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Happy Thanksgiving, 2020!

Two dogs, a turkey, and a hooked rug
Bowyn and Tynan, Tom Turkey, and “The Angel of 2021” (who is almost complete!) wish you all a small, but sumptuous Thanksgiving. May we always have things to be grateful for – even in 2020.

Trying to lay low…

Two women and a hooked rug at Santa Fe Fall Fiber Fiesta
Something to be thankful for: When you meet an Instagram friend for the first time! Josephine of lonnieandjosephine Instagram fame showed up out of the blue, surprising me at my booth this weekend. And she bought a rug! Nothing’s better than that. Except that… she’s coming to next week’s Adobe Wool Arts Guild retreat here in Albuquerque. Woohoo!



Santa Fe Fall Fiber Fiesta 2018 is in the books, so now it’s time to lay low for a bit. Well, not exactly. It’s Thanksgiving week, and the kid is coming home tomorrow. Thursday’s dinner for our little family and a few friends is here, and you know what that means: cleaning and cooking! Not so much the hooking for a couple of days. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving with your own kin and whoever else circles your table – in body and/or soul. Enjoy one another! Lay low and tell your stories. Eat! Hook rugs! But do it together.


Happy Thanksgiving, 2018! What are you most thankful for this year?


Dog with hooked rug and stuffed turkey, trying to relax and lay low for the holiday
Couldn’t resist. I think this is actually last year’s pic, nonetheless, Tynan and High on Hooking bid you all a very Happy Turkey Day.