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Tag: Sunflower Festival

Take time to smell the sunflower!

Will you be at Mountainair’s Sunflower Festival Saturday?


Dog with hooked sunflower wall hangings.
Bowyn will be sad if he doesn’t get to meet you at Saturday’s Sunflower Festival.


Unfortunately, last weekend’s textile art sale in Santa Fe was a bit of a logistical bust. But is it really a loss when you spend time hanging with a bunch of other talented fiber artists here in New Mexico or anywhere. NO! Fortunately, Cathy, my partner in crime, and I have the Sunflower Festival in just a few days. It’s always a fun time what with the arts, the music, the food… And Mountainair is a cool, little mountain town, very BIG sky country.

As you can see, I’m ready for the Sunflower Festival. Sunflowers are truly one of my favorite flowers, and if you’ve been following me for at least a year, you know that I like to hook some version of them annually. This year I went small, three wall hangings. And instead of keeping it all t-shirt all the time, I mixed it up. Each one has some amount of t-shirt, bed sheet, wool strips, and wool yarn. The variegated backgrounds were dyed by my own little hands during my “retreat week” back in June. Oh, and I included itty-bitty glass seed beads in the – what else? – sunflower seed heads!

Sunflower wall hanging.
Sunflower wall hanging. (Old t-shirts and bed sheets; wool strips and yarn; glass seed beads.)

It’s the end of summer here in New Mexico, and while the sunflowers are blooming and it’s still warm, you can see that fall’s on its way. Kids have been in school a couple of weeks. (Being from the East Coast, that’s still weird for me.) Already I’ve spied some turning leaves here and there. The Hatch chiles are roasting in the grocery store parking lots. That heavenly aroma!

Fall is a looking forward time for me. How to change up the house decor – pumpkins and candles, of course. The holidays! We just rented a house for a week’s vacation in Arizona (which lets us be self-sufficient in this unnecessarily continued time of Covid, but I digress). New rugs and other textile projects. Workshops.

On that workshop note, I want to remind everyone that In the Studio Workshop Week 3 will be here in two months. Less than that, actually. I’ll be teaching two sessions of Hooking with T-Shirts. The first will be Saturday, October 23. There are a few places still open in each class, so if you’re interested, email me at Laura@highonhooking.com. Some workshops are full but may have a waiting list available. Others still have room. Just contact the teacher of the class you’re interested in.

Lastly, a gentle reminder. The rug hooking week at Sauder Village just wrapped up. Trolling Facebook, I’ve seen wonderful photos of the gorgeous rugs that were on display. One thing, though, that I noticed about many of the posts was the lack of attribution. We need to remember that when we post pics of others’ artwork, we need to give the artists their due and provide their names. An easy way to get that info is to take a quick pic of the little card that’s invariably right next to or just below the rug, painting, quilt, or other piece of art you’re photographing. Then you’ll have everything together when you go to share the art porn.


Flyer for another one of the August in-person events.


As summer winds down here in the northern hemisphere, what plans are you making in order to really appreciate and enjoy the autumn? Maybe you’ll head out to Mountainair!



Two in-person art events in August – FINALLY!

I’ll repeat that: High on Hooking will be participating in not just one, but two in-person art events in August! The last time we got to do anything in person was when we taught a punch needle rug hooking class up at the New Mexico Fiber Arts Center (Española, NM) in late February, 2020. Before the stupid Coronacootie struck and absconded with over a year of our lives.

Flyer for one August in-person event.
One of the honest to goodness August in-person art events!




The first event is the UNDERFOOT AND ALL AROUND Rag Rug and Textile Arts Sale in Santa Fe. It’s presented by Art Through the Loom (ATTL), a textile arts guild that I recently joined.

Art Through The Loom promotes weaving and fiber arts in Northern New Mexico. The ATTL members are fiber artists with a strong commitment to weaving and all fiber arts.

Art Through the Loom Guild members are a diverse community of fiber artists who come together from primarily northern New Mexico to access markets and learn from one another as textile professionals.

Date:          August 20,21
Time:         10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Location:    Montezuma Lodge, 431 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM


Flyer for another one of the August in-person events.
One of the August in-person art events.

The weekend after Underfoot and All Around, Sturday, August 28, we’re heading back to Mountainair, NM, after a 2-year hiatus. The SUNFLOWER FESTIVAL is one of my favorite events. Sure, I have to drive an hour-and-a-half to get there, but it’s beautiful with all kinds of NM art! And who doesn’t love sunflowers? That’s reminding me; I have to hook a small sunflower mat for the silent auction. Must get on that now that I’m home.

We’ve been silent here on the website for a few weeks as we’ve been back East (Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island) to visit family and friends. Because it’s such a L-O-N-G ride in the car, Tynan stayed here in Albuquerque with Ruth. He thanks Ruth for her hospitality and homemade doggie treats AND Mary R. for taking him on walks in the Bosque. Bowyn and Tom and I are recovering from the trip today. We got in last night, and our backs are telling us all about those three 10-hour day drives coming home. I anticipate another round of yoga this evening…

I need to get this post up, but we’ll chat more about what we’ve been doing and making next week. I hope that we’ll see you at one of the August in-person art events. Or both!

And a public service announcement:  Those covid numbers are going up again. If we want to keep our scheduled, in-person events from being cancelled, make sure you and yours get vaccinated.



It’s Sunflower Festival time again!


Mountainair Sunflower Festival, August 24, 2019
Another August, another Mountainair Sunflower Festival for High on Hooking. (See what happened one other year.) Come see us along with Cathy Kelly, fellow rug hooker. Sample our wares, fondle the rugs, buy one! Mention our social media and get 10% off any item. Don’t forget to wear your sunflower bonnet!

A perfect, end-of-summer weekend


“The First Boucherouite” hooked from old bed sheets and a smidgen of t-shirt.


This past weekend was a busy one for me, particularly in the hooking department. It started early too. Thursday found me hooking with friends. That was good; it let me finish hemming up the Boucherouite. Yes, I finally finished it. It took longer than anticipated thanks to plenty of one-directional hooking – the orange and yellowish areas. That was to imitate the weaving of the real Moroccan rugs. But I have to admit that I love how this one came out. Your thoughts? Me, I’m thinking that I have to make a much bigger floor rug. Time to collect the bed sheets…

Wool yarns that I microwave-dyed in Cathy Kelly’s class. Very pretty aren’t they?

On to Friday: Cathy Kelly gave a class on microwave dyeing to four of us in the guild. Thanks to Darlene for providing the space in her own “dye garage”! (She won’t hear that as she’s about to jaunt off to London and Paris. Why, yes, I am envious. How could you tell?)



The class was great fun. Come on, who doesn’t enjoy playing with color? Rather than wool fabric, we dyed yarn. Except for Nan, who’s high on felting, not just hooking. Here you can see the three skeins I dyed. Guess I was in a pink-purple-yellow mood. Note to self: next time work in the blue-green zone. But aren’t they wonderful and color-full? Thanks so much to Cathy for the class!


Friday evening – Saturday: Time to update the inventory and pack the car for the Sunflower Festival in Mountainair. Then bed. We had to be up early given the hour-and-a-half drive. But, damn, it was worth it. We’d never been to Mountainair before. The ride was visually stunning: bright blue skies; wide, open spaces; long freight trains; mountain passes. The best part was the cooler weather. Mountainair’s up about 6500 feet. For the first time in a long while, I didn’t sweat setting up the booth. Always a plus when you’re hanging with the public. And the tent gave nice shade. Again: perfect, end-of-summer weekend.

Not a perfect, end-of-summer weekend for Tom.
Tom rests under the High on Hooking tent. Unfortunately, he did NOT make employee of the month this time. No sales for him!
Dog has perfect, end-of-summer weekend.
Tynan enjoyed the Sunflower Festival. Of course, people made all over him. However, no sales for Tynan. Like Tom, he did not make employee of the month. Not a completely perfect, end-of-summer weekend for him and Tom. 🙂

I can’t say enough about the festival. I managed to sell a few things, certainly enough to get me back next year. There were plenty of art and food vendors. The bathrooms were near nearby and clean. You had your choice of the indoor type or the fancy porta potty type that I’ve seen out here. AC and everything! Plus there was full-on cell phone coverage when I’d been told not to expect it at all! The festival is  obviously one of the big events in this tiny community, and it showed. Kudos to the Monzano Mountain Art Council!

Sunday dawns: We’re tired what with being outside all day Saturday not to mention the three hours of driving. Took the dog for a 45-minute walk then headed off on the weekly grocery shopping trip. I don’t know what I did between then and 5:00 when we left for Santa Fe’s Opera House. (That’s about an hour’s ride.) You see, I’ve always wanted to see an opera there, but Tom, not being into opera AT ALL, demurred at sharing such an experience with me. It’s wicked expensive, so I couldn’t fully blame him. He did, however, agree to see Garrison Keillor with me. Woohoo!


View of Sangre de Cristos on a perfect, end-of-summer weekend.
A perfect view for a perfect weekend. See the Sangre de Cristo Mountains from the Santa Fe Opera House. To the right in the foreground is a bathroom and bar. I like how they conveniently go together. Excellent planning, SF Opera!

The experience met ALL expectations. Again, perfect weather. Then there’s the view. The Opera House has a fabulous vantage point and, therefore, a gorgeous view of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains to the east and the Jemez to the west. It’s an open-air theater (a word that doesn’t do it justice at all) so you can literally see for miles. We bought a ridiculously overpriced glass of wine to share and took it all in.

Santa Fe Opera House on a perfect, end-of-summer weekend.
The interior of the Santa Fe Opera House. This is up near the top row, “oxygen seats.” I joke. While we sat below, there really aren’t bad seats in the place.

The show started about 15 minutes late. No matter. Folks drifted in toward their seats. If they hadn’t finished their cocktails, standing just outside the theater proper to watch was perfectly acceptable. (Only bottled water is permitted inside.) Keillor moved through the audience singing extemporaneously, shaking hands, and questioning our cell phone usage.

Garrison Keillor at the Santa Fe Opera House.
Garrison Keillor himself.

Making it to the stage eventually, he laughed at those of us who were “saluting.” I learned a valuable lesson: Next time I attend a show at the Opera House, I’ll bring sunglasses. The seats all face directly west, right into the glaring, setting sun behind the stage. Next time I won’t be such a newbie.

The show went on a full three hours. “Intermission” was a sing-along. While Keillor clearly didn’t have to pee, Tom and I certainly did. We didn’t head home till well after 10:00, arriving about 11:20. Bed called, and the perfect, end-of-summer weekend came to a close.


Now there’s just one big question: Whatever will we do for Labor Day?



Can’t there be another perfect, end-of-summer weekend? What do you have planned end the summer?


Whatever you do this weekend, make sure you take time to say a prayer for the folks of Houston who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey this past week. Their next days, weeks, and even years will be difficult.

Photo from Mulpix.



The Sunflower Festival and one damn rug to finish…


Tynan and this week’s rug on the frame, which has been the rug on the frame for a few weeks. So close… Gotta finish it for Saturday’s Sunflower Festival.


As you can tell by the look in Tynan’s eyes, I have NOT finished the Boucherouite-esque rug yet. Yes, I am very close, but here’s the thing: I need it completely done for Friday evening when I pack the car for Saturday’s vending gig. That gig would be the Sunflower Festival in Mountainair, about an hour and a half southeast of Albuquerque.

The Sunflower Festival is supposed to be a fun time, and I’m looking forward to it. But I’d feel a hell of a lot better if the rug was done NOW! See, I have a few other things to do this week. Ironically, they’re all hooking related. Thursday, I’m hooking with friends. I considered staying home, hopefully, sewing up sed rug, but then they pressured me, told me they were making gluten-free items for lunch. Who blows off friends like that? (Or the GF food?)


Friday, Cathy Kelly is teaching some of us in the guild  a yarn-dyeing method that’s done with a microwave oven. We’re dyeing yarn rather than wool fabric, so it really appeals to me. Check out the yarn she brought in to entice us into learning the technique. Yum!

Yarn dyed by Cathy Kelly. Not sure if I’ll hook with mine or use it in some crocheting project.

So, somewhere during the next two or three days, I need to finish hooking the rug, steam it, and hem it. Then price and tag it and enter it into the inventory log. Agh! Oh, and pack the mobile store into the car, adding a tent and leaving room for Tynan. Since we’ll be gone all day Saturday, he gets to go. While I love his company in the booth, he does have a habit of upstaging the merchandise. Maybe I can get him to demo the “Woof” rug while he schmoozes with potential customers.

Gotta run now, have to hook!

PS:  Check out the home page; we’ve added two other shows to the vending line-up.

Sunflower Festival poster
If you’re local or happen to be in New Mexico Saturday, come on down to Mountainair’s Sunflower Festival. Mention this blog article and get 10% off the rug of your choice!


