If you’re a rug hooker on Instagram, you’ve seen the crazy increase in punch needle rug hooking posts. Like me, you probably marveled that, hey, some are calling the back the front and the front the back! Which is just fine as long as they’re having fun – the real point of this whole art/craft.
If you get Rug Hooking Magazine, you’ve seen that there are now regular articles on the punch needle universe and its concomitant projects. You’re no longer a second class hooker if you punch!
And if you’re at all familiar with punch needle goddess Amy Oxford, you know that her business sky-rocketed a couple of years ago:
Her business chugged along quite nicely, growing slowly and steadily. Then textile artist Arounna Khounnoraj, co-founder of Bookhou studio in Toronto, became a fan. “I like that her tool is ergonomic and that it’s quick and easy to thread,” says Khounnoraj. “Also, you can use both yarn and cut wool strips in the needles.”
Amy Oxford de-fuzzing a punched rug with…sheep shears! (2008)
When Khounnoraj posted an Instagram video demonstrating a project using an Oxford
Punch Needle, things exploded. The video went viral and Oxford began getting orders from all over the world.
“Sales were up 644%. This was thrilling and incredibly exciting. We sold out instantly. We made thousands more and sold out in 48 hours. Did the same and sold out a third time in 24 hours. I was in shock. I knew I was supposed to be happy but honestly, it was terrifying. Overwhelming is an understatement… We didn’t see this coming. When our punch went viral I promised myself that no matter how many orders we got, I wouldn’t skimp on quality to create more quantity.”
To celebrate punch needle rug hooking and to further spread the rug hooking gospel, High on Hooking will be teaching an INTRODUCTION TO PUNCH NEEDLE RUG HOOKING workshopTHIS SATURDAY at Española Valley Fiber Arts Center. Contact EVFAC to get in on the fun. (Just don’t call today, Monday, as they’re closed till tomorrow morning.)
During the class, students will:
transfer a pattern onto a monk’s cloth backing;
prepare materials; and
begin punching a mug rug, table “mat,” or wall-hanging.
We’ll use Oxford punch needles as several years ago, after teaching myself to punch using her tool (before she even owned her current rug hooking school), I was lucky enough to attend a workshop with Amy. Lastly, we’ll discuss various ways you might want to finish your rug after all the hooking is done. No experience is necessary; just come prepared to play!
This rug was based on a child’s design and punched using recycled t-shirt strips. Imagine how your child or grandchild would feel if you hooked a wall hanging or table-topper using one of their drawings. And think of how much linger it’ll last than paper!
For those unable to join us in Española Saturday, I offer rug hooking and punch needle rug hooking classes in my home in Albuquerque. If you live beyond ourbeautiful Sandia Mountains, please check out Amy’s excellent tutorial videoson her website. Most of all, have fun!
Fiber Crawl is happening this weekend. (We’ve mentioned it before.) If you’re in New Mexico anywhere from Albuquerque to points north and enjoy fibers – themselves, the animals they come from, and what you can do with them – get thee to the websiteand its map. High on Hooking and Cathy Kelly will be spending Saturday and Sunday at the Open Space Visitors’ Center on ABQ’s West Side (conveniently close to home!). Please stop by to see: 1) our wares and how we hook them and 2) the fiberific “Earth Threads” exhibit. The Visitors’ Center is no slouch itself; it’s a very cool place if you haven’t been there. We hope to see you!
More info on this weekend’s Fiber Crawl. Note that website stuff. Here’s to the folks at the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center who puts the whole event on. You might want to sign up for their newsletter.
Lastly, is there anything more New Mexican than our chile? (This is a rhetorical question. Of course there is.) Come see the finished chile “off the frame” at the Open Space Visitors’ Center on Coors Boulevard Saturday and Sunday! (BTW, this one’s hooked using recycled t-shirts.)
This is what “Big Boucherouite” looked like yesterday afternoon when I sat down to hook. Some of you may have seen it on Instagram. Clearly, the race was on. Actually, the race had been on since Sunday when I hooked for a good seven hours.
Okay, maybe not “just like that,” but the “Big Boucherouite” is hooked. Finally. After about three and a half months of hooking approximately three hours per day. My arthritic hands are not particularly pleased with me at the moment, and I haven’t even told them about the next part: hemming. Putting needle and thread into hooked bed sheets and t-shirts isn’t the most fun thing one can do. I’ll give the hands a week or two off before we start to sew.
“Big Boucherouite” is hooked completely from old bed sheets and t-shirts. This is recycled (fiber) art at its best. 🙂
“Big Boucherouite” all hooked up. There’s a LOT of hemming to be done there. Don’t anyone expect to see this bad boy in the Etsy shop for a while.
In the meantime I have to finish my friendship rug – the entire background which does include words (I know, I know!). At least hooking wool is more gentle on the paws than hooking cotton. The friendship rug has to be completed by Albuquerque’s Fiber Arts Fiesta just like “Big Boucherouite.” In fact, all nine of the guild‘s friendship rugs constitute a special exhibit. If you can make it, Fiesta is May 30, 31 and June 1 at Expo here in Albuquerque.
Tynan was not to be denied. He feels it’s his job to present the rugs. And pick up a treat for his troubles…
Fellow hookers, I’ve spent an incredible amount of time hooking the background of one BIG rug; the friendship rug isn’t as large, but it ain’t small either. I’ve been dreaming of other rugs I want/need to start. Ideas to get me through this next background before I can start something new?
Who would’ve thunk that a t-shirt artist would be featured in a nearby gallery? Thanks to friend and guild-mate Nancy, I thunk thought it and was able to see the exhibit before it closes come March 23. Thanks so much, Nancy!
If you’re interested in fiber art at all and are near Santa Fe before March 23, I urge you to take an hour or so and head to form & concept, a gallery you can easily find on South Guadalupe Street in the Railyard District. Warning: You’re gonna love the gallery and will need more time.
The t-shirt artist in question is Nika Feldman. BTW, she not only considers herself to be a fiber artist, but a rag picker as well. Bless her heart; I know where she’s coming from. (Have you seen my rugs hooked out of recycled t-shirts? Bed sheets?) I had a great time looking at the various pieces, which are made of recycled t-shirts, pop tabs, and embroidery (which she’s very good at).
Here is an example of one of Feldman’s t-shirt pieces: “Hooded Cape.” (Photo courtesy of form & concept Gallery.) Yes, it’s comprised of nothing but old t-shirts, pull tabs, and stitchery!
While Feldman calls t-shirts the most ubiquitous – and cheapest – universal clothing made by Western culture, and that’s true, I’m not sure that I agree with her that the shirts are always recognizable even when cut up and taken apart. I know that I regularly have to tell folks that many of my rugs are hooked from old t-shirts. And the disbelief that they mouth. Granted, my strips are looped; some of hers hang free. Still, given what Feldman does with hers… The embellishments, especially when one sees her prowess with a needle and thread, are fantastic.
I fully concur with her message and only wish that I could state what I’m trying to do with my own art so succinctly:
The message…she said, has to do with modern North America’s mass production systems.
“It’s disposability, it’s like how we can make life more convenient, and more convenient, and more convenient?” she said of the narratives that this continent’s clothing conveys. “It comes at an unsustainable cost to the Earth.”
Fast fashion that often falls apart – have you ever wondered why that trendy tank top developed a hole after only one wash? – is a big part of the fashion industry’s unsustainability. That and our culture’s fickle fashion sense are why Feldman and I can both find so many t-shirts to use in our artwork. Savers, Goodwill, friends and relatives can supply us with all we need.
The pieces in the exhibit are “garment-like” rather than actual garments. This, according to Feldman, allows us to look deeper at them and to see them as art rather than just wearable fashion to be purchased and then put on. (For how long?) Indeed, she spent time in the fashion industry earlier in her career(s). I find that an interesting idea especially since my own goal when hooking a rug with t-shirts and other recycled materials is that it also be usable – as a rug, a table runner, or what-have-you. Regardless, I very much enjoyed looking at Feldman’s art, and I encourage you to make a run to Santa Fe before it disappears.
The exhibit by Nike Feldman is called Spirits in the Material World. It’s at form & concept on South Guadalupe in Santa Fe till March 23.
“I was so into fiber, because of its comforting and protective qualities, but at the same time it is a medium associated with struggle and women’s work,” she says. “Then I got into the whole concept of felt, because it’s incredibly strong but it presents in this soft, vulnerable way.” The artist’s mastery of the medium and her emotional language-building express the deeply personal in a way that holds broader relevance to humanity, voicing ideas about growth, human connection and personhood.
Tynan here with a quick hello. She’s busy trying to finish the hooked monster, i.e., the “Big Boucherouite,” and prepping for her turn to host the monthly neighborhood Buncoparty tomorrow. And, oh, yeah, my sister’s here from Colorado. But then again you always like it better when I host the blog, and we like to give the customers what they want.
Weather’s beautiful here in Albuquerque this week, even hitting the 70s. Condolences to those still victim to winter’s frigid temperatures. May spring come quickly to you. And if you’re in the ABQ area, remember that the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Spring Show is this weekend! (Not that I get to go…)