The Santa Fe Fall Fiber Fiesta put on by the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center was a BIG SUCCESS. I can’t be happier or more grateful for the chance to sell my rugs there and to hang with other talented fiber chicks for a weekend. Okay, and to buy a few things from them. Hey, Christmas is right around the corner now. You can even hear Santa’s sleigh bells just under the gobbles of the turkey.
Which brings me to my holiday wish for you:
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Let’s remember to be grateful for the food and other things we have right now and to share them with those less fortunate. We’re all in this thing we call life together.
Tynan poses for his Thanksgiving pic with Tom the Turkey and the pumpkin rug which is STILL looking for a forever home. HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING! We’ll talk more next week.
Working, working, working my little fingers to the bone…
“Ikea Christmas” is a new rug that will be available at the Fall Fiber Fiesta in Santa Fe this weekend. Hooked out of all kinds of alternative fibers, she’s 9″x9″ and can be hung (there’s a ring sewn on her back) or take a space on a little table.
On our way up the trail near Taos Ski Area. It was another beautiful day in New Mexico. Can you make out Tynan searching for yet another gecko…
I’m back! It’s only been a couple of weeks, but I feel kind of better even if I didn’t make it back to friends and family in New England. (For that story, see this post.) Anyway, Tom and I and the dog did manage to take a couple of day trips. The first was up to north of Taos near the ski area. We hiked for a couple of hours then picked up lunch in the very cool, little village of Arroyo Seco. Tom counted every one of the 19 stream crossings that we did in that two hours. But both of us had dry feet – quite the balancing act! – at the end. Tynan, he just forded through them all. Why should he care if he gets wet? Or muddy? Or what happens to the car when he gets back in?
Last week the three of us headed to Los Alamos via the Jemez Mountains. We’d never taken that drive in the fall. Gorgeous! Thus far one of my favorite parts of New Mexico. We didn’t hike this time; we wanted to get home before Albuquerque’s rush hour traffic. But we managed lunch in Los Alamos. It was a good day.
On Route 4 in New Mexico’s Jemez Pueblo. How often do you see something like that?This is Battleship Rock. You can see why.This and the rock pic are for Canadian rug hooker Karen Miller who always has the best close-ups of nature..Even boulders are wicked cool in New Mexico!
This is Valle Caldera, a super volcano that erupted over a million years ago. It’s 12-13 miles in diameter! We looked for elk, but didn’t see any critters at all. Bummer.
On the road out of Los Alamos to take us to Route 84 to take us to Santa Fe to take us to Route 25 to take us back south to Albuquerque. Look at that BIG SKY, people!
Meanwhile I’m busily trying to finish up small and mug-type rugs to sell at the High Desert Studio Tour (scroll down through the page to the part about the tour) this coming Saturday. If you recall, my friend Dagmar of ZiaWoolz invited me again this year to sell at her house/studio. She’s #3 on the map. If you’re in the area, come hang out with us for a bit. I’ll have chocolate!
Check out the Zia rug in the far left center. Guess who made that?
What I don’t sell at Dag’s I hope to unload sell at Santa Fe’s Fall Fiber Fiesta at the Scottish Rite Temple come November 17-19. The 17th is an artists’ reception in the evening, 5:00-8:00, costs $10. Saturday and Sunday hours are 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, no charge. Unless you buy something, of course. 🙂 Hope you stop by there too to pick up some gifts for the quickly approaching holidays. Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just over two weeks away!
Lastly, Tynan did not forget to bring you this week’s “What’s on the frame” feature. Of course, he received his commission. God forbid I forget that. Talk to you next week!
“What’s on the frame” this week and Tynan. These mug rugs will be done by Saturday. Come visit Dagmar and me and see them at the High Desert Studio Tour in Albuquerque!
Tynan will tell you, life does go on. There’s always a new rug on the frame, and there are always biscuits to eat.
Last week’s post was about the consolation of making art for art’s sake; this week it’s about having to move on. Unfortunately, fires are still burning in California, and it appears that as many as 85% of Puerto Ricans still don’t have power. My problems are NOTHING compared to those, though I’d never belittle anyone, including myself, who’s concerned about their kid. Still, we make our way through new situations. She’s still keeping her room and bathroom pretty clean, and she’s definitely working hard to avoid arguments that don’t have to be had. I call that maturing, and, damn, I still have a hard time with it!
You know you’re luck’s improving when you head off to Walmart and come across the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile!
In the meantime, Tom and I are dealing with the changes too. We’ve been to Home Depot and identified the shelving we’ll he’ll build for me in the laundry room. It should go a long way towards getting the clutter up off the closet floor. And, frankly, we’re coping with maybe the most acute disappointment of our new/old living arrangement. Today we and the dog were supposed to head back east on our first visit with family and friends since we moved here. We’re still sad, but, after two weeks, are coming to terms with it. Again, you have to move on even when life hands you those lemons.
So, tomorrow we’re off on a different adventure, a day-trip that Tom’s never been on. Almost a year ago to the date, Tynan and I headed up north on our own. Tom couldn’t come for whatever reason, and I wanted to get up that way before the snow started to fly. We drove north of Taos to check out the ski area – nothing to see but lots of construction it turned out. On the way back to town, we did some hiking then explored this nifty, itty bitty village called Arroyo Seco. There are some shops, including one with perfect pottery and, of course, Weaving Southwest, which has fabulous rug yarns. There’s a great little restaurant/ice cream parlor too.
My new hiking toy with Tynan’s bowl (turquoise for New Mexico). Tom’s fanny pack is black.
Tom’s not been north of the town of Taos, so we’ll be heading up that way. Today we even picked up nice, new, fanny-type day packs at REIbecause I’m tired of being the one to carry everything in the pack including the water bottles. At Albuquerque’s new Cabela’s (which – for all you New England peeps living near the Patriots’Gillette Stadium is NOT NEARLY as cool as the Bass Pro Shop with its giant fish tanks and honest-to-God, full-fledged pub) Tynan got a new, collapsible water/food bowl. I’ll happily carry that for him.
Yesterday was my last day vending at the Rail Yards this year. While I sold a good piece, this year’s not been that profitable there for me. It’s great for exposure and spreading the gospel of rug hooking, but I think that next year, I’ll cut back to once a month there and look for another venue. More on that in the coming months.
Last day at the Rail Yards Market in Albuquerque yesterday.
BIGGEST NEWS I’ve received lately came yesterday when I checked my email as I sat at the Rail Yards. Albuquerque’s Fiber Arts Council puts on an exhibit every other year (one that’s smaller than the Fiber Arts Fiesta held on the opposite year, no vendors). The marketing committee informed me that they’ve chosen a photo of my entry in the show back in April, 2016, to appear on the marketing materials for the 2018 show on April 7 and 8. Woohoo! I’m very honored and can’t wait to see the flyers and such. You know I’ll be sharing that when I get it. 🙂
Living on the west side of Albuquerque near the Rio Grande gives us plenty of balloon photo-ops most of the year.
In the meantime, we go on. As in New England, fall is the most beautiful time here in New Mexico. Nights have cooled off, but days still run anywhere in the 60s and 70s. Our very BIG SKY is bright blue; you might have seen it on the news last week, NBC covered Albuquerque’s famous International Balloon Fiesta last week, and USA Today has a bunch of pics up and just called it “the world’s most photographed event.” Tom and I didn’t attend this year, but the beauty of balloons is that they’re pretty visible from all over once they get up there. Consider making a visit sometime; hundreds of balloons in the sky at once is a spectacular sight.
Just so’s you know, I’ll be taking a little “stay-cation” from the blog, a week or two at most, while Tom and I find a few more little adventures to share this month. When you live in a beautiful place, you have to take advantage of it. I’m sure I’ll have some photos to share when I return.
What are you doing these days to keep your spirits up and to appreciate great autumnal weather? If you’re going to New England, send some lobsters out here!
High in Hooking all set up and raring to go at the OFFCenter Folk Art Festival Sunday.
Today was a bad day. For the victims in Las Vegas, for their families, and for all of the United States. How to write a blog about rug hooking or art or anything that seems frivolous in comparison? I decided not to bother. Instead I decided that I should concentrate on “community.”
This dude led the Giant Puppet Parade. So cool!
Yesterday I was a vendor at the OFFCenter Folk Art Festival here in Albuquerque. Frankly, as far as selling goes, the day sucked. I didn’t even sell a mug rug set. The folks around me didn’t do too well either. In my case, I’d been afraid that my price point was too high for the event. Was I right? I’m not completely sure, but I suspect that had a lot to do with it. Was I disappointed even though I knew I might have a problem? Of course, but, you know, packing up, I told myself and Tom that it could’ve been worse.
Yesterday was a gorgeous day here. There was bright sun, and it was about 75 degrees tops. Sure, Albuquerque typically enjoys about 310 days of sun annually, but last week wasn’t at all typical. It rained for a number of days in a row. I needed waterproof shoes to set up in the grass, but I was able to change into canvas sneakers right after that. My point: it was much better to be out and about with others than to be sitting in the house listening to the Patriots lose.
The OFFCenter Folk Art Festivval is most definitely a family affair. Everyone and anyone can get in on the action.
They have a studio and shop across from Robinson Park where yesterday’s festival was held. It’s not just an event whereby selling artists pay a fee that raises monies to support the project. There are grants and donors and volunteers to do that. No, this festival is a CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS AND THE PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY WHO LIKE TO MAKE ART. And I’m not only talking about the artists like me who were selling. It’s very family-friendly. There were tents and tables set up for kids and adults alike to make art. They didn’t have to buy it from me or the toy-maker or the illustrator or the painter. And while they drew and
One of the giant puppets in the parade.
crocheted and linked beads, there was music to dance to. There were giant puppets! See their pics!
The Project serves anyone and everyone in Albuquerque who chooses to go there.They, you, I, we all can make art for free. This is part of the Center’s vision statement:
My aunt was an art therapist so I know the value that creative pursuits offer to those with mental illnesses let alone to those of us who are “normal.” I’m not lying when I talk to people in my booth who say, “That obviously takes so much time and patience.” My response: “It’s my therapy.” In fact, that’s what many of my guild-mates say when we’re out demonstrating around town. We’re not lying. You know. There’s something calming about working with your hands; the repetitive movement is soothing. It doesn’t have to be hooking. All artists feel it. The Zen-like concentration keeps us in the moment, relieves us from ruminating constantly on all our problems. And we all have problems.
It’s about creating a community where we all feel safe enough to risk, to join in.How can you not love the vibrant art scene in Albuquerque? Especially with all the community involvement.
Today the entire country is living not just a problem, but a nightmare. Worse, we keep re-living the nightmare. I don’t know what the answer is, but somehow communities have to come together – if only for consolation. Yesterday I saw a community that was clearly providing all kinds of mutual support. It was beautiful. And it’s a start.
Young girl creating a yarn chain of some kind.
From the OFFCenter Arts Project:
Annually, we serve ~3,600 predominantly low-income artists of all ages, from child to elder. They’re often living with disabilities or other hardships, recovering through the arts, building community and hope inside and outside our studio walls.