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Tucson was terrific!

Dog on hotel bed in Tucson.
Author Tynan here. You know, I’ll be 11 this year, and I’ve only recently been allowed the pleasure of hotel beds. This one belongs to my friend Nan. She took the photo while I was spending a little time with her Friday evening. I look gooood. Tucson was terrific!


Tuscon was terrific! The idiots sidelined me less than usual; even better, I was allowed into happy hour at the hotel! And they had a popcorn machine! One of my ladies Mary R. brought doggie bagels for me too. And Nan babysat me for a while Friday night while the idiots went for some food. (They did NOT bring any back for me. 🙁 )

Because the mistress is rushed this week getting her rugs ready to take up to the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center (EVFAC to you and me), and typing is difficult for me given my lack of thumbs, this is an abbreviated post. She insists that next week, I’ll be able to tell you all about our Arizona road trip. Okay, and the Old Pueblo Rug Hookers’ hook-in too.But I was allowed to post a couple of photos to whet your whistles.


Dog and woman on Mount Lemmon, Tucson.
Again, just to make you eager for my post next week, here’s one of the mistress and me up on Mount Lemmon in Tucson. What a view. And there was snow!


Hooked rug.
This week’s TINY VIEW of “What’s on the frame.” Yep, she’s finally starting to fill in some of the “Big Boucherouite.” It’s looking pretty cool.


She’s insisting that I suggest strongly that you make your own road trip up to Española starting Saturday. The scenery’s beautiful up in that part of the state what with the snow on the mountains and all. There’s New Mexican food there at El Paragua. Oh, and don’t forget to see her “window” at EVFAC. Don’t forget too – she’ll be teaching a 4-hour introductory rug hooking class on Saturday, February 16. We hope to see you! (As if they’ll let me in.)

Till next week,




  1. Catherine says:


    You are always “IN” with us! Yes, Tucson was a blast, and even though I only got in two pets to your head, I hope you don’t hold it against me. You were pretty well “guarded” at Happy Hour. What’s up with that?
    Enjoy the Española trip, I am headed towards Phoenix about then. Haven’t seen my daughter for a VERY long time. Good thing I have you to keep me in good cheer.
    Make sure SHE continues on that Boucherite!

    • LauraS says:

      Hey, Catherine, all we hear about is the Boucherouite. And the bed sheet strings are all over the house. Have fun in Phoenix! Why did you even come home? Woof!

    • LauraS says:

      Ellen, I think she would be very happy to share such things with you. Rug hooking is an interesting thing our here; she has to do a LOT of education. People know all about weaving here and how you can use woven pieces, but they have a hard time with hooked pieces. That being said, she finds lots of folks out here in New Mexico are open to exploration, more than she found back east in certain circles. Woof!

  2. Ruth says:

    Tynan, Mitens here, I’ve got thumbs but have not tried typing. I was in the chair today when you rushed in and ignored me, maybe someday I’ll stick around and get acquainted.

    • LauraS says:

      That would be truly excellent, Mittens. Then we could work as a team and dominate the Internet. I will try to control myself next time and not rush for your food. Woof! Woof!

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