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IN THE STUDIO – April 14 with Sayward Johnson

Join Sayward Johnson on In the Studio as she talks about her work and her artistic process!


Poster of Sayward Johnson


Sayward Johnson is a copper and textile artist whose work explores her fascination with fabrics and sculptures that adhere to the laws of metal-smithing as well as those of textiles and, furthermore, present traditional textile patterns in unexpected contexts. She finds beauty and meaning in natural processes that cannot be controlled, such as decay and the transformation of surfaces through erosion and new growth. In her studio practice, she focuses on weaving, knitting and embroidery.

Originally from Danvers, Massachusetts, Sayward is a graduate of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. She currently lives in Chelsea, Quebec, with her husband and young daughter. She is an active member of the Enriched Bread Artists and 44.4 Mothers/Artists collectives in Ottawa. Sayward has exhibited across Canada and sold her work to private collectors in the US, Canada, and Europe. She has received grants from the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Ottawa, Craft Ontario, Arts Ottawa East, and the Canada Council for the Arts.

You can learn more about Sayward and see her work at www.saywardjohnson.com and on Instagram @saywardjohnson.


The Zoom link for this presentation will be emailed to you the day before the talk (or after you purchase your ticket, if you purchase on the day of the event).  If you don’t receive it, you can contact the organizer at info@karendmillerstudio.com.

Tickets will be on sale until 10:00 am the day of the event.  After that time you will no longer be able to purchase tickets.

Please note that, unlike other In the Studio presentations, the time of the talk is 7:00 pm EASTERN.

Find tickets for this event at Ticketscene.


* Will this talk be recorded for viewing later?

Unfortunately, no. Due to the logistics involved, we decided some time ago to keep these events live. Hopefully if you can’t make it to this talk, you’ll be able to make it to a future talk.

* It’s the day of the talk and I’m having trouble finding or using the link for the talk. How can I find help?

It is very advisable to LOG INTO THE EVENT A FEW MINUTES EARLY to be sure that you have no trouble with the link, and if you are having trouble the organizer can help you out. You can email or message the event organizer up until 12:30pm Eastern on the day of the talk for help. ONCE THE EVENT STARTS, however, messages and emails are not able to be monitored.

* I’m finding it distracting during the talk seeing all of the other participants on my screen. What can I do?

During the event the organizer will put the screen setting on “spotlight view” so that the presenter is the focus on your screen. Depending on your device, you may still see audience members on your screen and changing your setting from “gallery view” to “speaker view” should help with that.
