It took a year, but our first visitors finally arrived here at our new house in New Mexico. My parents took the honor, arriving last Tuesday. They departed early yesterday morning, just as the sun came up from behind Albuquerque’s Sandia Mountains.
Mom always says, “Wine tastes best on top of a mountain.” In this case we were celebrating the view from Sandia Crest after arriving via the Tramway.
I have to admit that Tom and I were rather depressed after we dropped them at the Sunport (that’s what they call the airport here). More specifically, we were homesick, something that really hasn’t been a problem for us other than at the holidays. Which are coming up… Still, we had a good time: saw lots of sites, shopped lots of shops, ate lots of food, drank lots of wine. (My beverage proclivities are clearly genetic.) New friends – also from New England – joined us for Tom’s home-smoked ribs and football Sunday. And since you asked, yes, the Patriots did beat those Arizona Cardinals, even without Tom Brady. Woohoo!
Interestingly, I took few pictures, mostly because we were always visiting places I’ve already got photographs of. Guess I better ask my father to share his pics.
But vacation’s over (and it was a vacation for me, especially not dealing much with social media, to be perfectly honest), our visitors are gone, and now I’ve got work to do. There are two weekends of the Rail Yard Market left for me. Mug rugs have been selling, so they have to be replenished. I steamed two today; tomorrow I’ll finish them up. I’m in the midst of finishing a table runner too. And starting a brand new rug, a big round one. I drew it up yesterday. Later today I’ll finish sewing on the twill tape and start cutting strips. (If you’re new to High on Hooking, I sew the tape on first, before I start to hook. It’s just how I was taught.)
The reception I’ve had at the Rail Yard has been so positive that I’ve decided to participate in December’s special holiday market. It’ll be cold standing outside all day (the building we’re in is really just a shell), but I’m hoping that it’ll be worth the effort. And that there will be a LOT of hot tea available. So, I need to get ready for that, come up with some new ideas. More on that later.
Balloon Fiesta: what fall is all about in Albuquerque. Think our visitors will like this?
So, it’s time to get moving and to prepare for…more visitors! Tom’s sister and some of her family will be here in…two weeks! Just in time for Balloon Fiesta to start. Fall is a busy time here in the Salamy household and at High on Hooking. Thank goodness we like it that way.
Cathy in our booth – selling rugs and spreading the gospel of hooking. It was a warm day, thank goodness for the tent!
My friend and fellow rug hooker Cathy Kelly and I vended at the Mama’s Minerals show in Albuquerque this past weekend. Fabulous show and I’m happy to report good news: I sold a rug and, because of that, at this very moment am waiting for the Lowes truck to arrive with my new freezer. It’s a happy day, and the sale made for a tangible success.
Isn’t this a gorgeous rug? Kathy hooked it. It’s for sale; give a yell if you’re interested.
Being a VERY small business, when I sell a rug, the money’s usually deposited into our joint account. Cash gets plowed right back into materials to make more mats. Not this time!
When we moved into this house last year, we inherited the fridge as it was in great condition. It’s a Samsung with the French doors and freezer on the bottom. I was excited. In moving, we unloaded our 23-year-old side-by-side, the appliance that refused to die (unlike all the other kitchen machines). We also gave up our old freezer in the cellar. A shame given Tom’s penchant for finding meat sales and my own for over-baking and making enough pesto each summer to freeze for winter’s basil-free months. I miss it, hence, I’ve been nagging for a new freezer here. But life, as it’s wont to do, has been dishing out unexpected expenses (AC repairs, the kid’s wisdom teeth, my own need for a crown…), so the freezer had been moved to the back burner. Meanwhile the fridge freezer’s stuffed to the gills and I can’t make cookies to freeze before our company starts arriving in September because there’s NO ROOM IN THE INN!
“Domestic Geometry,” the bed-sheet rug that became a freezer.
Last week as I was getting ready for Mama’s Minerals, I mentioned to Tom that I intended to sell a larger rug in order to purchase a freezer. (It would’ve been easier if Lowes or Home Depot would take a rug in trade, but I guess the larger economy can’t work on fiber that way. Pity.) He laughed and said, “Sure, you go for that, girl.” It took a few hours Saturday, but one woman came in, checking out our stuff and chatting. Cathy and I both know her; she’s a member of the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council. Later she circled back in and announced that the rug would match her bathroom perfectly. Woohoo!
Yesterday Tom and I headed to the store and picked out a chest freezer – perfect for ribs and steak and chops and cookies and pesto! It’ll be here this afternoon. Just in the nick of time too; my parents arrive in a week. It’s time to start baking. Maybe put some muffins away for when more relatives show at the end of the month.
No blog next week given the company, but I’m busy working on more and more rugs. There are three more Sundays at the Rail Yards Market and then their Christmas show in December. Kathy and I are looking at more opportunities. Our rugs made a nice mix in the booth: her traditional, woolen mats and my not-so-traditional t-shirt and bed-sheet ones. More about that later, after I show my parents around this beautiful new state of ours.
The rug that generates the most talk when folks come into my booth at the Rail Yards Market is the one I call “Welcome to New Mexico.” Many of you already know its story; that I started it right before I left Massachusetts late last July to move to Albuquerque. In my mind I’d work on it while the child and I crossed the country on our new adventure. I pictured myself contentedly hooking in motels each night as I decompressed after a day of driving. That didn’t happen once, not even when the kid spontaneously combusted in Scranton, Pennsylvania, when she thought her cell phone died. (I swear that I left at least a year of my life on the side of the highway there…)
No, I didn’t hook at all on the road. First of all, it was difficult just getting our things in and out of my Honda Fit each day. If you haven’t seen one, it’s a tiny car, and I’d packed it to the gills. Truthfully, it was enough every evening to find some dinner, catch up with important emails, call Tom (who was still back in Mass waiting for the movers), and brush my teeth before I fell asleep over my magazines.
The sanity-saving, hit-or-miss rug.
Hence, I started the rug in earnest when the kid and I arrived at the house we were renting till we found our New Mexican castle. (Therapy!) It was designed to be a rug of convenience in that I was using t-shirts in the colors of the high desert and no set design. Old t-shirts in reds, browns, greens, and such are pretty ubiquitous; better, I’d found that Albuquerque had Savers stores. Savers has for years been my thrift shop of choice for used clothing to deconstruct and then hook with.
The hooking was done right quick – by the beginning of September. The finishing would have to wait until we moved (again) and I had more table room. To me it was an alright rug; it served its purpose, certainly, but I didn’t love it. Imagine my surprise when I put it up for sale at the Rail Yards this June. It was the mat that everyone pointed to when they perused my stuff. “Love that!” “Look, it’s got a Zia!” Even, “Hey, Sue, you should buy this one for your office.”
An aside: For those who don’t know about the Zia sun symbol, here is a description from Pueblo of Zia:
The Zia logo is used by the state of New Mexico on both the flag and license plates.
The symbol originated with the Indians of Zia Pueblo in ancient times. It’s design reflects their tribal philosophy, with its wealth of pantheistic spiritualism teaching the basic harmony of all things in the universe. (
Maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised by its popularity. Zia suns are all over the place here: on our license plates, on t-shirts, worked into company logos, and so on. Silly me for thinking it would be seen as touristy or, at best, kind of kitschy. I mean, I’m from New England, but I didn’t have photos of sailboats or lobster statues throughout my colonial home.
A few weeks back a woman came through my booth; she had a marketing background and did a lot of work with arts and/or craft shows. The first thing she told me (after saying that she loved my work, that is) was that I needed to have more Zias. that people would eat them up. And that my mug rug concept should be “expanded,” that I should hook a larger rug, big enough to hold four mugs. That “if I hook it, they will come.” (And, concomitantly, they will pay more.)
What the hell, I thought, Let’s try it. Tom and I ran to Savers a couple of days later (if I go on Tuesdays, he gets me a senior discount of 30%!). There weren’t four matching mugs that would fit the New Mexican bill, but I did find two colored turquoise. Fine, we’d start small-ish. Below is what I came up with (minus one mug for the pic).
“Coffee for Two, NM Style” really came with two mugs. Sold!
Fast-forward to this past Sunday. Everyone loves the “Welcome to New Mexico” rug, but, of course, no one wants to pay for it. (I know the owner-to-be is out there…) Lady comes in, is looking for a gift for her mother. Takes her a while to decide on one with the “perfect” colors that will match her mom’s home. I realize suddenly that I don’t have my Square, that I left it in the car. Tom makes a run for it. Lady walks around the market with her husband while we wait. Tom and she arrive back at the same time. I start to input the info into Square. “Wait!” she says excitedly. “Can I have this one instead? I think she’ll really love this one.” The Zia rug with its matching mugs is $10 more. Of course, you can!
So, I’m about to start making a lot more New Mexican-themed rugs and mats. That’s okay. I find it an interesting challenge to come up with different designs that don’t bore me, that have some panache beyond the typical tourist crap you find in Old Town Albuquerque. But I’m not one to design according to others’ preferences – unless they’re paying for a custom rug, of course. Fortunately, these will tend to be smaller rugs. For myself and my own “artistic sense,” I usually have another rug running, something that’s less work and more…therapy. Right now that’s a bedsheet rug. Pictures will soon be available.
“Desert Gone Wild” is a rug that sold two weeks ago. Color, for me it’s all about the colors.
What about you? What do you like to hook? Landscapes? Geometrics? Portraits? Florals? Realistic versus stylized renderings? I know many love to do seasonal pieces. Me, I love pumpkins and other things fall, but I’m not a lover of Christmas rugs. It takes so long to make one, how can I put it out for six weeks at the most? Weigh in below!
Look who I met on Santa Fe’s plaza Saturday evening!
It’s Christmas week and I won’t even pretend that I’ll get a blog article out this week. But I do send fond holiday wishes to friends and family no matter what your faith. Eat, rest, celebrate, and enjoy each other’s company. Be kind and reap kindness in return.
Merry Christmas!
The poinsettia that’s keeping me warm this week. What are you hooking this Christmas holiday?
One Christmas mat all hooked up and ready to be steamed and finished. Time to design and start another!
Christmas is on its way, gathering speed whether we’re ready or not. I am not ready, but then I’m never ready for this big holiday. Like I’ve mentioned before, this year is tough. Call us crazy, but we left Massachusetts in July and moved to Albuquerque not knowing a soul. I knew this time of year would be difficult, but knowing and living that are two completely different animals.
All is NOT lost, however. I’m rushing to get this post out because tomorrow is my guild’s regular monthly meeting. With a twist; it’s our Christmas party! Instead of meeting at the library, we’re off to a generous member’s home for a potluck luncheon. So, it’ll be a day of good food, adult beverages, and hooking. Can you tell I’m looking forward to it? First, however, I must design and put together a little mat to work on while I’m there. Oh, and the chick pea salad (gluten free and delicious, if I do say) won’t make itself.
The giant dragonfly welcomed us to River of Lights. Its wings moved!Pretty flowers!
While I’m off with my preparations, enjoy a bit of the light show Tom and I attended last week at the same Albuquerque Botanic Gardens where the guild does our monthly demos. River of Lights is what it’s called, and it was absolutely incredible with hundreds of huge light sculptures.
You’ll have to take my word on that as the battery died on the phone soon after we arrived. Won’t make that mistake next year.
How are your holiday preparations going? Are you ready? And please tell me that you’re making time for at least a little hooking.
A ship of lights ready to carry my cold self away…But as a butterfly, I can sail off on my own. With my hot cup of Starbucks tea, that is.