Amidst all the art fairs and general holiday prep, High on Hooking begins as an artist in residence at Santa Fe‘s Inn on the Alameda this Friday. Woohoo! We’ve never done this before, and happily, we’ll be joined by Cathy Kelly. If you’ve read here before, you know that Cathy and I regularly team up under a tent to sell our hooked wares. This winter, though, we won’t be needing no stinkin’ tent. Twice a month through February, we’ll set up shop and workshop next to the Inn’s big, ole fireplace so that we can chat up guests and share the gospel of rug hooking. This is a big thing; Santa Fe, like most of the American Southwest, is all about the weaving. The history and value of our originally northeastern art is less known.
The Inn on the Alameda is one of Santa Fe’s smaller luxury hotels. Unfortunately, I haven’t stayed there, but after visiting last month, I’d certainly like to. (Pray for a snowstorm to suddenly come up one Friday I’m there?) Cathy and I will be “in residence” from from 4:00-7:00 p.m. on the following Fridays: December 20; January 10 and 24; and February 7 and 21. The address is: 303 East Alameda Street, Santa Fe. In addition to a primo location next to the fireplace in the gathering space, they’re providing dinner for us! How swell is that?
I had applied to Santa Fe’s winter artist in residence program sometime last year and then promptly forgot about it. When the Inn contacted me last month, I loved that they were looking for someone other than the usual painter or sculptor. Not that those things are bad, but you know how fiber arts and textiles so often get shoved to the back of the fine art line. Not this time, baby! Okay, a caveat: the Inn will also be hosting other more “regular” artists throughout the winter. And that’s great; it’ll be a fine mix-up for them.
If you’re in the area Friday and need a break from the usual holiday gift buying, etc., come by the Inn on the Alameda in Santa Fe for a visit. There’s even a bar! We’d love to converse and maybe even sell you something better than you’ll get in a tourist trap. As usual, mention this blog post and get 10% off any rug by High on Hooking. If you can’t make it to Santa Fe, be sure to check out our Etsy shop or, even easier, just give me a yell.

And if I don’t get a chance to tell you before next week: Have a wonderful holiday whether it be Christmas or Hanukkah! Here’s to a happy and healthy 2020 for all!