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Tag: San Felipe Church

Away from home…

Fall slowly dawns on Albuquerque.
Fall slowly dawns on Albuquerque.

Today I ran away from home for a couple of hours. I couldn’t take those people I live with any more. Truth be told, they were probably glad to be rid of me too. Almost three months ago we left Massachusetts for New Mexico, almost three months of undiluted togetherness. I’m a person who’s used to getting out: to work, to guild meetings, to writers’ groups, to networking nights. Not that I haven’t met anyone here in Albuquerque, but the going’s been slow. Or I’m impatient.


Okay, I know I’m impatient. We haven’t even been in this house a month. I’ve found area hookers; tomorrow’s my second guild meeting with them. I’ve already managed to participate in their monthly demo at the local botanical garden. A potluck with the neighbors Sunday provided info on a couple of organizations to join. And I’m gearing up for a job search. Things are actually coming together.

The reality is that I want need to take advantage of the downtime. To write, to sketch, to plan my next chapter. The past few years have been rough what with my mother-in-law succumbing to Alzheimer’s, planning this year’s move, and my kid’s bipolar issues. Concentration has often eluded me. Life being short and all, I have to remedy that.

So, at Julia Cameron’s urging, I escaped took an artist’s date. Old Town Albuquerque is filled with all things…old and artsy in a southwesterly way. Okay, and touristy too. Because I’m finishing up some packages to send back home to family and friends, touristy was what I needed. Day of the Dead here I come!

I poked here and wandered there. First up was San Felipe Church; it was established in 1706, though the current church dates from 1793! I picked up a pottery cross to send back to my boss at Saint Blaise in Massachusetts. A tourist trap provided maracas – perfect for two little girls with fall birthdays. Dream catchers too because I just love that idea, and because I suffer from hot flashes and insomnia, I appreciate catching all the good dreams one can. After that I investigated a little home goods-type shop that provided some good inspiration for rug-making.

Aren't they great? Not sure of the artist, unfortunately.
Aren’t they great? Not sure of the artist, unfortunately.

Fortunately, I’d found free parking near the art museum (a place I’m teasing myself with, waiting to visit till winter). On my way back, wending my way through a corner of the front garden, I revisited the statuary I’d seen when I vacationed here two summers ago. How could I stay cranky after seeing these two happy bears? I couldn’t. I was glad I’d gotten out, done something on my own. Even better, tomorrow I’ll head off to lunch and a guild meeting with new friends. It doesn’t get better than that.

Is your retired husband always home? Your kids? Sure, we love them, but how do you keep your own “space,” your soul time? Be honest, do you run away from home too?




