High on Hooking’s got a little problem. We’re supposed to be in two places at once tomorrow night. We’ll actually be at the Fall Fiber Fiesta in Santa Fe. In fact, we’ll be there till Sunday evening. Fortunately, this show, “What is holiness?” at the Santa Maria de la Vida Abbey in Albuquerque WHICH OPENS TOMORROW runs till December 13. My piece “Sacred Life” was juried in. Maybe we can go together?
Much excitement going on in our little fiber art world here these days. How about yours?
Once again it’s time for the HIGH DESERT STUDIO TOUR in Albuquerque. And once again Dagmar of ZIA WOOLZ has generously invited myself and Sarah of SOUTHWEST SUNFLOWER POTTERY into her home and studio to participate in the tour. I, in turn, invite you to come sip a cup of mulled cider and chat whilst perusing the hand-dyed yarns, fabulous pottery, and of course, hooked rugs.
You’ll find us at 13701 Elena Gallegos NE, Highlands, of High Desert in Albuquerque.
Mention this post and get 10% off a rug. That’ll ensure that you and I can both buy some yarn and maybe a mug. 🙂
Now ogle some of the wares available for purchase on Saturday. 🙂
Examples of some of Sarahs work at Southwest Sunflower Pottery.Aren’t these fingerless mittens yummy? Dag made them. Actually, she spun and dyed the wool and then knitted them. So many colors to choose from…
“Kleeful – Autumn” is available at the High Desert Open Studio Tour Saturday. See you there!
Woohoo! “Memory of Water” is off to another show. Not a fiber arts show, but an exhibit of all kinds of media. Last month I saw that the Fuller Lodge Art Center (FLAC) up in Los Alamos (New Mexico) had a call for artists for “Making Waves,” their August exhibit.
A single stone thrown into the water can create a ripple that will affect the entire pond. Water is a sacred and often misused blessing, especially in the desert landscape of New Mexico. Take on water and all that it means to us personally. Don’t shy away from the controversy water issues can create! We want to see artwork that makes the biggest splash!
It appears that after spending a year on my hallway wall, “Memory of Water” made another splash with FLAC’s jurists. (You might remember that it was in Albuquerque’s Open Space Visitor Center’s “WATER” exhibit last year.) The show runs August 2-31, so we’re off to Los Alamos this week to deliver the piece. Tynan and new puppy Bowyn will get to take a ride!
Tynan presents “What’s on the frame” this week. He wants everyone to remember that he, not Junior (i.e., Bowyn, his new little brother) is the High on Hooking dog. Bowyn would not respect the rug; he’d just eat it. Those are his toys in the background, however. He’s a slob.
Truthfully, we’ll be making three trips up north to Los Alamos this coming month. We’ll have to retrieve the piece after the show. And mid month…we’re back up there for FLAC’s Summer Arts and Crafts Fair! First time High on Hooking’s vended this show. Here’s hoping for a beautifully sunny mountain day. No monsoon rains.
Maybe you’ll show at one of these events, particularly if you’re in the greater northern New Mexican area. If you’re at the Arts and Crafts Fair, mention the blog and get 10% off a rug!
Melinda and Cathy show friendship in front of the friendship rugs.
Ruth’s “Klimt” rug (pattern by Michelle Micarelli) on the far left won the Viewers’ Choice award. No one was surprised. Other rugs by Cathy, Mary R, Nancy P, Melinda, Betsy, and Nan.
More rugs by AWAG members. There were 27 juried entries that all got in plus the nine friendship rugs. Rugs here hooked by: Betsy, Nan, Melinda, Catherine, Liz, Nancy H, Laura (me!), Kalea, Mary S, Cathy, Marcy, and Darlene.
Melinda’s friendship rug. Can you tell which one I hooked? I might add that the t-shirt strips look just like everyone else’s wool strips. (Gary takes a nice shot of his wife’s rug, yes?)And here’s my friendship rug all nice and finished.So, I’m not sure why Melinda and I don’t look very happy here. It was the start of Fiber Arts Fiesta 2019. A success story. Thanks again, Gary.
And just like that Fiber Arts Fiesta 2019 is a wrap. Thank goodness. There was a LOT of planning and hooking followed by four straight days of work. In a few days Tom and I will rest. Sort of. We’re off on vacation. More on that later. Perhaps WiFi will be good enough to allow for some Facebook and Instagram pics. If not, you’ll just have to withstand the suspense while you wait for my photos and tales. Be back in a couple of weeks. Enjoy your summer!