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Good news! More work, but good news!


Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center
Española Valley Fiber Arts Center in…Española, New Mexico. A place filled with fiber. Visit and you’re sure to have a fiberific time. My rugs will spend February in the window on the left.

Good news! How often do we get to yell that? Actually, it’s news I wasn’t ready to share last week, but after hanging out at the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center (EVFAC) for awhile today (and shopping, of course), I can reveal: I’m the center’s “Artist of the Month” in February. Yes, really!

The “Artist” will have their fiber creations filling up one of the big windows at the front of the building. And available for sale. Well Done EVFAC’s just starting the new program this year. They announced it in the January newsletter and asked members to apply. On a lark, I did just that. I mentioned though, because I vend during much of the year, a winter month would be good. They got back to me right quick and offered February. Woohoo!

Yes, I accepted.

Dyed wool yarn.
Need colorful wool yarns? EVFAC’s your place.

Today the High on Hooking helpers – Tom and Tynan – and I took the hour-and-a-half drive up to Española (a half-hour north of Santa Fe) so that I could talk logistics. Then…they asked me to teach an introductory class during the month. And give a little talk. Alrighty! It actually won’t be the first class I’ve taught there. A talk though…

So, that’s my good news. If you’re local and have thought that maybe you’d like to give rug hooking a whirl, this is a great opportunity. The class will be Saturday, February 16, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. We’ll lunch at the table while we hook. After that, we’ll talk more hooking. We’ll have plenty to chat about as it’s still not that well known in these parts – the Southwest – where weaving traditionally dominates. But we’re making great strides, people!

Do you have any good news? 2019 is starting strong here at High on Hooking, and I already have a l-o-n-g queue of rugs just waiting to be hooked. (Truthfully, this is somewhat daunting…) It will be the year of many rugs. And many rug events. Share yours here!

Dog on hooked rug
Tynan’s providing your last look at the ENTIRE “Big Boucherouite” until it’s done. No worries, I’ll still share bits and pieces each week and on Instagram/Facebook. Let me tell you how heavy it’s getting! BTW, isn’t Tynan looking handsome with his new haircut?