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Tag: Museum of International Folk Art

We’re going to shows – in-person!

In-person events. Can you imagine it after over a year of hiding out from each other? But it’s starting to happen!

High on Hooking and friend Catherine Kelly will be vending our first in-person show since November of 2019! We’ll be at the SPRING & FIBER FESTIVAL at EL RANCHO DE LAS GOLONDRINAS June 5/6. It’s an outdoor venue, so if you’re vaccinated, you probably won’t even need a mask! If you’re in the area then, please stop by to chat and fondle the rugs. Mention this blog post and get a 5% discount on anything you purchase from High on Hooking. (See our other events in the Calendar.)

Spring’s just busting out all over! It’s been a big week here in the HoH house. We entered the modern age when we traded our 2003 Honda Accord in for a much newer “old” car, a 2019 CR-V. All those freaking electronics! Fortunately, I still have my little Fit to tool about town in and keep my gas usage and emissions to a minimum.

Wednesday, Cathy (above) and I took the new vehicle for a spin up to Santa Fe’s Museum of International Folk Art. Other than the need for a mask, it was like pre-Covid times! An in-person museum visit! I was so excited early last year when the museum announced that they’d be having an exhibit of the Afghan War Rugs from summer through the fall. And then the Coronacootie struck! No fears – they were able to extend the exhibit through September of this year. Since I had my second Moderna vaccine last week, it was finally time. And the carpets did not disappoint. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take any pics, so I stole the one below from the museum’s website.

Photograph of Afghan War Rug; we were able to go to the museum in person.
Photograph from Museum of International Folk Art

For those who aren’t familiar with the Afghan War Rugs, at first glance some of them look like typical, traditional rugs woven in Afghan and other areas of the Middle East, but when you take a second look, you realize that the Cypress tree motif is a…missile. A “boteh” (paisley) is really a helicopter. Look a little harder and you’ll find pistols, machine guns and grenades. In some of the rugs, though, the artisans went full on war-rug. You can’t miss the tanks.

Afghanistan is known for its rugs, though many of these rugs were created by Afghan refugees in Pakistan and Iran after Russia and then the US waged war in the country. They offer, certainly, an artistic commentary on what’s happened in (primarily) the last 40 or so years. (Russia invaded in 1979.) But they also demonstrate a commercial response to war in Afghanistan and the effect on its people. The carpets have proven popular with journalists, military personnel, foreign aid workers, and such.

The emergence of war-related imagery in Afghan rug design has clearly aided the economic survival of area weavers and displaced craftspeople through years of armed conflict and cultural disruption. What war rugs mean to individual weavers is less understood. Are war rugs a celebration of modernity or a rejection of war? Are they a witness to shared trauma or a commercialization of violence? Are they testaments to ingenuity and a spirit of survival? Perhaps they are all of these things at once.
(Museum of International Folk Art)

Over 40 rugs hang in the exhibit. Some look brand new; others have clearly been used as…rugs. All are fascinating to view. And, of course, being textiles, we desperately wanted to touch them. To turn them over and examine them. Yeah, that would’ve gotten us booted out. Unfortunately, too, there’s no real info about individual rugs or artists. Though this isn’t surprising.

If you ever get a chance to see this exhibit, make sure that you do. If you’d like to read more about the War Rugs, there’s a great article here.  The Museum of International Folk Art has a virtual exhibit available here.

Dogs on hooked rug
This is what happens when you try to take the WHAT’S ON THE FRAME pic too close to the boys’ dinner hour. Just getting them both in the frame was tough enough, then they kept looking over their shoulders as if Daddy was about to make and eat their meals. Still working on the newest in the happy rug series. Her name will be “Abundance.”



What events are you excited to get back to in-person this year?




Santa Fe’s International Folk Art Market

A close-up of a rug made by the Yangma-Olangchung Women's Cooperative in Nepal.
A close-up of a rug made by the Yangma-Olangchung Women’s Cooperative in Nepal.


As promised, more on Santa Fe’s International Folk Art Market

While the Guatemalan rug hookers catalyzed our visit to the International Market, the reality is they weren’t the only game in town. There were artisans from all over the world and LOTS of textiles which made Laura a very happy girl.


There was a decent amount of jewelry at the International Folk Art Market, but these bracelets made in Columbia really caught my eye. I know, it's all that color. (Artesanias de Columbia)
There was a decent amount of jewelry at the International Folk Art Market, but these bracelets made in Columbia really caught my eye. I know, it’s all that color. (Artesanias de Columbia)





Funny story and an important tidbit for anyone planning to visit the market next year:

I didn’t read too much about the International Folk Art Market before we headed off to Santa Fe that morning. Having been to the city’s big Indian Market and other events, we assumed it was on the Plaza. Driving into town, though, we saw signs for overflow market parking and the shuttle. “I’m guessing the lots near the Plaza are full and they’re shuttling people in,” I said to Tom. “Let’s park here.” We leave the car and board the bus. Sitting sideways and reading a program that someone had handed me, I

"Tree of Life" by Mariano Valadez. It's a huichol yarn painting, incredibly vibrant.
“Tree of Life” by Mariano Valadez. It’s a huichol yarn painting, incredibly vibrant.

paid absolutely no attention to where the bus was going. Looking up after a few minutes, imagine my surprise when I realized we were NOWHERE NEAR THE PLAZA. We were, however, close to Museum Hill. Oh! I looked back at the program and for the first time noted as well that there was an entrance fee involved. A $20 entrance fee. Tom took it better than I thought he would. Thank God that the kid hadn’t come with us after all. And that it was too hot to bring the dog.






These gorgeous, diaphanous fabrics are from India. Mamta Varma represents a group of women artists who make traditional Chikan embroidery.
These gorgeous, diaphanous fabrics are from India. Mamta Varma represents a group of women artists who do traditional Chikan embroidery.


We had to give credit to the organization that put on the market, the International Folk Art Alliance. There were several large tents spread on different levels between the various museums housing the artists’ booths. Colorful decorations blew in the breeze contributing to a nice, festive atmosphere. It was a pleasant way to spend a few hours. And entrance to the museums was included in the 20 bucks. Tom and I made use of the restrooms in the Museum of International Folk Art, then stayed a bit to enjoy its AC and some of the exhibits. I see another field trip in our future…



Uzbekistan was really well represented at the International Folk Art Market. These pieces of Rishatn pottery were created by Rustam and Damir Usmanov.
Uzbekistan was really well represented at the International Folk Art Market. These pieces of Rishtan pottery were created by Rustam and Damir Usmanov. How intricate is that design?













How could I have not photographed this??? It was in Ruraq Maki's booth. The organization represents women incarcerated in Peru. They make mantas, a handwoven shawl or carrying-cloth featuring a large embroidered stripe down the center  and including floral, animal, and bird motifs. Ruraq Maki provides the women a sustainable income for this exquisite work.
How could I have not photographed this??? It was in Ruraq Maki‘s booth. The organization represents women incarcerated in Peru. They make mantas, a handwoven shawl or carrying-cloth featuring a large embroidered stripe down the center and including floral, animal, and bird motifs. Ruraq Maki provides the women a sustainable income for this exquisite work.
More on Ruraq Maki and the good they do for women at ruraqmaki.com. ruraqmaki.com
More on Ruraq Maki and the good they do for women at ruraqmaki.org.


















My only complaints about the International Folk Art Market have to do with why I bought nothing, not even a small trinket or two. And there were some affordable items there, really. To allow artisans time to speak to market-goers and to deal with language and tech barriers, no money was exchanged at the booths. Instead there were a couple of central locations where one paid after giving info to a volunteer stationed at a table next to each booth. Unfortunately, all these extra tables and volunteers made for more congestion in the already heavily trafficked aisles. Worse, there were some pretty long lines at the payment stations. They weren’t shaded, and it was over 90 degrees that day, full sun. I,m fair-skinned with red hair and freckles. Add it up; mpulse purchasing wasn’t happening for me. And that was a serious shame.


So cool! These are examples of bark cloth painting from Malasia. Matthew Ngau Jau decorates the bark cloth (yes, from trees!) with paint, shells, beads, and embroidery.
So cool! These are examples of bark cloth painting from Malaysia. Matthew Ngau Jau decorates the bark cloth (yes, from trees!) with paint, shells, beads, and embroidery.
A bark cloth painting close-up.
A bark cloth painting close-up.

Enjoy some of the pics I took with my NEW phone. While its camera lens isn’t all scratched up like the old one, and it takes lovely shots, I hate the thing. It overheats on a regular basis. It’s quirky, doesn’t always do what it says it will and is difficult to answer calls on. Worse, the chick at the Cricket store told me how great the camera is – that was my most critical parameter in buying a new phone. Silly me to assume that a “great” camera would

Another instance when colors jumped up and dragged me into a booth. This appliqued wall hanging was hand-stitched by Tarek Abouelenin and Hosam Mamoud of the Tent Makers of Cairo. The designs they create are inspired by those found on mosque tiles and tents from the Ottoman Empire. They were the only Egyptians represented at the market.
Another instance when colors jumped up and dragged me into a booth. This appliqued wall hanging was hand-stitched by Tarek Abouelenin and Hosam Mamoud of the Tent Makers of Cairo. The designs they create are inspired by those found on mosque tiles and tents from the Ottoman Empire. They were the only Egyptians represented at the market.

necessarily include a “great” zoom feature (like the prior phone had). My bad! It has virtually no zoom. When I need close shots, I have to hope that Tom’s there with his phone (identical to my old phone with its very, very “zoom-y” lens). Now I’m stuck with the damn phone for who knows how long.







Isn't this beautiful? It's a Caucasian silk embroidery wall hanging done by one of the artists of the Mehmet Cetinkaya Gallery of Turkey. This traditional art dates back 300 years. I would've liked on. Silk items are believed to bring good fortune to families, not to mention status. I just need the good luck,.
Isn’t this beautiful? It’s a Caucasian silk embroidery wall hanging done by one of the artists of the Mehmet Cetinkaya Gallery of Turkey. This traditional art dates back 300 years. I would’ve liked to bring a piece home. Silk items are believed to bring good fortune to families, not to mention status. I.m not greedy; just give me the luck.



I hope everyone’s having a great summer. I’m enjoying all the rugs being posted on Facebook these days, especially as so many are attending rug camps and/or sitting outside on the porch with friends hooking. Me, I’m busy making rugs to sell at the Railyards Market. Mug rugs, it seems, are in. This week, Tom, the child, the dog, and I are off to Taos for a day trip. Looking forward to it. Hopefully, they won’t mind a few fiber stops on the way.


I may take a week or two off from posting here. Will still post to Facebook, though, so see us there. And feel free to post photos of your rugs or paintings or quilts or whatever you’re making these days. I love this time of year!





"Resting at the Spring," a bronze sculpture by Allen Houser in front of the Museum Cafe. By chance I'd seen a television piece on Houser a few weeks before I saw this piece.
“Resting at the Spring,” a bronze sculpture by Allen Houser in front of the Museum Cafe. Guess I did have some luck; I’d seen a television piece on Houser a few weeks before I saw this piece.
Rather Humpty-Dumpty like, no? He's from France. Francois Fresnais makes the ceramics and his wife Sylvie decorates them.
Rather Humpty-Dumpty like, no? He’s from France. Francois Fresnais makes the ceramics and his wife Sylvie decorates them.
















The artists of LANDYFIA in Laos weave raw silk and cotton scarves and home accessories. I must admit that I'm always drawn to the silk...
The artists of LANDYFIA in Madagascar weave raw silk and cotton scarves and home accessories. I’m always drawn to the silk…
What woman wouldn't want a pair of these shoes? They're made by Gulnora Odilova of Uzbekistan. She embroiders clothing, bags, and home accessories in the Shakhrisabz tradition and has established a school to ensure that the techniques live on.
What woman wouldn’t want a pair of these flats? They’re made by Gulnora Odilova of Uzbekistan. She embroiders clothing, bags, and home accessories in the Shakhrisabz tradition and has established a school to ensure that the techniques live on. …And that’s it from the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market, folks. Happy summer!