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It’s Sunflower Festival time again!


Mountainair Sunflower Festival, August 24, 2019
Another August, another Mountainair Sunflower Festival for High on Hooking. (See what happened one other year.) Come see us along with Cathy Kelly, fellow rug hooker. Sample our wares, fondle the rugs, buy one! Mention our social media and get 10% off any item. Don’t forget to wear your sunflower bonnet!

When someone buys and then alters your art…

…not only alters your art, but improves it! What to think? Me, I decided that it was great.

WHen someone alters your art and makes it a pillow.
Before:  A close-up of the “altered art.”

I sold a small wall-hanging at the Sunflower Festival just over a week ago. Technically, it was of a poinsettia, though it didn’t scream Christmas. (I tend not to hook overtly holiday-ish items; they take so long to hook, I wouldn’t want to put them away after a month.) Indeed, the customer didn’t even recognize it as a poinsettia at first; to her it was an attractive, artsy rug that went well with the colors in her living room. Then she told me what she was going to do with it.

“It’ll make a great pillow to set on my fireplace.”

Very cool, I thought. “Would you send me a photo when you finish it?” 

“Of course!”

Nonetheless, I was concerned that when she finally made the pillow, she’d either forget or have lost my card with the email address.

I needn’t have worried. That was Saturday. I think it was Tuesday afternoon when I saw an email with an unfamiliar address pop into my box. The message:

Hi Laura,


I bought your poinsettia at the sunflower festival on Saturday.  I turned it into a pillow, stitching a backing from a green fabric remnant I had and stuffing it with poly filling.  Here it is in front of our kiva.  You can see it has a good home.  It is nestled on an afghan my grandmother crocheted about 50 years ago.  Thanks for your artistry.


Someone alters your art and makes it a pillow.
After:  The Poinsettia’s become a Poinsettia pillow. Looks nice on the kiva, doesn’t it. Ada told me, too, that the afghan on the right was made by her grandmother 50 years ago. My rug’s in fine company.

Leonard Cohen once stated that “Artists’ intentions mean nothing.” And I agree. Especially if you’re selling your art. Sure, the poinsettia made a nifty wall-hanging or table-topper, but Ada saw it as a colorful pillow perfect for her living room. I’m happy that she was able to take a piece of my art and make it her own as well. And I’m grateful to her for sharing it with me.




I forgot I hooked that rug!

I can’t believe that I forgot I hooked that rug! Yes, it went plumb out of my mind. Let me explain.

that rug, hooked
Unfinished and, therefore, unnamed rug being hooked with t-shirts sometime last fall.


Last night I was going through my laptop files looking for a particular rug photo. (I read a blog that encourages people to share their gardens and crafts and such. Of course, they want to see my rugs. 🙂 )  So, I’m combing through the blog file, the guild file, High on Hooking’s inventories, every file containing pics of rugs for whatever reason. And I come across this photo of an unfinished rug.

And I think, where the hell that rug?  How come I haven’t been trying to sell that??? It was a pretty large, circular deal. About 28 inches in diameter.

Like many of you, I am not a woman who keeps things that bother me to myself. I less than casually mention it to Tom who responds with What rug? (Insert my eye roll here.) Once I show him the photo, oh, I remember that one! Thank God. I was starting to think senility might be creeping in. Then he asks about its whereabouts. Duh! Then he asks if I ever finished it. Of course, I finished it! I had to have done it before I started the big, blue floral rug around January 1.

I check the wicker trunk and the cedar chest. Nada. I take a cursory glance around the closet and laundry room, but they both hold my hooking raw materials, not finished rugs, most of which currently abide in my mobile store. It’s definitely not with them.

Again to the cedar chest. I do a better search, actually take things out. Nope. The rug seems to have vanished. I briefly consider that Melinda might’ve taken it. She really liked it when I was working on it. Nah, I would’ve seen it at her house. So, it has to be in mine!

Tom’s lost interest by now. I head back to the closet and the laundry room. Okay, I have not cleaned or sorted my laundry room counter in a very l-o-n-g time. Been too busy. This time I actually pick up some  pile, move things around, and…lo and behold!…there, neatly folded, is that rug. I grab it, unfold it. Oh, the hooking is done – just like I remembered – but the finishing, not so much. Never bandy that word senility around so casually when you live in a glass house. It will come back to bite you in the ass.

that rug, unfinished
I definitely hooked that rug. I most definitely did NOT finish that rug.

Now I have another job to do so that I can get this baby out to the Rail Yards and the other places I’m selling at this season. (That would include, I recently found out, the Sunflower Festival in Mountainair, here in New Mexico on August 26.) Since tonight I’ll finish hooking another rug (see photo below) and have yet to design something new, I guess that I’ll be sewing binding on the “Tree of Life” when I meet with some guild members tomorrow for a mini hook-in. Like you, I’d rather hook.

Last week brought some interesting news. Along with 59 other hookers who feel a need to share the hooking gospel via social media, specifically via a blog, High on Hooking’s blog was named one of the best 60 rug hooking blogs. (It didn’t specify where, so I’ll go with in the entire world.) I admit that when I saw the email that morning, I scoffed to Tom that it was some kind of scam, false news, as it were. But, no, when I got on Facebook later in the day, congratulations were flying. Thank you, Rug Hooking Magazine and Feedspot for a lovely and unexpected boost.

Lastly, Tynan is back with “The Rug on the Frame.” Though he did mention that it felt like a demotion after being allowed to write the blog last week. I told him that if he’s good, he’ll get another chance. And if he stops calling us idiots. This rug is a favorite of his, though he’d make me take out the “WOOF” and put in his name. Then I couldn’t sell it, I explained. Exactly, he said.

hooked rug and dog
Tynan says, that rug should be mine. “Woof” is hooked all in t-shirt. Much cooler than wool this time of year.