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IN THE STUDIO – Dec. 2 with Larry Weyand

Larry Weyand – Investigating how hard-to-swallow narratives can occupy space within the soft, fluffy boundaries of textile-based craft


Larry Weyand, textile artist


In conversations with family members around the dinner table, little moments of stress, anxiety, panic, abuse, disagreement, anger, addiction, sadness and loss all occur within the context of a good meal. In order to better understand how these behaviors have been passed down from generation to generation, these seemingly little moments are transformed into rugs, bearing the impact of these memories through yarn and cloth. Through the process of autoethnography, I explore how my work lies in the space where narrative, psychological resilience, mat making and food intersect.

About Larry Weyand:

Larry Weyand is a performance artist and rug hooker whose work defies the established properties of traditional floor decor and domesticity. Fueled by the complex history of processed foods and emotional trauma, Larry investigates how hard-to-swallow narratives can occupy space within the soft, fluffy boundaries of textile-based craft. Having completed their MFA at Concordia University in Fibres & Material Practices, Larry is now a visiting professor in Fibres & Textiles at Memorial University’s Grenfell campus in their new home in Newfoundland. Growing up in both Montreal, Quebec and Biddeford, Maine, Larry enjoys a good road trip.

You can learn more about Larry and see their work at www.larryweyand.com and on instagram@larrycweyand.


Find tickets for this event at  Ticketscene.



The Zoom link for this presentation will be emailed to you the day before the talk (or after you purchase your ticket, if you purchase on the day of the event).  If you don’t receive it, you can contact the organizer at info@karendmillerstudio.com.  

Tickets will be on sale until 10am the day of the event.  After that time you will no longer be able to purchase tickets.


* Will this talk be recorded for viewing later?

Unfortunately, no. Due to the logistics involved, we decided some time ago to keep these events live. Hopefully if you can’t make it to this talk, you’ll be able to make it to a future talk.

* It’s the day of the talk and I’m having trouble finding or using the link for the talk. How can I find help?

It is very advisable to LOG INTO THE EVENT A FEW MINUTES EARLY to be sure that you have no trouble with the link, and if you are having trouble the organizer can help you out. You can email or message the event organizer up until 12:30pm Eastern on the day of the talk for help. ONCE THE EVENT STARTS, however, messages and emails are not able to be monitored.

* I’m finding it distracting during the talk seeing all of the other participants on my screen. What can I do?

During the event the organizer will put the screen setting on “spotlight view” so that the presenter is the focus on your screen. Depending on your device, you may still see audience members on your screen and changing your setting from “gallery view” to “speaker view” should help with that.

