This week’s been all about really pushing farther into my new “world,” the New Mexican community I’ve become a part of in the past year and a half since we moved to Albuquerque. Specifically, I was very fortunate to be invited to join two fine organizations: the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center and Susan’s Legacy. I said YES to both because, hey, if you don’t try something new, you’re never going to grow. Or meet new people!
The Española Valley Fiber Arts Center (EVFAC) is a unique resource for fiber artists and those who find beauty in the fiber arts. Visitors to the adobe storefront in the historic district of Española, New Mexico enter a world of looms, colorful yarns, beautiful handmade textiles, books, and supplies.

I stole that right off their website. EVFAC’s mission is to cultivate and support multi-generational participation in local, traditional and contemporary Fiber Arts. (Yep, lifted that too.) One way they do this is to provide a full educational program in many fiber arts, not just the weaving that started the whole shabang. A couple of weeks ago, they contacted me and asked if I was interested in teaching a class. Apparently, someone gave the educational coordinator my info. She liked what she saw on the website and emailed me. I was stunned because a few weeks ago, I headed up to Santa Fe with my compadre Melinda to check out EVFAC’s Fall Fiber Fiesta. Neither of us remembers me even talking about High on Hooking. We were more interested in admiring the artists’ work and, of course, buying things to bring home.
Regardless, I’m in the midst of creating my proposal. We’ll be saving the environment and using t-shirts and other donated fabrics to create our rugs. More on it all later. Because EVFAC is about 90 miles north of home, we’ll probably wait till spring when the snow stops flying up that way to run the class.
Amazingly enough, my involvement with Susan’s Legacy (SL) also came about because of hooking. (It does seem to have become the center of my New Mexican universe…) Anywho – every two years when Albuquerque’s Fiber Arts Fiesta is held, a local charity is picked to receive funding from “doo-da” sales. “Doo-das” are small gifts made by the various guilds. Guests donate $5 to the featured charity, then get to pick a doo-da. Apparently, it’s a very popular part of Fiesta.The Adobe Wool Arts Guild (AWAG) – my guild – will be hooking mug rugs as our doo-dahs.
Kathryn Weil, who happens to be a quilter, is the executive director of SL. Her presentation to the guild reps struck home with me. The organization is small, but mighty. We chose it as our charity for Fiesta 2017 (May 19-21).
Susan’s Legacy is a small, non-profit agency that provides intensive recovery support for women with co-occurring mental health and addictive disorders. The goal for clients is to move from surviving to thriving as self-sufficient, contributing community members. Clients must be committed to recovery and actively engage in the services provided by SL to support the goals of becoming mentally stable and substance free. …Susan’s Legacy addresses these needs by providing case management, individual mental health and addiction counseling, and psycho-educational groups. Susan’s Legacy provides services to clients free of charge. Because clients don’t pay for these services, Susan’s Legacy is dependent upon grants, donations, and fundraising to continue its work with co-occurring women.
(That was “borrowed” from the Fiber Arts Council’s December Newsletter edited by Cathy Kelly, a fellow AWAG member.
Mental illness and addiction runs in my family, so I’ve had some experience with SL’s charge. In addition, many of my food pantry clients faced these same challenges. (For those who are new to High on Hooking, one of my past lives involved running a couple of pantries.) Little did I know when I contacted SL to volunteer in some capacity – like helping with paperwork or grant-

writing – that Kathryn would propose something else. This week I became a Board member. I was so impressed with the women I met at the meeting; I only hope that I can offer as half as much as they do.
Of course, Tom’s wondering how I’ll keep everything straight and have enough time. I figure that God always provides… Well, almost. 🙂 I’ve got my eye out for a part time job too. We’ll see what happens.
How have fiber arts
widened your world?