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Playing catch up

Sunflowers along the RIo Grande. They've been bursting out all over given the (relatively) rainy summer.
Sunflowers along the Rio Grande. They’ve been bursting out all over given the (relatively) rainy summer.

It’s a slow week here in Albuquerque. That’s probably for the best. It’ll let me catch up on paperwork, write a few thank you notes, and read more of the slush pile for Fifth Wednesday once again. If you like good fiction, I suggest you head to the journal’s webpage and check it out. And I’m not saying that just because I’m an assistant editor there. Really!

Then there’s the resume I’ve got to update for the first time in a few years. When I left Massachusetts, I’d been running a food pantry. It was a job I loved. What to do now that I’m here in New Mexico? My Spanish is pretty rudimentary, pigeon really, so, even if there were a pantry job available, the language barrier would be substantial. Nonetheless, the resume is a place to start along with some gentle networking when I head to my first Adobe Wool Arts Guild meeting here next week.

Great sculpture we found along the Bosque, next to the parking lot, way atop a big boulder.
Great sculpture we found along the Bosque, next to the parking lot, way atop a HUGE boulder.

Another reason to sit back and enjoy the sun and quiet (soon Tom and the kid will be out looking for a car; she’s getting her permit today) is that my rheumatoid arthritis has been acting up lately. Not a surprise given the stress of the move and the purchase of a new house. I’ve heard from one other hooker with RA; anyone else out there? Have any tips for us? I’m lucky in that my hands aren’t affected as much as my hips and feet are. I can generally hook as much as I wish. Though I do cut my strips by hand. I’ll usually feel that the next day.

Lest you think my catch up week means I’m not out there finding inspiration, not so! I have an artist’s date with myself planned for later in the week. Saw a piece in the paper about a tapestry exhibit at the local Weems Galleries and Framing. A few of weaver Susan Klebanoff‘s pieces were included in the story; it’s a solo show. Looks fabulous.

Maybe someone knows what this plant is, but I'm calling it "magical fog grass."
Maybe someone knows what this plant is, but I’m calling it “magical fog grass.”

Lastly, Tom and I eschewed the mountains this weekend for some time down by the Rio Grande, the Bosque trail, specifically, that runs along the river. Fortunately, there was more water in the Rio Grande than there was when I was here two years ago; the drought’s abated some. Enjoy a few pics that I snapped while we were walking.

Where might you be headed for an artist’s date this week? Or do you self-inspire in some other way?


