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Tag: Rio Grande

Earth Day 2022

Earth Day exhortation - recycled art

At High on Hooking we try to remember the Earth every day, not just on Earth Day. It’s not difficult, really. Since we moved to New Mexico almost seven years ago (my mind is blown every time I think of that!), the summer temperatures and number of days above 100 degrees F have steadily increased. Hell, when we made our plans to relocate to the high desert from Massachusetts, average summer temperatures here were less than 95! And while we were aware of the drought, no one thought that it would go on this long. Now it’s considered a megadrought, the worst in 1200 years! On my walks in the Bosque, I’ve witnessed the Rio Grande dribble itself into a Rio “Pequeño.” If I didn’t worry about the mud and the potentially toxic crap in the mud, I might venture to walk across it.

Between smog and wild weather and drought and fires, I understand why young folks have anxiety about their future. My own kid is pretty cynical and depressed about it all. Yesterday’s headline in the Boston Globe certainly didn’t help my own mood: As Earth’s temperature rises, Massachusetts residents’ sense of urgency on climate change declines.” We’re all tired of the doom and gloom, but I think the most terrible thing is that we seem to have lost hope. The past couple of months have demonstrated Americans’ inability to give up our gas-guzzling ways. A couple of weeks ago, city councilors in Albuquerque rolled back a single use plastic bag ban that had barely been in play since the mayor had put it on hold during much of the pandemic. They couldn’t even wait till June for the study to determine if it was effective was completed. Now, in addition to dirty, used masks, I’ve started seeing plastic bags again on roadsides and caught up in trees. Shit, if we can’t even get the mostly surface level stuff right, if we’re so short-sighted about garbage in our streets, how can we ever be serious about righting our sinking Earth, our only home?

Clearly, the adults of the world don’t care much about what we’re leaving for our kids. Just look at how so many treat Greta Thurnberg of Sweden.

Others diminish Greta Thunberg’s work because of her age. Ever since Greta first made headlines a few years ago and she delivered her now-famous “How dare you” speech, her age has been leveraged against her words. As Thunberg points out in her speech, her detractors are right in a sense. Thunberg shouldn’t have to stand before world leaders, telling them the obvious, which is that we’re being led directly into the jaws of the greatest threat to humanity we have ever known. Climate change.

It’s shameful that Thunberg has to do what she does, but the adults of the world are failing to ensure a future for the next generation. So it’s up to people like Thunberg to try to do something to save the world that the youth will inherit.



Part of the reason she inspires such rage, of course, is blindingly obvious. Climate change is terrifying. The Amazon is burning. So too is the Savannah. Parts of the Arctic are on fire. Sea levels are rising. There are more vicious storms and wildfires and droughts and floods. Denial is easier than confronting the terrifying truth.



Laura Ingraham, the Fox News host, called Ms. Thunberg’s United Nations speech “chilling” on her Monday night show, and ran a segment about how climate change “hysteria” is changing American youth.


Climate change has been caused by human activity. And no one likes being told that their actions have contributed to a freaking calamity, but at some point, we have to own up to it and make it so that human and other life can go on. So that the lives of our kids and their kids can go on. That’s what being an adult is about, isn’t it?

Thunberg has already had a demonstrated impact on how her generation views the climate crisis, with one recent survey showing that nearly 70 percent of people under the age of 18 believe that climate change is a global emergency compared with 58 percent of people over the age of 60. …Thunberg isn’t daunted by her status. The way she sees it, the demonization is a diversion from clmate science, to which skeptics have few answers.


Much of High on Hooking's art is recycled art
We try to use mostly recycled or reclaimed materials in the art at High on Hooking every day, not just on Earth Day. But we can’t always resist virgin wool yarns like in that sunflower.

At High on Hooking, I know that I need to do more to care for my and our environment: take shorter showers; buy way less crap; mend more; drive my little Honda Fit rather than the CRV when I’m cruising around Albuquerque; and really be more aware of how my actions affect it all. We can’t buy our way out of this problem. We have to change. In my art, I already already work hard to hook with materials that others might just discard. But it’s not enough. If I can’t adjust what I do, how can I expect others to do anything?

Earth Day 2022 is Friday. Will you mark the day as crucial for our home?



Playing catch up

Sunflowers along the RIo Grande. They've been bursting out all over given the (relatively) rainy summer.
Sunflowers along the Rio Grande. They’ve been bursting out all over given the (relatively) rainy summer.

It’s a slow week here in Albuquerque. That’s probably for the best. It’ll let me catch up on paperwork, write a few thank you notes, and read more of the slush pile for Fifth Wednesday once again. If you like good fiction, I suggest you head to the journal’s webpage and check it out. And I’m not saying that just because I’m an assistant editor there. Really!

Then there’s the resume I’ve got to update for the first time in a few years. When I left Massachusetts, I’d been running a food pantry. It was a job I loved. What to do now that I’m here in New Mexico? My Spanish is pretty rudimentary, pigeon really, so, even if there were a pantry job available, the language barrier would be substantial. Nonetheless, the resume is a place to start along with some gentle networking when I head to my first Adobe Wool Arts Guild meeting here next week.

Great sculpture we found along the Bosque, next to the parking lot, way atop a big boulder.
Great sculpture we found along the Bosque, next to the parking lot, way atop a HUGE boulder.

Another reason to sit back and enjoy the sun and quiet (soon Tom and the kid will be out looking for a car; she’s getting her permit today) is that my rheumatoid arthritis has been acting up lately. Not a surprise given the stress of the move and the purchase of a new house. I’ve heard from one other hooker with RA; anyone else out there? Have any tips for us? I’m lucky in that my hands aren’t affected as much as my hips and feet are. I can generally hook as much as I wish. Though I do cut my strips by hand. I’ll usually feel that the next day.

Lest you think my catch up week means I’m not out there finding inspiration, not so! I have an artist’s date with myself planned for later in the week. Saw a piece in the paper about a tapestry exhibit at the local Weems Galleries and Framing. A few of weaver Susan Klebanoff‘s pieces were included in the story; it’s a solo show. Looks fabulous.

Maybe someone knows what this plant is, but I'm calling it "magical fog grass."
Maybe someone knows what this plant is, but I’m calling it “magical fog grass.”

Lastly, Tom and I eschewed the mountains this weekend for some time down by the Rio Grande, the Bosque trail, specifically, that runs along the river. Fortunately, there was more water in the Rio Grande than there was when I was here two years ago; the drought’s abated some. Enjoy a few pics that I snapped while we were walking.

Where might you be headed for an artist’s date this week? Or do you self-inspire in some other way?


