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Instructor Call for Entry

If you’re a fiber arts teacher of any kind, you’re in luck. In the Studio (Online) has just put out an Instructor Call for Entry for our next two online Workshop Weeks (WW). The dates are:

Workshop Week 5          October 23-30, 2022

Workshop Week 6           February 18-23, 2023

In the Studio (Online) Workshop Week Instructor Call for EntryThe original teachers of In the Studio (Online) include: Susan Feller, Karen Miller, Meryl Cook, Beth Miller, and myself. In order to keep our class offerings fresh, before WW2 we began looking for others to join us. We’ve had workshops in: rug hooking with alternative fibers; braiding; finishing your art; combining paints and hooking; design; felting wool sachets; weaving; Chakra color play; pet portraits; needle punch rug hooking; abstract work; landscapes; watercolors;and so on. We are NOT looking for all hooking classes; rather we’d like to see most any type of fiber art and creativity workshops (that work well online) in addition to subject matter and skills that can inform our hooking and other art practices.

While we began WW to fill a need during Covid lock-downs, we’ve found that they remain popular and that our students want us to continue. Workshops Weeks have allowed students to take classes without the expenses of travel. As well, students get the chance to work with teachers and artists who might otherwise be unavailable to them. Workshop Week 4 happened in mid-winter. There were nine classes. Eighty students participated with many taking more than one workshop.

(If you search using the words “Workshop Week” here on site, you can see what classes we’ve provided in the past.)


Advertising photo for Workshop Week
Our first In the Studio Workshop Week poster.

If you think you might be interested in joining our group of teachers for WW 5 and/or 6, we invite you to submit a proposal. If you have any questions about the coming or past events, please email me at Laura@highonhooking.com. We’ll be accepting proposals until May 15. You can find the prospectus below. We look forward to hearing from you.

Laura, Susan, Karen, Meryl, and Beth


Click to see In the Studio’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


Teacher Proposals for In the Studio
Workshop Weeks 5 and 6

Deadline:  May 15, 2022

In the Studio (Online) announces that its next two workshop weeks will be held:

Workshop Week 5           October 23-30, 2022
Workshop Week 6           February 18-23, 2023

As the last two years have shown, affordable, online instruction is here to stay. In the Studio’s online Workshop Weeks (WWs) have allowed students the chance to take classes without the expense of travel. The students are also able to work with teachers and artists who might otherwise be unavailable to them.

Starting with 2021’s WW2, we began to bring in additional instructors who could offer something – not necessarily rug hooking or even a textile art – beyond the expertise of the original In the Studio artists. We look for complimentary/ancillary/supporting arts and skills.

We are now planning WW5 and 6 and again looking to diversify our workshop offerings. We are specifically looking for teachers who conform to our overarching tenet:

Art by artists responding to contemporary events in the world. We invite you to reflect on these responses and consider creating your own art that reacts to our current times.

WW1 attracted 36 students in five classes. Eighty participated in WW4’s nine workshops. Many took advantage of our non-overlapping schedule to take multiple classes. They “come from” the US, Canada, and even Europe.


  • Workshop sessions typically last 2-4 hours but are set by individual instructors.
  • Workshops are standardized to begin at 1:00 PM or 6:00 PM Eastern.
  • Fees for all classes are: $50 US for one-session classes and $75 US for two-session classes. Teachers may set additional costs for kits, other materials, etc.
  • Teachers are responsible for collecting payment from their students and keeping in contact with them regarding classes and other WW information.
  • Teachers are required to submit their class lists to the WW administrator.
  • All teachers are required to promote all WW classes in their social media, newsletters, etc. Promotion by every teacher is what makes the week successful. Each teacher will also be required to take over In the Studio’s Instagram account for a day in the weeks leading up to WW5 and/or 6.
  • There are two additional bonus events (a social gathering midweek evening and a panel discussion) that teachers are expected to attend (dates to be determined).
  • Teachers must have their own Zoom account to use to hold their class.
  • New for WW5 and 6! An administrative fee of $50 US will be collected once a teacher agrees to teach with In the Studio (Online). We’ve realized that there’s a need for one person to coordinate social media announcements and calendars, send out group emails, maintain the mailing list, etc.
  • Participation in one WW does not guarantee that one will teach in subsequent WWs.


  • The benefit of promotion amongst a collection of well-known teachers. Instructors will receive a “brochure” detailing the WW and all classes that should be shared to their networks.
  • Support from the other teachers in how to run an online class particularly if this is your first time.
  • The Workshop Week administrator will send out links to all students for bonus events.


  • Applicants should indicate if they prefer to teach during WW5 or WW6. If you don’t, we will assume that you are available for either. (We will plan classes for each WW depending on both subject matter and teacher availability.) Because we schedule WW classes so that they don’t overlap, also indicate if you are unavailable on certain days of the week or dates. Let us know too if you have a preference regarding a 1:00 or 6:00 start time. We strive to schedule everyone to their liking.
  • Provide a detailed class description of the online class you propose to teach. Please include the following: title; length of class; minimum and maximum numbers of students; materials that students will need (will they have to purchase from you?); what will be covered in the class, experience level of students required; and anything else pertinent to the class. Will it require more than one session?
  • Include a short bio that includes your experience teaching (if any) and any references.
  • Please send the above information to Laura@highonhooking.com by May 15, 2022.


If selected, you will be expected to attend at least one online meeting of all teachers (date to be determined).

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Salamy at Laura@highonhooking.com.


The Violet Protest – Will you help?

A few folks who follow High on Hooking’s Instagram account, got a peek at my offering to The Violet Protest last week. Today I packaged my 8″ x 8″ square up and mailed it off to Phoenix where it will be part of an exhibit and then sent on to lawmakers in Washington.

For those in the dark who have never heard of the Violet Protest, it’s a project that was conceived of by Ann Morton, a textile artist, educator, and “social practitioner” in Phoenix, Arizona.

“Driven by a desire to make right, the work she does reflects her own handwork, but also orchestrates handwork of interested community members through public interventions that seek to socially engage the hands of many to harness the power of making for social purpose.”

Textile artists across the country have been asked to make these 8″x8″ squares using whatever techniques they wish. My M.O., of course, is hooking. I might have used crochet or embroidery as well, but I opted to commit to only one square (knowing the project and teaching backlog that I’m already juggling). The squares are to be made using pretty much equal parts blue and red. As you know, BLUE + RED = VIOLET/PURPLE. The point is to create an “overall presentation of violet in the final display” of all the squares made.


Small hooked rug for the Violet Protest
My hooked square of wool strips and yarn and recycled silk blouse strips.

“The Violet Protest is a public effort to send 50 hand-made textile squares to each and every member of Congress
​in support of these core American values:

•Respect for the other   Citizenship   Compromise   •Country over party and corporate influence
Courage     Candor    Compassion   Creativity

Whether we weave, knit, crochet, quilt, or embroider all 26,750 of these squares — through this social action, and from every corner of America; we as makers of all political persuasions, believe we can employ our willing spirit and our talents to contribute to healing divisions that threaten our country. ​This collection of textile squares will be first displayed at Phoenix Art Museum, in the Spring of 2021, before they are sent to the new
​117th Congress by late 2021.

Focused on the values we hold dear as Americans, rather ​than any political beliefs, the color violet symbolizes the literal combination of red and blue, long held as symbols of our nation’s differing ideologies. Our common goal is to send a physical message of friendly protest through this colossal visual expression to demonstrate that if we as citizens are ​willing ​to come together, so then must our elected officials.”

There’s still plenty of time for you to get involved with this project. In fact, Ann could use a lot more squares, all total 26,750! Maybe your rug queue isn’t as long as mine is, and you’re looking for away to resist the winter doldrums. These squares hardly take any time to hook…or crochet…or sew…or whatever. While there is a February 1 deadline for squares to be exhibited in the Phoenix Art Museum, you’ve got plenty of time – till August 1! – to get some to Ann to be sent to members of Congress later in 2021. I’m hoping that I might be able to do some more once High on Hooking’s rug obligations are fulfilled.


The tag attached to my square.

Getting involved in the Violet Protest is easy, really. Ann mails out a tag to you. You attach it to your square(s) and mail it all back. Done! For more info click HERE. You can see examples of squares on the Violet Protest Instagram page.

In other news, we had another fine Zoom gathering last Saturday for the Build a Baby Boucherouite workshop. There were five of us. If you’re interested in the class, please contact me. I will say that this is one that works better and is more fun with the energy of a small group of folks working together and bringing all kinds of ideas. If you think your guild or a klatch of friends might want to get together to explore hooking some BBs, give a yell.

A reminder, that there are a few more spaces left in In the Studio’s WORKSHOP WEEK 2. I believe that Karen Miller, Beth Miller, and Meryl Cook have a couple of “seats.” Contact them directly. (To do that follow the WW2 link above) I have some more room in my second Intro to Punch Needle Rug Hooking session on February 20. Let me know if you’d like to be join us.

Dogs with hooked rug.
Tynan and Bowyn bring you this week’s “What’s on the frame.” (Mostly because they want the Beggin’ Strips BAD.)

And lastly, Tynan and Bowyn bring you “What’s on the frame” this week. If you remember, they showed what this rug looked like when I started hooking it back in December. It’s almost done. Hope my aunt likes it. It was inspired by her color choices and a drawing she made. More on that when I finish it. Till then, be warm and stay safe. May our Covid vaccine shot(s) happen soon!

Might you be able to make a square for THE VIOLET PROTEST?

