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Tag: Santa Fe Fall

Fall fiber frenzy, Part 2


Fall fiber frenzy continues. The year here at High on Hooking culminates in the Fall Fiber Fiesta, Friday – Sunday, up in Santa Fe. You are coming, yes?

Fall fiber frenzy - post card for Fiber Fiesta
Feed the Fall fiber frenzy by attending Fiesta! Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center does a great job with this event.


Postcard info on Fall Fiber Fiesta
Pertinent info regarding Fall Fiber Fiesta this weekend.

A BIG THANK YOU to Dagmar Beinenz-Byrd of ZiaWoolz for opening and sharing her beautiful home during Saturday’s High Desert Studio Tour. Yes, I did buy almost, but not quite more than I sold. But who can resist those hand-dyed yarns and fingerless mittens (yeah, I bought another pair of those), etc., etc. Because Dag’s yarns are too light to hook with, I’ve never been able to purchase any of her yummy colors. (Tom just wouldn’t understand me purchasing yarn to look at. He’s so silly, I know.) BUT, having just finished crocheting a shawl (sized more like a scarf to me) – my first “big” crochet project in years – I rewarded myself with some of her yarn to repeat the project in BRIGHT summery colors. More on that another day.

Fall fiber frenzy things to buy
Goodies by ZiaWoolz. She’s got an Etsy shop, peeps.





Really, can you resist these? And I’m not just talking Hersey’s Kisses here.









And lastly, this week’s “What’s on the frame” feature is really about what’s NOT on the frame. These little rugs have to be finished up in the next couple of days to be ready to go Friday morning. So much to do, so much to do…

Fall fiber frenzy - littel rugs to finish
You know, mug rugs give quick validation, but I’ll be glad to get back to bigger rugs after this weekend. BTW, if you can’t make it to Fiesta, we do have an Etsy shop. I’ll have time to update it after I cook Thanksgiving dinner. Give a yell if you don’t see what you need. Or want. We can help. Really…





Again, feed the Fall fiber frenzy by visiting High on Hooking up in Santa Fe this weekend. As always, mention the blog and get 10% off any rug. See you there!





