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Get your fiber…at the Albuquerque Sunport!

Picture of fiber art exhibit at Albuquerque Sunport.
One of the cases containing fiber art at the Albuquerque Sunport. You can see Cathy Kelly’s fabulous rug down in the bottom, left corner of the pic.

If you’re coming to the Albuquerque Sunport (that’s the Airport to anyone unfamiliar with the city) in January, you might be surprised to find a substantial fiber exhibit  on the way to the parking garage. Yes, fiber! Tom and I went to see it this morning.


In mid-December the Fiber Arts Council put out a surprise call for artwork from supporting guilds. “Hey, we need your pieces tomorrow – Sunday – at Rebecca’s house. We’re installing it Monday!”



Picture of fiber art exhibit at Albuquerque Sunport.
More fiber art at the Sunport.



Cathy Kelly and I were able to get a couple of pieces to Rebecca’s in time, so the Adobe Wool Arts Guild (AWAG) was definitely represented. The display is up until February 2, so if you live in the area, get thee to the Albuquerque Sunport. If you don’t live here, Southwest is the major carrier here when you arrange your airline tickets. 🙂


Sorry that I can’t provide the names of all the local artists, but at least you can get an idea of all the creativity that’s present here in Albuquerque. It’s one of the reasons we picked the city to become our new home last year. 



Picture of fiber art exhibit at Albuquerque Sunport.
Weaving and needlework, oh my!


Picture of fiber art exhibit at Albuquerque Sunport.
Thank you, Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council! PS – That’s my rug hanging on the left-hand wall. It’s aptly titled “Welcome to New Mexico.”





Kudos are due to the set-up team and to all artists who made this exhibit happen on three-days’ notice! Carol Ellis, Board Member and Education Chair, thanks all for acting so promptly and for providing so many fabulous pieces of fiber art! We were able to use almost everything that was delivered. Additional thanks are due to Rebecca Wardlaw for collecting and organizing this Council Exhibit.    Photos of the exhibit are featured on Facebooks pages of Rebecca Wardlaw and ABQ Fiber Arts.

–Written by newsletter editor Cathy Kelly

Picture of fiber art exhibit at Albuquerque Sunport.
What a variety of fiber arts we have here in Albuquerque!



In the comments section below please share with us any and all fiber arts happenings in your neck of the woods.



Picture of fiber art exhibit at Albuquerque Sunport.
Don’t miss the fiber exhibit at the Albuquerque Sunport. It’s there until February 2!


