Masopust.
“Mercato (Play with Emphasis)” by Katie Pasquini Masopust.
“Big Getty” by Katie Pasquini Masopust.








There were other items in the gallery. This is a painting I loved by Daniel North. It's called "Enso and the Modernist."
There were other items in the gallery. This is a large painting I loved by Daniel North. It’s called “Enso and the Modernist.”












Today’s errands about town involved a visit with my rheumatologist who’s based at UNM Hospital. Imagine my happy surprise when Tom and I entered the clinic and found these on the wall:

Tapestries by Linda Geisen.
Tapestries by Heather Gallegos-Rex.


I’d known that there was a tapestry show at the hospital, but I thought that I’d missed it. Certainly, had no idea it was in the clinic I use. (And if Tom had known it was there, I’m sure he wouldn’t have accompanied me to my appointment. Ha!)

Works represented several weavers.


Katherine Perkins's tapestry "Sirocco Sky Provence" was stunning.
Katherine Perkins‘s tapestry “Sirocco Sky Provence” was stunning.
"Iris III" by Letitia Roller was incredibly lifelike.
“Iris III” by Letitia Roller was incredibly lifelike and had a sparkly, gold background.








Series of night scenes from White Sands National Monument by Linda Giesen.
Series of night scenes from White Sands National Monument by Linda Giesen.






I have to say that Albuquerque’s more than met my expectations regarding textiles and fiber arts. They’re all over the city, and their exposure’s only growing. Saturday afternoon I’m hoping to attend a talk by tapestry weaver Donna Loraine Contractor at a gallery in the city’s Old Town. If you follow my Facebook page, you’ll often see her work. Before that, on Friday, I attend my first meeting of Albuquerque’s Fiber Arts Council as my guild’s representative. Bring on the fiber art fiber art!

Do you go out of your way to see other types of fiber arts? Or maybe you DO other types of fiber arts? Either way, please share with us how textiles other than rug hooking influence your art. That’s a blog for another day.
