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A rug influenced by another artist

Hooked art influenced by another artist
I’m calling it “Pat’s Rug” for now. It was influenced by another artist, my aunt.

I’ve finally finished the rug that my aunt, another artist, last year asked me to hook for her. She gave me no guidelines other than that she likes reds, blues, and gold. What to do? Pat works in paint, pens, and pencils and such. More abstract stuff. Fortunately, I’ve got a few of her pieces, so I thought, why not go to a source, her own work.


Work by another artist
Artwork by Pat Croke, my aunt.

Will she be able to tell that I used her drawing to inform my hooked art? Hell, if I know. I’ll tell her though. (And about the African bark cloth influence as well.) Lines and colors. Being a textile piece, though, I get the benefit of texture too: loops of old t-shirts and the sparkly sharpness of the two gold ribbon types that I used.

Close-up of the rug that currently has no name. Hand-hooked with old t-shirts and ribbon.




I just hope she likes it.




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