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Category: workshopping

Miss February, a shameless self-promotion

Miss February with her hooked rugs.
Hey, it’s me, EVFAC’s Miss February, AKA, their artist of the month for February. I hope to see you Saturday in Española. Feel free to send a representative if you can’t make it.


Miss February here, but come Saturday I’ll be up in Española at the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center (EVFAC). Why? you ask. Actually, there are two good reasons, two very good reasons you might want to join me:

1. I’m teaching a class!

Chances are, if you read this blog, you’re already a rug hooker. Or you’ve developed an interest in hooked rugs, thought that you might even want to try hooking one yourself. This is your chance! Don’t wait, carpe hook! I’ll be running an introductory workshop, 10-2, this Saturday, February 16. It’s called: Hook a rug – Save the planet. You are very welcome to join us. No experience necessary; you don’t even need to bring anything (though some scissors would be helpful). Click for details on EVFAC’s website.


2. I’m giving a little presentation on what rug hooking’s like today.

When I’m out and about vending, folks stop by regularly to tell me how once upon a time they watched their mother or grandfather hooking rugs. Some even cut wool strips or pulled a loop or two. Like all things, rug hooking’s evolved since then. Mostly. Come on by EVFAC at 2:30, Saturday (yes, after the class lets out), and we can chat about the changes I’ve seen in the 15 or so years that I’ve been hooking. After that you can shop and see what other opportunities EVFAC has for the fiber-inclined.

Miss February's current hooked rug.
This week’s sneak peak at “What’s on the frame.” Of course, it’s the “Big Boucherouite.” Last week’s guild retreat gave me a chance to get a lot of the center done. But the March 1 deadline looms large. If you come Saturday, you can see the “Big Boucherouite” in the flesh!






See you Saturday!





Trying to lay low…

Two women and a hooked rug at Santa Fe Fall Fiber Fiesta
Something to be thankful for: When you meet an Instagram friend for the first time! Josephine of lonnieandjosephine Instagram fame showed up out of the blue, surprising me at my booth this weekend. And she bought a rug! Nothing’s better than that. Except that… she’s coming to next week’s Adobe Wool Arts Guild retreat here in Albuquerque. Woohoo!



Santa Fe Fall Fiber Fiesta 2018 is in the books, so now it’s time to lay low for a bit. Well, not exactly. It’s Thanksgiving week, and the kid is coming home tomorrow. Thursday’s dinner for our little family and a few friends is here, and you know what that means: cleaning and cooking! Not so much the hooking for a couple of days. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving with your own kin and whoever else circles your table – in body and/or soul. Enjoy one another! Lay low and tell your stories. Eat! Hook rugs! But do it together.


Happy Thanksgiving, 2018! What are you most thankful for this year?


Dog with hooked rug and stuffed turkey, trying to relax and lay low for the holiday
Couldn’t resist. I think this is actually last year’s pic, nonetheless, Tynan and High on Hooking bid you all a very Happy Turkey Day.

Damn, you found me…spreading the gospel…of hooking

CHeryl Bollenbach's workshop where she shared the gospel of hooking.
Me presenting my piece at the end of our workshop with Cheryl Bollenbach. Those with sharp eyes and a Rug Hooking Magazine subscription will recognize the pattern I used. Thank you for sharing this with the hooking world, Brigitte Webb! I hope to do it justice.


It’s been almost a month, and I’m a day or two late, but I had to come back sometime. Not going to apologize for loving time off from the blog, but logging into WordPress for the first time in weeks, I realize how much updating I have to do on the entire freakin’ site. Along with some other electronic “toilette.” Sigh. Work is never done.

Note, I may not have been blogging, but I have been hooking. That is rarely a chore. Oh, maybe it is for those of you who whip-stitch. Yeah, I hardly ever do that crap.

What have I been doing? Funny you should ask.


  • May started with a bang. The Adobe Wool Arts Guild (AWAG) invited Cheryl Bollenbach back to conduct a three-day workshop. As usual we learned a lot and bought even more…wool. My project was unusual, though only for me. It’s very…traditional. I’m working with wool strips – no t-shirts! I’m trying out linen for the first time. And see in the picture – no rug binding sewn on before hooking commenced. Don’t get too excited. There will be no whip-stitching. I’ll have it framed when I’m done. A girl can only go so traditional. Grimace
AWAG's booth at Fiesta 2017 where we share the gospel of rug hooking.
A view of our guild booth at Fiber Arts Fiesta.
  • Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta went down May 19-21. Of course, there was A LOT of work to be done before that. AWAG ran a successful booth. We had many visitors and several ladies who signed up for more information. In fact, I just gave a lesson this week to one of them. Ah, to spread the gospel of hooking. Below is a montage of pics taken by Melinda’s husband Gary of Gary Lamott Photography. Enjoy! And thank you again, Gary!!!
  • https://garylamott.smugmug.com/Fiber-Arts-517/n-phKqGb/#
  • Albuquerque's Rail Yards Market where we share the gospel of hooking.
    Our “shop” at the Rail Yards is open. Here we share the gospel of hooking with folks who have never seen the art form. Others tell me tales of parents and grandparents who hooked. Come on down! Great fruits and veggies, plus arts, music, and yummy food.

    High on Hooking started our selling season at Albuquerque’s Rail Yards. Despite it being Memorial Day weekend (holidays are notorious for slow sales) and thanks to a woman visiting from Las Cruces who loves textiles, we had a good day. Come visit; we’re there every other weekend till mid-October.


  • Sadly, those of us from AWAG who do demos at the Biopark’s Botanical Garden gave our last spiel till August. We had over a hundred kids in talking about what we do and trying their little hands at hooking. The park kicks us out for two months to use the Heritage farmhouse for summer camp programs. I guess it’s a good enough reason. In the meantime, in addition to our guild meetings, we’re meeting at members’ homes because we refuse to give up that whole social thing.


  • Finally had the chance to do all the planting and potting that I’d been putting off till after Fiesta. Now I’m just waiting for my first crop of basil. I make A LOT of pesto to freeze for winter, but there’s nothing that says summer’s arrived like the aroma of basil.

    Summertime and the living is easy. If you have a floatie. And a big rubber duckie.


  • And the pool’s up! I’ve even had a chance to chill in it on my floatie. Which pretty much takes up most of the pool when you add in my bulk-ritude. It is only 10 feet in diameter. But it works, especially for the hot flashes.


Then there were visits from family members back east. And this and that. You know, the usual life “stuff.” You remember John Lennon saying how life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. (Actually, any number of people may have said that. You can read all about that here.) Actually, I’m already planning another week off from the blog in a few weeks when Tom and I and the dog motor up to Pagosa Springs, Colorado, for some R&R (read: hiking and hanging on the patio with a beverage or three and a book or five).


What are your plans this summer? Do they involve hooking or other kinds of fun? Some form of escape? Travel? Getting together with friends? Share what you’re up to and make me jealous!


Sharing the gospel of hooking with a winning rug.
Congratulations, Melinda Lamott on receiving the Peoples’ Choice Award for rug hooking at Fiesta 2017!

Open workshop with Cheryl Bollenbach gone but not forgotten

Cheryl (r) and Dagmar hold up Dag's rug for show and tell Friday. Dag's son was the original artist, but she's the one putting the life into it. She's a fearless fiber artist who incorporated al kinds of new techniques into this rug.
Cheryl Bollenbach (r) and Dagmar hold up Dag’s rug for show and tell Friday. Dag’s son was the original artist, but she’s the one putting the life into it. She’s a fearless fiber artist who incorporated all kinds of new techniques into this rug.


Hard to believe, but it’s a full week later and the open workshop with Cheryl Bollenbach has come and gone.


Fortunately, the lessons learned and the camaraderie enjoyed go on. Case in point: many of us from the Adobe Wool Arts guild are gathering Friday for another round of dyeing. Okay, personally, I’m not doing any dyeing; I don’t even have any wool to dye. I’m just going to hang out and provide the comedy.


Even though I was working with t-shirt strips last week, it didn't stop me from purchasing some of Cheryl's wools. I loved the sparkly stuff; every rug needs a little bling in it.
Even though I was working with t-shirt strips last week, it didn’t stop me from purchasing some of Cheryl’s wools. I love the sparkly stuff; every rug needs a little bling in it.
Check out the stem action on Dagmar's rug. By incorporating cording and stitching and her own hand-dyed yarn, she punched up the texture factor.
Check out the stem action on Dagmar’s rug. By incorporating cording and stitching and her own hand-dyed yarn, she punched up the texture factor.
Linda's Celtic color-planning. Oh, my!
Linda’s Celtic color-planning. Oh, my!

I’ve included a bunch of pics I took last week. Some are of rugs, some are of rugs and their people, and some are just of folks concentrating on their hooking or having fun.

Mary and her dog sat next to me. SHe was so life-like (the dog, not Mary), that I had to reach over and pet her now and again.
Mary and her dog sat next to me. She was so life-like (the dog, not Mary; Mary is full of life), that I had to reach over and pet her now and again. Again, the dog, not Mary.
How my own psychedelic Tynan (the Welsh springer spaniel) is coming.
How my own psychedelic Tynan (the Welsh springer spaniel) is coming. BTW, he’s made out of old t-shirts.
















Cheryl helped each of us develop some new skills, learn a few tricks, and look further into what it is we’re aiming to get out of this art/craft of rug hooking. She did some “long and lovely” dying in the Fry Daddy.

The other Linda's rug included her Mom. I salute Linda for learning hoe to do a realistic face.
The other Linda’s rug included her Mom. I salute Linda for learning hoe to do a realistic face.
Mary's mountainscape is full of color. It made her absolutely giddy for the three days.
Mary’s mountainscape is full of color. It made her absolutely giddy for the three days.














Cathy spent three days hooking and then sculpting these rocks. Very cool.
Cathy spent three days hooking and then sculpting these rocks. Very cool.


Friday, Cheryl finally put the “fire” into her presentation as she’d been promising: she demonstrated how we might enjoy aiming a heat gun onto decorated Tyvek to shrivel it. “Cut it into strips and you can really hook this up,” she told us. For those not familiar with Albuquerque springs, they tend to be rather windy. Indeed, Friday, Mother Nature let it gust. The doors of our police substation venue were desperate to open and close on their own; Linda was almost blown down as she stepped outside. Maybe fire wasn’t the best idea for the day especially given our EMS facility. Nonetheless, Cheryl was up for it. Alas, the heat gun on hand wasn’t. Too hot, it blew holes into the Tyvek. They were, we noted, quite interesting-looking holes. (Sorry, the wind precluded photos being taken.) Yet I’m sure something could’ve been done with that Tyvek and some wool and a little imagination. And even the foot-long, blue twist tie Cheryl deposited on my table Wednesday afternoon. That’s how she made us feel about hooking. Anything is possible.


Some of the colors I'm using on Tynan.
Some of the colors I’m using on Tynan.
The values of those same greens. I think that one of the most valuable things I learned was how to use my phone's camera to help me be a better hooker.
The values of those same greens. I think that one of the most valuable things I learned was how my phone’s camera can make me use color better and thus improve as a hooker.
















A "long and lovely" cooking.
A “long and lovely” cooking.
...and voila! Here's the piece all dyed and washed and ready to use. And it's all mine because I won it!
…and voila ! Here’s the piece all dyed and washed and ready to use. And it’s all mine because I won it!












Darlene hooking her rose with those skinny, little #3 cuts.
Darlene hooking her rose with those skinny, little #3 cuts.








Denise, still new to hooking, even did some proddy work. (I've never done that...)
Denise, still new to hooking, even did some proddy work. (I’ve never done that…)









Thank you, Cheryl Bollenbach, for an an informative and plain old fun three days. Kudos to Catherine Kelly for all your organizational work and to all the other members of the Adobe Wool Arts guild for the hospitality and friendship you’ve shown me these last several months since I moved to town.


Denise working hard. So is Pat behind her, Pat who's been hooking longer than most anyone!
Denise working hard. So is Pat behind her, Pat who’s been hooking longer than most anyone!
Hookers just gotta have fun.
Hookers just gotta have fun.
Much as Rug Hooking Magazine has the first rug last, Liz presented her first rug and her new second rug. Bravo, Liz!
Much as Rug Hooking Magazine has the first rug last, Liz presented her first rug and her new second rug. Bravo, Liz!