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Category: fiber arts

Ramblings and little epiphanies. Or: change happens.


After a super busy two months of fiber art shows and vending, spending a slow three days at Casa San Ysidro last weekend demonstrating and attempting to sell gave me some down time, a chance to think, to come to a few epiphanies.

Hooked rug exhibit, what a change for us.
This was the kick-ass set-up that Cathy and I had at last week’s Heritage Days and New Mexican Fiber Crawl, both happening at Casa San Ysidro in Coralles. They were very generous in providing us space; what a change for us! Though we both made sales, we hope that next year there will be more vendors and better publicizing of our location in the Crawl.


Hooking and husbands
Cathy Kelly and I would have a wicked hard time (yes, there’s still some New England twang left in this now Southwestern girl) vending without our husbands Bill and Tom. (Sorry, never got any pics of them Sunday evening.) Between my recent RA flare-up and Cathy’s emergency appendicitis (the same night as our last vending gig!), those display grids were not going up or down by themselves. Thank you, Bill! Tom, unfortunately, has been suffering his own autoimmune failure – gout – for the last two or three weeks, but he gamely showed up with iced tea and helped with break-down. Hooking – it’s best when it involves a village, but it’s nothing without a helpful spouse.

Living or reading about living?
During last weekend’s New Mexico Fiber Crawl, we were at Casa San Ysidro from about 9:15 to 5:00. Those were three long days, and we didn’t see the traffic we expected. But what a great place to hang and hook! By the time I made it home each evening, though, my laptop was the last place I wanted to be. So, I wasn’t. Lo and behold, the world didn’t cave in because I didn’t share as much on the three Facebook pages I manage (my own two and the guild’s). Don’t get me wrong. I managed to do most of my daily computer and email “toilettte” on my phone as I sat enjoying the weather and the ambiance of the old casa’s courtyard. But I didn’t worry much about passing anything further down the information highway. Sure, if a blog or Facebook post came along that had an easy share button, I’d click it away to others. If not, oh, well…

Hooked rug
Here’s how “Zinnias” looked finished. Now to get them up on the Etsy shop.

This got me to thinking about how tethered I am to seeing info and, more importantly, passing it on. Which I generally think is a nice thing to do for everyone. But it takes time, time I want back. Summer is perfect for letting go of the self-imposed idea of me as the town crier. After this weekend’s Rail Yards Market, I’ll have a couple of months with only one gig each before fall festivals and such heat up again. I have products to make, a BIG rug on the Anderson frame, a friendship rug to finish, and a whole slew of new ideas running through my brain after I turn off my light each night. And…I think it’s finally time to try some weaving. Starting with a triangular loom, but it’s a start.

So…actually working, playing, and experimenting more are on tap this summer, less so reading and passing on other folks’ work, play, and experiments, much as I like to do all that. Don’t take it personally, anyone. And thank goodness that Instagram only requires pressing that little ♥ button. We won’t even mention my late night Pinterest habit right now.

Change happens
Awhile back I mentioned how I really wanted to get back to writing short fiction. I spent years writing and even had some bits published. It was creative and incredibly challenging. But emotional family issues got in the way making it difficult to access the place in my head where

Succulent garden. After little epiphanies. Change happens.
Not about writing or even hooking. Just about freeing your time up to do the things you want to do, making a change. I was getting pretty testy; with everything going on, Tom and I hadn’t managed to plant anything this spring. We live in New Mexico; it all could’ve gone into the ground or pots over a month ago! Finally did some today like this mini-succulent garden. We managed it without the usual domestic squabbles that crop up when we do this kind of thing. Even after another very prickly cactus kept biting us.

stories came from. Hooking showed up too, gradually taking up more and more of my available time. Frankly, making rugs, visual art, is easier for me, and it’s been quite healing. Still, every few months I’d beat myself up and drag out the pen and paper. It’s part of who I am I’d tell myself. After countless false re-starts, though, sometimes we have to grasp that CHANGE REALLY HAPPENS, and I think I’ve finally gotten to a point in my life where I can admit that writing short stories is more about who I was. It’s a hard thing to admit, but it’s where I am NOW. And it’s rather freeing. Fiber art’s it for me right now. I’m happily looking into things to become better at and new techniques to try. Maybe I’ll even pick up my journal again now that I can ignore the guilt monster. Even better, it gives me more time to read. There are so many great books out there just waiting for me!

Like I said , ramblings… Nothing earth-shattering; in fact, most is stuff I already knew, but so often we need a good reminder about just those very everyday things in our lives. Three quiet days can give you that, can remind you of the life you really want to live.

Happy Memorial Day, all! Remember those who should be remembered. And enjoy this first summer weekend.


Dog with hooked rugs. No change for Tynan.
Tynan’s back with this week’s “What’s on the frame.” It’s three mug rugs destined for Sunday’s Rail Yards Market here in Albuquerque. After that, I’ll have a bit of a break and finally be able to clean up all the clutter-piles that have collected around the house these past two months. Tom’s been very patient, but don’t tell him I said that. Usually, I’m the clean one.



Start your engines: It’s the New Mexico Fiber Crawl!


Just stopping in for a brief update as I’m not feeling so well today. If you’re a local or coming to visit New Mexico (as you should, it’s a kick-ass place!) soon – as in this weekend – you simply must travel at least a bit on the 2nd annual New Mexico Fiber Crawl. It runs Friday through Sunday. Download your passport (and maps) and head for your vehicle. As I mentioned last week, Kathy Kelly and I will be vending and demonstrating at Casa San Ysidro in Coralles. We hope to see at least one or eight of you. Maybe margaritas afterwards???

So, say your big New Mexican adventure has you here the week AFTER the New Mexico Fiber Crawl. No worries! Come visit High on Hooking during our first Sunday at Albuquerque’s 2018 Rail Yard Market. There you’ll find…us!, yummy food, music, farm-fresh produce, and other artists selling their wares. What? Your dog is with you? No problem! Dogs are always welcome. Come get a doggie biscuit at the High on Hooking booth. Remember: Dogs love rugs!!!


hooked rug to be ready for New Mexico Fiber Crawl
“What’s on the frame?” is, unfortunately,Tynan-less this week. Sorry, but the slug was napping with Tom when I had to take the shot. “Zinnias” is all hooked. Getting ready to steam it so’s I can hem it in time for Friday’s New Mexico Fiber Crawl fun. Uh oh, I spy some holidays that must be filled!

Fiber arts eye-candy from the “Water” show


Admit it – you’ve been waiting to see some eye-candy ever since I mentioned the various shows I’ve had work in.

April and May are busy, busy months for Albuquerque’s fiber arts scene this year. We started with the “Earth, Wind, and Fiber” show put on by the Fiber Arts Council. Then a few of us participated in the “Recycled Arts Festival” and “Cinco de Mayo Folk Arts Fest.” If that’s not enough, the fiber arts show “Water” is running at the Open Space Visitors’ Center lobby on Coors Boulevard. It started April 28 and continues through June 3. Concurrently, “Remembering Water” is being shown in the main gallery. Works by two artists, Linda Rael and K.M. White, populate that show. Meanwhile, preparations are being made throughout the central and northern parts of the state for the second annual New Mexico Fiber Arts Crawl. Cathy Kelly and I will take part in that as demonstrators/vendors that weekend – May 18-20 – at Casa San Ysidro in nearby Corrales. Maybe you can stop by???

For now, though, enjoy the aforementioned eye-candy from the Water shows.

Poster for show with eye-candy.
Where you can find fiber arts eye-candy till June 3. Go now!
Fiber arts eye-candy.
“The Gorge/Water Cycle” by Judith Roderick. Hand-painted silk art quilt. The picture can never do this justice, but note how the bird is also part of the gorge.
Fiber arts eye-candy
Close up of “Blue Water of the North/Feng Shui Series” by Donna Loraine Contractor. Wool on cotton tapestry.
Fiber arts eye-candy.
Oops! How did my own piece slip in there? 🙂 “Memory of Water” is hooked with plastic bags on monks’ cloth.




























Fiber arts eye-candy.
“Leaves and X’s in the Ice” by Nancy Wohlenberg was made using a discontinuous tapestry technique; four selvedge technique. Love this!
Fiber arts eye-candy.
Heidi Anderson felted alpaca and merino wool to create: “”Water is Life Seed Pot” on the right and “Olla” on the left. so cute!
Fiber arts eye-candy.
Part of “Germinating” by Linda Rael. Dyed fabric, stitching.



Fiber ars eye-candy.
A close-up of Linda Rael’s “Water is Life.” Dyed, painted, stitched, and found objects.














Fiber arts eye-candy.
“River Runners” by K.M. White. Collage, mixed media. Beautiful colors! Soothing.

Fiber arts eye-candy.
“The Day Begins” by Linda Rael. Hand-dyed and recycled fabrics, found objects. This crane really “stood out.”



Fiber arts eye-candy.
“Mayordomo” by Linda Rael. Mixed media. “Mayordomo” is the guardian of the acequias or the water ditch master.













Fiber arts eye-candy.
A close-up of “Rain Dance” by Linda Rael. Stitched, beaded doll.
Fiber arts eye-candy.
“Mountain Snow,” a handmade felted coat created by Vicki Anne Evans. Lovely, but I put that on, ketchup will drop from the sky right onto my boob.


Fiber arts eye-candy.
“Novena for Rain” by Catherine Kelly (and my friend and Adobe Wool Arts guild mate. Multi/fractured piece of traditional rug hooking, felted wool, yarn, and beads.













Fiber arts eye-candy.
And lastly, though not the best shot, Cathy and myself in front of her piece. Perhaps we’re really the fiber arts eye-candy… Regardless, I still think that they should’ve had wine at the opening reception. Your thoughts concerning beverages at art receptions: wine versus ice water with stupid lemon slices. Let me know in the comments.

Cinco de Mayo, margaritas, and rugs, oh my!

Cinco de Mayo Folk Art Fest poster


You know, when I lived in New England, we never combined Cinco de Mayo and rug hooking. Rarely even margaritas and rug hooking. We ain’t living in Kansas Massachusetts any more, señor! Saturday, Cathy Kelly and I will be under our joint tent selling rugs  (and doing demos, of course) at the 11th annual Cinco de Mayo Folk Art Fest here in Albuquerque. If you’re local, stop by. It’s happening right at La Parada and Farm & Table. There’ll be music pretty much all day, and Farm & Table will be offering food and beverages on their patio. That would be where the margaritas come in. And if I don’t manage to get one there, Tom will have one or three waiting for me when I get home. Woohoo! (And, trust me, he doesn’t skimp on the tequila. His margaritas are yet another reason that I had to marry this man.)


hooked rug to be offered for sale at Cinco de Mayo Folk Art Fest
While technically it’s not on the frame, this week’s “What’s on the frame” offering shows that __________ (no name decided on yet, hooked with recycled bedsheets) is almost done. Just have to sit down to hem it. That WILL happen much sooner than later as it must be ready for sale at Saturday’s Cinco de Mayo Folk Art Fest. Hope to see you there! The weather’s supposed to be warm and sunny.