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Tag: Miss February

Miss February, a shameless self-promotion

Miss February with her hooked rugs.
Hey, it’s me, EVFAC’s Miss February, AKA, their artist of the month for February. I hope to see you Saturday in Española. Feel free to send a representative if you can’t make it.


Miss February here, but come Saturday I’ll be up in Española at the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center (EVFAC). Why? you ask. Actually, there are two good reasons, two very good reasons you might want to join me:

1. I’m teaching a class!

Chances are, if you read this blog, you’re already a rug hooker. Or you’ve developed an interest in hooked rugs, thought that you might even want to try hooking one yourself. This is your chance! Don’t wait, carpe hook! I’ll be running an introductory workshop, 10-2, this Saturday, February 16. It’s called: Hook a rug – Save the planet. You are very welcome to join us. No experience necessary; you don’t even need to bring anything (though some scissors would be helpful). Click for details on EVFAC’s website.


2. I’m giving a little presentation on what rug hooking’s like today.

When I’m out and about vending, folks stop by regularly to tell me how once upon a time they watched their mother or grandfather hooking rugs. Some even cut wool strips or pulled a loop or two. Like all things, rug hooking’s evolved since then. Mostly. Come on by EVFAC at 2:30, Saturday (yes, after the class lets out), and we can chat about the changes I’ve seen in the 15 or so years that I’ve been hooking. After that you can shop and see what other opportunities EVFAC has for the fiber-inclined.

Miss February's current hooked rug.
This week’s sneak peak at “What’s on the frame.” Of course, it’s the “Big Boucherouite.” Last week’s guild retreat gave me a chance to get a lot of the center done. But the March 1 deadline looms large. If you come Saturday, you can see the “Big Boucherouite” in the flesh!






See you Saturday!



