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Category: not-so-traditional hooking


Experimenting. I’ve got plenty to do this week, still I find myself trying something new. Last

Rug hooking with old sheets. MY new Anderson frame came in handy as the backing is so stiff.
Rug hooking with old sheets. My new Anderson frame came in handy as the backing is so stiff.

Thursday, I started a new rug. One on latch hook backing. Made out of old sheets. This re-cycling – or the more virtuous sounding “up-cycling” – thing has really grabbed me. I’m hoping it’ll grab buyers too when I start selling at the Rail Yard Market in June. Rag rugs are in vogue these days, you know.

Experimenting with old bed sheets. The loops pull smoothly and give a "fluffy" look.
Experimenting with old bed sheets. The loops pull smoothly and give a “fluffy” look.




I’ve included a couple of pics to show how it’s going. The design is simple, paisley-like, as I needed to see how the sheets would hook up before I went crazy. The strips are about a half-inch wide. No need for real precision here. Savers (a used goods store that I frequent) provided the sheets. I’m hoping to find brighter colors next time, though these are fairly desert-esque. That’s fitting for here in Albuquerque.

The desert colors will work nicely in a bedroom or bath.
The desert colors will work nicely in a bedroom or bath.





I’ve sleeved and handed over “Ribbons Over Albuquerque” to the “Colors of the Southwest” fiber arts exhibit. It runs this weekend at the Garden Center (in itself a very cool place to visit) here in town. I’m looking forward to the show’s opening Friday evening along with the artists’ reception. Saturday, I’ve been tasked with demonstrating. That means that I need to get on the stick and finish prepping my next piece. (I figured I’d show them rug hooking in its more traditional form, so I’m leaving the sheets at home. And using t-shirts. 😉  ) Because I sew my binding on before I hook, there’s a needle and some thread in my immediate future.

Before I head back to that mat, though, I need a favor. Yesterday I created a Facebook page for my Adobe Wool Arts guild here in Albuquerque. It’ll let us share what’s going on in the guild as well as communicate with all the hookers out there in cyberspace. If you’d be so kind as to give us a looksie at https://www.facebook.com/AdobeWoolArts/, we’d be ever so grateful. Feel free to comment, share, educate, whatever. And then LIKE us. We love meeting new friends.

How much experimenting do you do when you hook?

The official rug of the Adobe Wool Arts guild here in Albuquerque. Wish I'd gotten here in time to help hook it.
The official rug of the Adobe Wool Arts guild here in Albuquerque. Our Facebook page only shows a tiny part of it. Wish I’d gotten here in time to help hook it.


It’s Easter week and there are all sorts of preparations to make. Okay, we”ve had time for a little New Mexican exploration too.

Monday, Tom and the dog and I headed over to a part of Petroglyph National Monument

The view from Petroglyph National Monument looking south down the RIo Grande river valley.
The view from Petroglyph National Monument looking south down the Rio Grande river valley.

that we’d never visited. For those not familiar with the park, it “protects one of the largest petroglyph sites in North America, featuring designs and symbols carved onto volcanic rocks by Native Americans and Spanish settlers 400 to 700 years ago. These images are a valuable record of cultural expression and hold profound spiritual significance for contemporary Native Americans and for the descendants of the early Spanish settlers.”

We observed very cool rocks and their lichens. (This is for you Karen Miller of Karen Miller Designs.)
We observed very cool rocks and their lichens. (This is for you Karen Miller of Karen D. Miller Studio.)

The national monument – which stretches about 17 miles along  Albuquerque’s west side, right near our house! – also includes several volcanic cinder cones. We hiked up one of them and were treated to fabulous views of the Rio Grande river valley.



As I mentioned last week, I was juried into a big farmers’ market here, the Rail Yards Market, which starts in early June. I’ll be vending about every other Sunday morning through September. That means I need to get on the stick and make several small mats. They tend to sell better. While there are a fair number of hookers in these parts, the general population is far more used weaving as the prominent fiber art. Here’s hoping they embrace my slightly less than traditional offerings. All I can do is try.

A new 8"x8" mat almost completed. Just needs to be pressed and finished off. Woo hoo!
A new 8″x8″ mat almost completed. Just needs to be pressed and finished off. Woo hoo!


The Colors of the Southwest show is next week! While I finished hooking “Ribbons Over Albuquerque,” it needs to be sleeved. It’s due in by Tuesday or Wednesday. Guess I better get on that too.

And lest we forget, it’s Easter week! When I joined a church out here, I volunteered to be on the Art and Environment committee. Turns out not to be as sexy as it sounds. It means that I help to take down various decorations during holidays and put up liturgically appropriate ones. At Christmas time, I did a lot of ironing for them too. We’ll see what’s in store for me Friday and Saturday. I’m hoping not to break any glass candle holders this time.


Some kind of tiny, yellow flowers on top of the cinder cone at Petroglyph. They were well protected from the crazy winds we've been having.
Some kind of tiny, yellow flowers on top of the cinder cone at Petroglyph. They were well protected from the crazy winds we’ve been having.

To those who celebrate, I wish a Joyous Easter.  Enjoy your own preparations. To everyone in the northern hemisphere, I bid you a happy spring. Albuquerque is full of flowering trees and shrubs. And pollen. Don’t forget the antihistamines!

Lilacs before Mothers' Day. Who knew that was possible?
Lilacs before Mothers’ Day. Who knew that was possible?




Hook with wool strips – me?!!?

Hooking with wool strips. (Yes, the outline is rug yarn.)
Hooking with wool strips. (Yes, the outline is rug yarn.)

To continue on from the “discomforts” of two weeks ago, “Working a little beyond my comfort level,” I’ve decided to hook with wool strips. Admit it; your first thought is: “How in God’s name can that be at all difficult?” Well, here’s the thing, I can’t remember the last time I made a rug or mat out of wool strips. At least primarily out of wool strips; I often mix them in with the yarn and t-shirt strips, and ribbons and other fibers I tend to favor.

It doesn’t sound like a problem, but it does require that I change my technique some. First of all, punching made me a “packer.” I like a heavy, dense mat. It’s particularly helpful when I use t-shirt. No one wants a flabby rug for the floor or the table or the wall. Now, too, I have to pay attention to my loops. Do they stand up for themselves? Are they too crowded? Worse, tomorrow I have my monthly guild meeting. Everyone uses wool strips. I can’t help but compare mine to theirs. Mary and Linda are so meticulous with their loops; their rugs look… professional. Mine? Not so much.

This brings up another “discomfort.” Strip width. Linda generously offered to lend me her extra Bliss cutter a few months ago. Currently, I don’t own one, never have. I’ve cut by hand all these years. Because I initially used mostly yarn and then other fibers, this was no big deal. You can’t cut t-shirt with a cutter. But, hey, I like to branch out as much as the next gal. So, I’ve been cutting wool strips; they’re all (mostly) of equal width for this little rug – 6s.

My "poppies" made back in, maybe, 2011. Other than some black rug yarn and some silk and cotton (the pink and orange running through the petals), it's hooked in all wool strips.
My “poppies,” made back in, maybe, 2011. Other than some black rug yarn and some silk and cotton (the pink and orange running through the petals), it’s hooked in all wool strips.

Sounds good, but now I’m feeling more pressure when I look at Mary’s and Linda’s rugs. Such uniformity with all those same-size strips. And they have technique to match them. (And design and color sense.) Yeah, I don’t. In fact, you could say my uniformity is wholly in my non-uniformity. I could hide that some in the past when I cut my strips with scissors. Besides a sore hand, I’d have variable strips that lent an air of…eccentricity. Like your crazy, old great aunt, the one you love to death but can’t exactly say why beyond how she always wears bright colors like scarlet and teal and magenta.

There’s no hiding with the Bliss-cut wool strips. But it’s a challenge, and, like I said, I need to stretch a little. Besides, it’s only a little mat, about 8″x8″. I can handle that. And if I’m having problems, I have Linda and Mary and Mary and Nancy and all the others to help me out. That’s one of the benefits of belonging to a guild, a class, or even a couple sitting together on the porch hooking, chatting, and eating. (Someone commented on Facebook recently how much we hookers love to eat.) We’re there for one another.

There are many more tiny mats in my immediate future. Last week I received word that I’d been juried into Albuquerque’s Rail Yard Market. Not sure if we’ll sell much and how many Sundays I’m scheduled for, but there’s a lot of traffic, and it’s just a fun place to be. More about this later.

What hangs you up in rug hooking? Hooking perfect lines of perfect wool strips like me? Packing too tightly (note that I do not consider this a hang-up). Loop height? (By the way, I favor TALL loops.) Burlap versus linen versus monks’ cloth? Or do you subscribe to the thought that it’s all about personal style, to hell with the other artists?

Spring is blooming all over. Enjoy it. Get outside! This is an ornamental rosemary growing just over tour wall. Yes, we have used it to cook. It's pretty pungent, though.
Spring is blooming all over. Enjoy it and get thee outside! Here in New Mexico the high desert is crazy-flowery. This is an ornamental rosemary growing just over our wall. Yes, we have used it to cook. It’s pretty pungent, though. A little goes a long way.

Guild work: Demonstrating hooking to the uninitiated

Welcome and come on in for a fabulous rug hooking demonstration!
Welcome and come on in for a fabulous rug hooking demonstration at the BioPark!

I finally remembered to 1) bring my phone to a guild event and 2) take some pics to share. I’m patting myself on the back as it’s taken me four tries to do this. (It must be menopause; there have been far too many ditzy doings lately.)

As I’ve mentioned before, the first Tuesday of the month brings guild members to Albuquerque’s BioPark, the Botanic Garden, specifically, to recruit new individuals to our cult to the craft/art (a distinction for another time) of rug hooking. This was my second time participating. Not that it was without surprises.

Fall at the the Farmhouse at Albuquerque's BioPark - Botanical Gardens.
Fall at the the Farmhouse at Albuquerque’s BioPark – Botanic Gardens.

Because I needed to pick up an official demonstrator badge from the office of education (who’d done a background check on all my previous lives), I arrived a few minutes early. Checking the guild’s folder, I ascertained that I was the first to arrive. I thought I’d be a good doobie and grab the attendance/feedback form and signage indicating to the public that TODAY YOU HAVE THE WONDERFUL CHANCE TO LEARN ALL ABOUT RUG HOOKING!. No problem there. Being all official-like, I headed back to the car to drive down the EMPLOYEE ONLY road to the reproduction farmhouse where they’ve parked us. Yes, I am that important now.

Info on the "olden days" in New Mexico.
Info on the “olden days” in New Mexico, the 1920s and 30s.

Again, no issues. No one stopped me or even gave me the opportunity to flash my badge. Secretly I was a little letdown by that. Anyway, no one was in the house when I got there. I found an actual worker with a key to open the back room then retrieved chairs and the hooking paraphernalia we keep there. You know, copies of Rug Hooking Magazine,  a hoop with some backing for people brave enough to try their hand at hooking, some wool, and a cutter. Oh, and another sign to post on the porch just in case folks missed the first one when they arrived at the park.

Linda (right) and Nancy, fellow Adobe Wool Arts guild members.
Linda (right) and Nancy, fellow Adobe Wool Arts guild members.

I sat down and waited for the others to show. I hooked some. I said hello to a few brave souls who really were just looking for the restroom. Had a discussion with a woman who thought hooking might be a perfect way to relieve some of the repetitive motion problems she’s having crocheting all the time. We would’ve chatted longer, but her daughter got antsy. I might add that her toddler granddaughter was perfectly fine. Maybe the daughter needs to learn a craft, if only to slow down and appreciate a lovely fall day at the park. But I digress. Anyway, they toddled off leaving me alone once more, fearful that the busload of kids I saw on my way in might descend on me en masse. I imagined fingers in cutters and pre-teen sneakers on the table runner I was just finishing up. And then…

Two of Nancy's mats. She's doing one for each season.
Two of Nancy’s mats. She’s doing one for each season.


The cavalry arrived. Okay, maybe not the cavalry, but Nancy and Linda, two fellow guild members. Hurray! I wouldn’t have to spend the four hours talking to myself or hiding from adolescent hoards. (Yeah, no field trip groups ever showed.) Linda actually showed up with a wannabe, a woman who’d seen our demo in the BioPark’s calendar. Very cool. She hung with us most of the day, asked a lot of questions, tried out my hook, read the magazines, and is thinking seriously about buying a kit to give it all a try. Clearly, our work in the BioPark was done. For this month.

Tell us about your experiences demonstrating hooking. Maybe it was at a special event or during an arts/craft fair where you were vending. How many stories have you heard from folks reminiscing about grandparents or mothers who hooked? Do you let them try their hand at it? How about the people who “remember” doing the same thing as a kid when they were really latch-hooking? My personal favorite was the woman who told me she used to hook, yet clearly had no knowledge of it. She went on to suggest that I elasticize a round rug and call it a toilet seat cover. Thanks lady! Got a tale like that? Tell us in the comments below..

One of Nancy's traditional hooked rugs and my not-so-traditional table runner. We try to show people that there are no rules in this art; no limits, other than the ones we impose on ourselves.
One of Nancy’s traditional, wool hooked rugs and my not-so-traditional table runner made of t-shirts and crepey fabrics. We try to show people that there are no rules in this art; no limits other than the ones we impose on ourselves.