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Meet the Thimbleweeds

Thimbleweeds Quilt show
The Thimbleweed Quilters of Rio Rancho, New Mexico, welcomed the world to their 2017 Great Outdoor Quilt Show on Sunday, April 23.


I still can’t believe that I got Tom to go to the Thimbleweeds quilt show on Sunday. But it was a beautiful day: blue sky, a breeze, not too warm. And we needed to get out. But what finally got him was “And we can take the dog.” Tynan’s always up for a field trip.



Love the colors!

We headed up to Rio Rancho where the Thimbleweed Quilters are based (about 20 minutes from the house). The Great Outdoor Quilt Show is held annually, but that doesn’t mean that it runs annually. If there’s one thing I’ve learned living here in New Mexico, it’s that spring can be a bit tricky. And almost always windy; windy enough to take down a quilt show. But not this year. So off we went.

Enjoy the pics. Sadly, there was no way for me to record the artists.


Thimbleweeds quilt show
This quilt was extraordinary with all the tactile “stuff” going on. It was also difficult to get a good shot given the breeze.







Thimbleweeds quilt show
So, just who’s sleeping under this quilt?














Thimbleweeds quilt show
It was a quilt-copia!
Thimbleweeds quilt show
Hm, maybe someone would be willing to trade a quilt for a rug…


I would definitely NOT kick this baby off my bed!
Thimbleweeds quilt show
Looks suspiciously like another New England transplant to me.
I tell myself that I’d like to learn to quilt, but it looks like SO MUCH WORK! Rug hooking is much more “Zen” to me.


In the end, Tom agreed that checking out the Thimbleweeds’ quilts on a sunny, spring afternoon was a pleasant way to pass some time. And Tynan was a rock star! Lots of complements. Who says 9-year old dogs can’t be “cute”?

Now if the weather can just make it a repeat performance this coming weekend when High on Hooking’s 2017 selling season starts up again, this time at the ABQ Recycled Art Fair. If you’re in the area, please stop by and say hi. Mention this blog post and I’ll give you a 10% discount. See you there!

Poser for ABQ Recycled Art Fair












Inspiration: Springing back to life


Flowers springing back to life in New Mexico.
“Welcome, spring!” exclaim the purple lilac and rosemary flowers in the common area behind our house.


After a rough weekend (involving the dreaded norovirus), I managed to get out to take a few pics of New Mexico springing back to life, at least around our house. Maybe it’ll give hope to those back east who’ve been smacked by those last nasty vestiges of winter. And truth be told, much like last year, spring has come early to Albuquerque by about three weeks. We’ve been spoiled since we moved here.


I love lilacs – their colors, their perfume – and was so excited to find that we had a bush in our yard here.



I laugh that I can take these photos of spring in March which, to someone from New England, seems too freaking early for flowers of any kind. That we’ve been in New Mexico for almost two years matters not at all. Sure, Deb down in the Carolinas, of A Daily Dose of Fiber, you showing daffodils in practically January I get, but it’s still amazing to me to have lilacs before Mothers’ Day.



Pear tree bloom
The pear trees have been blooming for a week and a half at least! What a shame that I recently read that they’re bad for the environment. Apparently, they cross-pollinate with other ornamental pears and create a super invasive wild species. Poo!






So, you’ve got all these beautiful trees blooming like crazy. You know what blooming trees bring? Pollen! Lots of poisonous powder. And pollen brings…sinus infections. I still maintain that, much as I hate what the pollen does to my sinuses, it’s a hell of an improvement over unending cold and snow.



Flowering tree springin back to life in NM.
Spectacular, yes? As I’m not up on a lot of desert botany yet, one of my ABQ peeps will have to tell me if this is a plum or red bud. (I suspect the latter.)








Hope you enjoyed the floral show. If you were here, you’d smell them whenever you walked out the door. Then rush back in for the saline and Flonase and such.


Allergies forcing me indoors isn’t such a bad thing. I have plenty of hooking to do. Fiesta work is ramping up. The class I’m teaching at the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center starts in less than two weeks. Time to work on that. Then the selling season starts with the Recycled Art Fair the last weekend in April. And in my “spare time” there’s the novel I’ve been hired to edit. So, in most every way, we are springing back to life here at High on Hooking.

Are you springing back to life these days?

Hooked rugs, mug rugs.
Finally, a peek at what’s on the frame these days. Mug rugs! (Sorry for those looking for the dog. Tynan was unavailable at publishing time to have his photo taken with the rugs. He will be back next week.)





Many thanks, Old Pueblo Rug Hookers!

Old Pueblo Rug Hookers hooked rug
Thank you, Old Pueblo Rug Hookers, for a marvelous hook-in! Can’t wait to go again next year. Better yet, I get in free in 2018. Read on to find out why.
Sparky’s mango and red chile (from Hatch, of course) milkshake.

Just like I wrote last week, four of us from the Adobe Wool Arts Guild (AWAG) did indeed pile into a Subaru Outback early Friday morning. And we were off on our annual (okay, my second and Melinda’s first) Tucson adventure, albeit with colds and coughs and arthritis flare-ups. Between the coffee/tea break, lunch at Sparky’s in Hatch (yes, home of the Hatch chiles) and a couple of gas and pee stops, we finally pulled into the Best Western around 5:00 p.m. that evening achy and tired of sitting.

You know you’ve got excellent lodging when the desk clerk tells you about the free, yes, free, happy hour. Sure, we’d brought quality alcoholic provisions, but why open them when someone’s willing to give you something just as…as efficient for free? We hung there the next evening too. Lest you think we drank our way through the evenings, we actually hit up Guiseppe’s, an Italian place across the street from the Best Western Friday night. I had the best mussels! (And not just because they were the first ones I’ve found since I moved out this way a year and a half ago.) Saturday night we headed to a traditional AWAG stop, the deli, Shlomo and Vito’s. Just like being in New York If you don’t happen to notice the ubiquitous saguaro cacti in the area.


Cathy Kelly’s colorific wools.

Sun and 31°F greeted us Saturday morning when we headed off to La Paloma Country Club. The Old Pueblo Rug Hookers (OPRH) throw a swanky affair. Good food (even for those of us handicapped by a gluten- free diet), door prizes, vendors, views of the golf course, and a silent auction. Melinda, Cathy, Mary, and I joined up with Nancy and Mary S. and parked ourselves at a table with a view. Cathy and I set up to vend. Me, some mug rug sets and Cathy, a butt-load of hand-dyed wool. Display rugs were in another room.

A close-up of Adele Yorke’s display rug.




Despite the posh surroundings, it was a hook-in just like the others I attended in churches back in New England. Lots of chatter, food, wool, and rugs, lots of rugs. I was asked to speak for a few moments on hooking with t-shirts. Better than that, I won a surprise door prize:  free registration for next year’s hook-in. Woohoo! And I managed to snag an old rug in the silent auction. Anyone know anything about this mat?

Hooked rug at Old Pueblo Rug Hooker Hook-In
A rather elderly hooked rug I acquired in the silent auction. Anyone know the artist? About the mat?
Rug hooking women.
Adobe Wool Arts Guild members from left to right, Melinda, Mary S., and Mary.
Hooked rug by Rita Vail, one of the Old Puebo Rug Hookers
Check out the “quilling” in Rita Vail’s saguaro cactus rug. Rita’s one of the Old Pueblo Rug Hookers.
Hooked rug by Beth Carlson.
A most beautiful rug by Beth Carlson.

Now that I’m back, it’s time to get down to business. I have to finish my Tynan rug for March 1 so that I can enter it into Albuquerque’s Fiber Fiesta. I did decide to not kill myself to get the traditional rug done for then too; too much hooking and too much going on in my life. Plus, I need to start making product for the summer and any shows I’m doing. The jury’s still out on the Rail Yards Market. I’ve got a class to prep for April

Hooked rugs
Rugs at the Old Pueblo Rug Hookers Hook-In in Tucson Saturday.


at the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center. You all know the drill:  Life relentlessly marches on. But for one weekend, at least, I escaped thanks to the Old Pueblo Rug Hookers.




Hook-in news? How was Eliot? Others?





Lastly, below is the weekly report from Tynan the Dog on the current rug. We didn’t get as much done this week as we’d like, but so much was going on. And who hooks that much at a hook-in what with all that chitchat and other activities?

Hooked rug and dog.
Tynan’s weekly update on the traditional rug (hooked in t-shirt). Photo taken January 30.




Thank you to ZiaWoolz!

Aren't these fingerless gloves yummy? Dag made them, and I had to have a pair. Actually, she spun and dyed the wool and then knitted them. My only problem was which color to buy!
Aren’t these fingerless gloves yummy? Dag made them, and I had to have a pair. Actually, she spun and dyed the wool, then knitted them with the resulting yarn. My only problem was which color to buy! If you’re a knitter, check out ZiaWoolz now!


I need to say a big thank you to Dagmar Beinenz-Byrd of ZiaWoolz and her family. They hosted me at Dag’s home studio for the High Desert Studio Tour this past weekend. I managed to sell at least half of my mug rug sets and a wall hanging.


After voting Tuesday, I’ll stop at Savers (with Tom, of course, who ensures that I get the 30% senior citizen discount!) to find an appropriate mug for the sister of the girl receiving my “Sparkly Snowman” rug and matching mug. “Grandma” purchased it Saturday and can’t show any favors, you know. That has to be done in time to shop for Christmas. Best to do it now…

The "Sparkly Snowman" has left the building. He was made with wool strips and yarns as well as sparkly netting. (Tom's threatened me about using that sparkly stuff again, It got all over the house.)
The “Sparkly Snowman” has left the building. He was made with wool strips and yarns as well as sparkly netting. (Tom’s threatened me about using that sparkly stuff again; it got all over the house.)

Because I’ve only got a few left, I’ll be making more mug rug sets the rest of November, at least. A setback, I learned I was wait-listed for the Rail Yards Holiday Market on December 11. After everyone heard there were 10,000 patrons last year, local artists understandably came out of the virtual woodwork. I’m a little down that I can’t count on vending at the market, but I’ll be able to use any inventory I make this month for next year and the Etsy shop that I’m planning to finally get to this winter. The only positive is that I might not have to stand in the cold for four hours much as I’d like to vend. The Rail Yards isn’t heated. Hell, there are scads of windows missing too which is part of the charm in warm weather. But I’ll definitely be there to shop all the other great artists!

The wide, wonderful world of Navajo rugs!
The wide, wonderful world of Navajo rugs!

For those who remember my post last November on the Maxwell Museum Navajo Rug Auction, if you’re in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area on November 19, all are invited to this year’s auction. It’s at the Prairie Star Restaurant in Bernalillo. Preview starts at 11:00 a.m. and the auction itself at 1:00.  I’ve included a couple of pics from last year.

Have you been to any interesting fiber arts events lately?

Thanks again, Dag and Wyatt!

Without doubt, the most spectacular rug we saw. It would've looked perfect under my dining room table. Unfortunately for us, the starting bid was $7500. No one bid on it, but all rugs not auctioned off were available for purchase after the auction at the starting bid prices. Maybe someone picked it up then.
Without doubt, the most spectacular rug we saw last year. I hope that someone’s enjoying it. I would!