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Finding the new normal

Christmas and New Year’s are over; it’s time to get back to normal. But what if you don’t have a normal anymore?

That’s me these days. We’ve been in the new house in the new city in the new state for over three months now. It’s winter in the high desert. And, uncharacteristically, it’s been cold as New England (usually is) and kind of…wet. Today it can’t decide. I hear the rain pouring down onto my flat Pueblo-ish roof and, out the window, see snow flaking down too. It’s not a pretty sight. Forget seeing the mountains; they’re a distant memory having been shrouded in clouds the past few days. Bring back the sun!

Building my new “normal.” (Photo by tome213 at rgbstock.com.)

But back to the point: The honeymoon’s over. It’s time to integrate into community, to stop comparing and contrasting New Mexico to what we left, and to find the new normal. With no family here, I need a new “posse” bad. That’s going to take joining various groups here. To that effect, I’ve already got the the Adobe Wool Arts Guild and a church. It’s a good start if you ask me. These groups have networked me to the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council, the Old Pueblo Rug Hookers down in Tucson (I’m off to their hook-in later this month), Albuquerque’s BioPark, and a couple of church committees, including, hopefully, a new food pantry to work at. Registering with the SouthWest Writers is on my list for later today.

Still, it’s not enough. Plus, I’m feeling rather cooped up in the house. Oh, and the bills aren’t going to pay themselves. Sure, Tom’s retired, but I’m only 51, too young for that sh%$!!! Its time to find some meaningful work. Or at least something that’ll pay for the groceries (and that pool we intend to build this spring!). So, it’s hi-ho, hi-ho, off on a job search I go. Unfortunately, Albuquerque’s got some unemployment issues. Not sure what I’ll find, but at least it’ll let me meet more people.

I was spoiled by my last job, running the food pantry back in Massachusetts. I loved the job, its flexibility, and especially the people. But, like I said, I’m looking for the NEW normal. Although I recently re-did my resume, I haven’t looked for a job in years. Guess it’ll be another adventure.

Anyone else jumping back into the workforce? Have any tips to share? Contacts here in Albuquerque? I’ve got an eclectic background, and I can use all the help I can get.
