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A new year and a new look!

It finally happened: We have a new look! What a way to start off 2020. Hopefully, you like it. It’s a bit cleaner, and, hey, change is good.

“Diamonds of New Mexico” was punched. Take my Santa Fe workshop February 29, and learn how to punch one yourself.

A little catch-up…

The year’s started quietly enough. I’m currently prepping for an introductory punch needle rug hooking class at the New Mexico Fiber Arts Center in Santa Fe. (Note that this is Española Valley Fiber Arts Center’s new name, and the class is in the shop they launched in November down near the Rail Yards. Guess I’m not the only one with a new look.) It’ll run on Saturday, February 29, 10:00-2:00. Bring a small pair of scissors and a lunch/snack. And be ready to have some fun! More info here.

The secret project is still secret. Had to get some other work done besides the website, so we’ll be working to finish that in February. Yikes, that’s only a day away!!!

Cathy Kelly and I are still “working” as artists in residence up in Santa Fe at the Inn on the Alameda. It’s a swell hotel, big old fireplace and all, but truthfully, it’s been a bit of a bust thus far. There’s not much traffic coming through. Big surprise; it’s winter. Next year, I hope to “graduate” to one of the busier hotels on the town’s historical plaza. If you’re around, though, we’ll be at the Inn again February 7 and 21, both Fridays.


Hooked rug on burlap ribbon
The image on the left, the fireplace with it’s cozy fire, is the same one that’s in the lobby of the Inn on the Alameda. Why did I hook it and maybe a…butterfly? That’s a story for maybe next week. Or Instagram. It’s a new project. Because I don’t have enough time (?). BTW, it’s not a butterfly; it’s an open book.


We’ve had bad news regarding a couple of events where I usually vend each year. Albuquerque’s apparently still up in the air regarding the Recycled Art Festival. After having nowhere to put us last year, a new home was promised for this year. Sure. And I’ve got swampland in Florida for sale. Also, the end may be near for the High Desert Studio Tour in November. I’m always at my friend Dagmar’s home/studio where she creates BEAUTIFUL hand-dyed yarns under the name ZiaWoolz.  🙁  We’re hoping to bring new life to this event, so hang on for more info.

Lovely news! Many of you have probably seen Karen Miller‘s book that came out last fall: Eyes Open to the World – Memories of Travel in Wool. One of my rugs is featured in it! I’m very grateful to Karen for that. It’s a delightful book to read and take in. And it gives me more rug hooking street cred, if you know what I mean. And that’s despite the fact that my rug was hooked in recycled t-shirts, not wool. 🙂

I guess that’s it for hooking news for now. Regarding the boys, Tynan is fit as ever. A bit furry this time of year, of course. Bowyn, ah, Bowyn. He’s a character that one and not nearly as easy as his big brother. We’ve had a dog trainer in as there’s NO WAY that he could handle the excitement of a puppy class. By that I mean he would generate much of the excitement. Some might even call it…CHAOS. But after being so sick with puppy strangles last summer when he was just a wee one, he’s definitely bounced back. And I do mean bounce. If you get our Instagram feed, you know that we call him Sharknado. Always in the air, always the mouth open. Some day he’ll be a great dog like Tynan. Some day…


Dog Bowyn sleeping
Bowyn at rest. It doesn’t happen much and never when we have visitors.

I think that’s enough for today and three other marathon days at my computer revamping this site, giving it the new look. It’s not even live yet. Pray that that went well and that you’re happily reading away on your own electronic device. And if you have any questions for us here at High on Hooking, know that we’re only an email away. Happy 2020!


Dog Tynan on hooked rug pattern; no new look
Tynan’s back, though no new look for him. And he’s got the newest rug on the frame here at High on Hooking. Its a floral sort of thing being hooked with old bed sheets. Have a great weekend!






Tynan’s got a new little brother! Grrrr…


A little brother my ass… Tynan here. She was going to show you more photos from her trip up the Rhine, but I had to step in and tell you what the idiots have done now.

Tynan's little brother, Welsh Springer spaniel puppy.
This is…my new “little brother.” His name is Bowyn. He is NOT replacing me as the High on Hooking dog. Do not make me repeat that.


Yes, it’s a puppy. Sure, they tried to tell me that it’s “all for you, Tynan. He’ll rejuvenate you.” What the hell does that mean? I won’t be 11 anymore? Right.

I suppose I should’ve been suspicious when the baby gates and the food bowl and, okay, the itty-bitty crate showed up. But she’s always buying crap for this or that cause. My antennae should’ve twitched when he didn’t complain.

So, they’re all excited. “Wanna go for a ride, Tynan? To see your sister up in Durango?” I like Durango, and the kid is there. We can hike. They get me all riled up. We do the three and a half hour drive. Another clue I missed. We stop at McDonalds, even have a picnic on the grass. They actually feed me french fries and chicken from her salad. Not a tiny bite, but lots of fries. Ketchup and everything. Half the freakin’ chicken!  How could I miss that they were playing me?


Me pretending to sleep on the way up to Durango. If only I’d known…



We pick the kid up from her apartment; check in at a hotel right downtown. I try out the bed. Nice. Next thing I know there’s a phone call and the mistress is rushing us off the bed and out the door. We’re in front of the hotel and I see…me! Or a dog that looks like me, another Welsh Springer spaniel. Oh! And in the rush and confusion, the mistress, she’s reaching down and picking up another tiny dog, a puppy that I realize also looks very similar to me. Oh!!

Long story short, we head for some very green grass – normally one of my most favorite things now that we live in the desert and have fake grass – and sit down. And I learn that the puppy is…ours. I mean…theirs. They can’t stop playing with it. I notice that it can’t stop trying to bite things – fingers, ankles, shoes, tails. What the hell? No one talked to me about this acquisition. Seems to me they should’ve, right?

Laura with Tynan's little brother, a Welsh Springer spaniel puppy.
Look at him! No manners. He’s trying to maul her. And she likes it. (Shaking my head here.)




Now we’re back home, and he’s upset the previously happy sang-froid of our comfy home. Baby gates keep me out of the master bedroom where I like to lie on the bathroom tiles.(And don’t even think of telling me to lie on all the other tiles in the house.) He gets on my bed. Toys are everywhere. Worst thing ever: He doesn’t know that we go outside to do our business! Ew!


Tynan and his little brother, a Welsh Springer spaniel puppy
What he does to me. This. It’s all I can say.








I had NOTHING to do with this mess. Nothing. Talk to the “little brother.”


The only good thing about his lack of civility and toilet training is that I still get to go visit my hooking ladies whenever the idiotress goes. He does not. They were here yesterday ostensibly to help me buck up, but really to visit…my “little brother.” At least they brought me treats. I love my ladies.



Tynan and his little brother, a Welsh Springer spaniel puppy.
I’m so tired that I try to sleep whenever he does. He looks cute here, yes? And then he rolled off the couch. I laughed and I laughed.




Now that I’ve gotten this off my chest, I’m going to take advantage of that fact that he’s napping (and not snapping or yowling) and get some sleep myself. He woke us up twice last night to pee and then again this morning at the ungodly hour of 5:45. I’m tired.


Please send biscuits. For big dogs.



Tynan's little brother, a Welsh Springer spaniel puppy
Like I said, he’ll never be the High on Hooking dog. If you can’t respect the frame, you just can’t have the job. The feature is “What’s on the frame” not “What’s in the frame.”



Notes from the “Big Boucherouite”


“Big Boucherouite” here. Yes, you read that right. I AM the large rug that she’s currerntly hooking. Constantly. At least it feels that way. I hardly ever get alone time. Anyway, as she’s still working on me day and night, I decided to provide a few notes  regarding where she’s at in this project.

Tynan the dog on the Big Boucherouite.
See what I mean about the dog? Oh, and that idea of strategic photography?
  1. She’s been watching a LOT of television during the day. I tried to tell her to get some books on tape, but she goes on and on about having to get through a NOVA back-up, that she’s got to free-up space on the DVR. Fine. Her husband, of course, insists on watching them with her, though I’ve noticed that he tends to use them to catch up on his sleep.
  2. NOVA sounds nice and erudite, sure, but that wasn’t on till midnight last night. No, that would be…Ice Castles. Yes, the Robby Benson movie from 1978, when she was 13. Apparently, she even read the book back then. It was on some TV station for lost movies. Some movies should remain lost…
  3. She does take some breaks. It seems to be rather necessary. Hooking so much woven fabric is taking a toll on the joints. As is sitting under me. I’m rather heavy at this point. I tell her to do some yoga. Does she listen to me? Sometimes.
  4. She’s still going on and on about not having enough orange sheets to fill my background, that she had to breakdown and use t-shirts. Who gives a damn? That they’re used textiles being recycled to a higher purpose – me! – it’s fine. That’s the Boucherouite spirit.
  5. Her dog keeps sitting on me determined to earn a snack. Someone needs to tell him that she’s barely taking any photographs of me. I deserve a BIG REVEAL and not until I’m properly hooked and hemmed.
  6. Lastly, regarding actually finishing me in order to enter me into Albuquerque’s Fiber Arts Fiesta by the March 1 deadline, let’s hear it for the idea of STRATEGIC PHOTOGRAPHY. And you all make sure that your submissions are in by sometime Friday too.

Look for my debut on Instagram and Facebook in the near future, and I’ll see you May 30 and 31 and June 1 at Fiber Fiesta!

The Big Boucherouite


Looking for rug love in the wine store…

Wine bottle label.
I have no idea who the artist is. Maybe you know? But isn’t it beautiful? Okay, wine is beautiful too.

Rug love in the wine store?

I’ll explain. I’m having a busy week. Big surprise, I know. But I was trying to figure out something new and exciting (and quick) to write about when Tom and I headed out to the liquor store. A snowstorm was taking aim at Albuquerque, and we were running low. Before you scoff, I’m from New England and lived through the Blizzard of ’78; snow forecasts = a run to the grocery store. By the way, we got almost an inch and a half today. I know, wow.

So, we’re in Total Wine, and I remember how I’ve gotten rug ideas from wine labels. Some of them are so creative, even beautiful. Then I thought that maybe you need rug ideas right about now. Especially for those of you back east and in the midwest who will live through your own winter storm tonight and tomorrow. Enjoy!

Wine bottle label.
Don’t the colorful flowers draw you in? The birds. What would it be like to share a bottle with this graceful lady? (I’m not particularly graceful.) But zoom over to the left, to the name of the wine. “Dirt Diva”! Love it! No problem drinking with this chick after all.
Wine bottle label.
I fear that this is more my speed, not so much the beautiful Dirt Diva. At least he looks happy. Or drunk.










Wine bottle label.
This – or something similar – is one of the first wine bottle labels that jumped out at me to inspire a rug. And yet I don’t think we ever tried the wine. Bummer.










WIne bottle label.
I bet I’m not the only one who’s hooked a rug with this element in it.
Wine bottle label.
Has no one realized that “The Fugitive” is just the Invisible Man? They are never gonna catch him. I mean…all of them. BTW, here’s how the manufacturer describes this wine: “Not just any wine – the wine that you drink when you know if may just be your last.” Alrighty.
Wine bottle label.
Here’s where they start getting scary. Or weird. Or both. Why name it “Juggernaut”? Okay, maybe it’s a huge and powerful force. But am I going to turn into a Robby Benson Beast, only more frightening, when I drink this stuff? I mean, look at the grass under his feet. It’s blood red. Imagine your new boyfriend ordering this stuff on a date…


Wine bottle label.
Or 19 Crimes Hard Chard. Really? What’s the wine trying to say here? Maybe Jane’s husband tried to get her drunk on the Juggernaut and got more than he bargained for? For her crime she’s banished off to Botany Bay. At least she didn’t have to take him.








Wine bottle label.
Two of my favorites. And I think it’s fair to say that I became distracted from my original intention. I am NOT hooking a rug of a framed French convict on Devil’s Island or a skeletal Pope. Who comes up with this stuff?


Wine bottle label.
I DO know who came up this one and the next one. Albuquerque artist Sean Wells is a kick-ass Albuquerque artist whose artwork has been featured on La Catrina Vino, Cerveza de los Muertos, and New Mexico lottery tickets. She also happens to vend at many of the same events I vend at.


Wine bottle labels.
Another of Sean’s gorgeous and fun wine bottles.






Whiskey bottle label.
Okay, I’ll end with a pic of the elusive jackalope gracing this bottle of whiskey. Now something like this could make it onto a rug. And don’t lecture me about the pesky copyright laws. I know all about them. Have a great week. Maybe I’ll pour myself a bottle glass of wine now…



New year, new lords and masters…


Fitbit on wrist in the new year.
Master #1 of the new year.

The new year is here a week. Already it’s gotten busier than intended given that I was trying to make 2019 more a year of making and less one of busy-ness and meetings and social media. Not that I have any intention – or ability – of getting rid of those latter items. They’re necessary (often evil) parts of an involved life. I just want them minimized some.

A week in and I’ve identified a couple of new masters and commanders demanding my fealty and, more importantly, my time. One was unexpected, and I’m here to warn all of the A-type personalities present. You Bs are probably safe enough and can just enjoy a good laugh. Type A folk: Do not get a Fitbit! Oh, you think it’s going to help you, ensure that you get all those steps in, make you healthy. (If you’re like me, you were already working out each day anyway.) Instead, the damn thing is just another mark to hit AND SURPASS EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Tom gave it to me for Christmas; I’ve wanted one for a couple of years, and since December 27th when I put it on, he’s regretted his generosity.

Tynan and I and the new Fitbit master out New Year’s Day morning just as the snow was starting. Oh, Tom came too. 🙂

Like I said, I work out most mornings, so that gives me a leg up on the 10,000 steps. Usually. Unfortunately, it can’t “translate” time and effort on the recumbent bike unless I thrash my Fitbit-clad arm about trying to fake the Master into thinking I’m walking (or running up Mount Everest). On those days, I know that I should just account for the exercise in my mind and not worry about making it to the magic – and completely arbitrary – number of steps. But I can’t, so I try to…compensate. Tom’s becoming irritated. I have to hide my furtive attempts to get to 10,000. The far bathroom’s good. I can pretend-jump rope in there or jog in place while I count to 50, 75. Playing keep-away with the dog’s toys is always good for a 100 or so. Then we take another walk around the block. The neighbors behind the house have seen me dancing in the kitchen like no one’s watching. Or should watch.

Results thus far:

  • I have hit the magic 10,000 number every day but two.
  • The dog is exhausted.
  • I’ve walked before and during one snowstorm, my first here in Albuquerque. It was beautiful. And worth more than 17,000 steps!
  • My dogs (feet) are barking, one knee is ready for a sling, and I’m pretty sure that my recent RA flare-up was caused by my new obsession.
  • The epiphany that if I join an online Fitbit community or even share results with a friend, the “friendly competition” would probably kill me. The dog would be collateral damage.

You’d think I’d give up on the thing after all this, but NO WAY! I’m loving it. Luckily, this morning’s walk down by the river in the cold was invigorating. Plus it got me all the way to 10,000 in one shot! And – besides the dog – who do you think was with me doing all those steps? Tom! Tom who started to surreptitiously use his phone to count his own steps. Gotcha!


Dog and hooked rug in the new year.
An exhausted Tynan presents 2019’s first “what’s on the frame.” You can see why I’ll need the steps to combat all the sitting I’ll be doing the next two months as I get the “Big Boucherouite” done.

The Fitbit master will stay, too, to combat all the sitting I’m doing for the second master of the new year. Yes, the Big Boucherouite‘s time has finally come. Pictures of a finished BB are due March 1. That’s the last day you can send entries in for Albuquerque’s big Fiber Fiesta 2019! Get the details by clicking, and think about sending something in. You don’t have to live here. Any questions, check the Fiber Council’s website or give me a yell. A fun and educational time will be had by all. I promise. (And do you know how large the Manual Lujan Jr. Expo Center is? Gonna get in a whole lotta steps.)

What or who is moving you these early days of the new year?

