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Category: New Mexico

The artists are angry; they’re PROTESTING!

Of course, they’re angry; they’re protesting!

That’s what I told a friend last Friday night at the opening reception for PROTEST: SEE Something, Say Something at Fusion in downtown Albuquerque. (More info HERE.) It’s a good, meaningful show, filled with all kinds of media and messages. Rightly so, with protesting as a theme, they aren’t always pretty.

Sheela Na Gig, hooked art piece
Sheela Na Gig is a Celtic symbol. I’ll let you read about her and how she was and now is used for protests HERE. (Hooked on cotton monk’s cloth with mostly old t-shirts and a bit of silk sari ribbon; embellished with glass beads.)


As I mentioned on social media after posting pics of my two pieces, I was sorry not to get more and better photographs, but I had to leave early. All Friday I’d battled a migraine; finally, the nausea and fatigue got the best of me. I didn’t feel better till Monday/Tuesday. Nonetheless, I encourage all the local readers to make their way to Fusion one afternoon or evening to see what the (protesting) artwork really looks like and to see it all.


Later every year, I create an angel for the following year. This was THE MIGHTY ONE, THE ANGEL OF 2022. (Hooked with old t-shirts, repurposed gold lamé, and plastic bags.)



Felted artwork for PROTEST show
TURTLE ISLAND SIEGE by Patricia Halloran  (Patricia had some cool things in the FABRIC OF NEW MEXICO SHOW.)




TORN BUT STILL WAVING by Elizabeth Potter (paper art)












WHOSE BODY IS THIS? artwork for Protest show
WHOSE BODY IS THIS? by Maria Jonsson (vintage dress form and acrylic paint)


BIG PHARMA SERIES #4,5,6 by Martin Terry. Martin is also the curator of this show.



From BIG PHARM SERIES #1, 2, 3 #
Close-up of part of BIG PHARMA SERIES #1, 2, 3 by Martin Terry












GET WOKE artwork in PROTEST show
GET WOKE by Paula Steinberg (upcycled chair, acrylic/oil on wood and vinyl)



SHE PERSISTED by Betty Busby (Dunicel, felt)























THE HISTORY OF BEARING CHILDREN, text by Jacqueline Murray Long, visual art by Martin Terry





Poem in PROTEST show
This is a more easily read photo of the text by Jacqueline Murray Loring. Another piece by a different artist accompanied this artwork. Visit the show to see it. (My photo didn’t come out.)














If you’re looking for a thought-provoking show, one that will let you see the outrage, the anger about so many things going on in our world today, come see the work by artists who are protesting at Fusion in Albuquerque.  Maybe we all need to start protesting.


Protest Art show poster




PROTEST show opens October 7


PROTEST: See Something, Say Something

Please Join Us For The Two Moons Exhibit Series Opening Reception

Art show poster for Protest


Friday, October 7, 5:30 pm to 8 pm
at FUSION 700-708 1st St., NW – Downtown ABQ

Part of the Two Moons exhibit series curated by artist Martin Terry, this contemporary exhibition – PROTEST, See Something, Say Something – will focus on a select group of artists whose works speak to a social consciousness. Included are fiber arts, sculpture, painting, graphite, mixed media, written word, video, song, and other new and innovative means of communicating social commentary. Work in a wide range of styles matches the breadth of subjects addressed, including racism, sexism, economic inequality, climate change, violence, political upheaval, war, disease, and hatred.


Why aren’t we all wearing an orange shirt today?


Logo for Orange Shirt DayI’m wearing an orange shirt today, but only because I have so many Canadian friends on social media. If I didn’t, I’d be clueless to the fact that September 30 is Orange Shirt Day up north. Its other name is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, but again, it’s only “celebrated” in Canada. My question is why don’t we have that or something similar here in the US?

For those of you who don’t have a plethora of Canadian fiber arts friends, you can read about the day and its origins HERE.

Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.
-From the website canada.ca

I get that I live somewhere – New Mexico – that allows me the chance to be aware of our indigenous populations pretty much every day. That “s” making “populations” plural is not an error. Not much more than a mile from my house in Albuquerque, across the Rio Grande, is the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (IPCC). There visitors can take in the museum, buy jewelry and pottery, watch Native dances, eat really kick-ass food, and do a host of other things that help to educate those of us who grew up without learning much of America’s early history. You know, before the British, French, Spanish, and other European nations came on the scene and decided the land was ripe for the taking and “clearly” not owned by anyone. At least anyone “civilized.”

The IPCC is run and owned by nineteen New Mexico Pueblo communities. Nineteen. And they’re all sovereign nations. And they don’t include the likes of the Apache and Navajo and others who also abide, at least in part, in New Mexico. My point today is that all nineteen came together to create the IPCC on this particular piece of land:

It is located at the heart of nearly 80 acres of land owned by the 19 Pueblos and governed by the 19 Pueblos District (a sovereign government formed by the Tribal Councils of the 19 New Mexico Pueblo Communities) at the former location of the Albuquerque Indian School (1881-1982)
-From the IPPC website

Again, I ask, why aren’t we here in the US wearing orange today in a spirit of solidarity and reconciliation? The same atrocities that happened up in Canda’s schools happened here. And we had more schools!

Last year I wrote about a rug hooking project that was a collaboration between myself, friend and guildmate Ruth Simpson, and Acoma Pueblo artist Patricia Lowden. You can read about it HERE. You can also read about the cushion and our collaboration with Patricia in the current issue of Rug Hooking Magazine (RHM). Unfortunately, I was prompted to write the article after I read another RHM article in which an artist/author indicated that indigenous art is ripe (word used on purpose) for using in rug hooking patterns because: The images of art from indigenous peoples are always ancient, copyright free, and so beautiful. Yes, that is a direct quote, and it went right up my ass sideways. (Pardon my French.)

And people think cultural appropriation isn’t a real thing. How can you if you think all the Natives are dead?

Again, I ask, why aren’t we here in the US wearing orange today along with the Canadians?


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year art
Courtesy of clipart-library.com.

I’ve always maintained that September 1 is just as much a new year as January 1. You have a holiday and then you give yourself permission to start over. Maybe it’s a school year, your health, a job, or just a way of looking at life. In my case this September of 2022, it’s health and working on a new perspective. (And don’t get me wrong, I think renewal goes on all through the year, it’s just more celebrated in January and September.)

It’s no secret that I have autoimmune issues. Fibromyalgia was just added to the mix. I shouldn’t have been surprised; it explains so much. But so often when you’re busy, you work with the data that you have. When you’re in your late 50s, you don’t go looking for more things to go wrong with the chasse. Actually, I’m in pretty good shape, I think. Nonetheless, I could be doing better, especially regarding stress and sleep. I need more of one and less of the other. Bet you can guess which is which. LOL

I decided, therefore, that I’m taking a bit of a sabbatical from many of my local responsibilities for two whole months! I’d like to say that I’m making the months all about Laura all the time, but that’s not the case. It would also be très boring. Even to me! No, in less than a week my parents are making their second trip in six years to New Mexico from Connecticut. They’ll be here for 16 days. We’ll be doing some touristy things and even heading up to Colorado for a few days. They’ve never been there. After they leave, I’ll be teaching hooking and punching at the Mountain and Valley Wool Festival in Santa Fe. That takes us into October when Tom and I and a dog or two will take to the open road for Seattle. The kid’s now been there for three months; it’s time for a visit. And while I once spent a weekend in that area years and years ago, I never got a chance to really see it. This is an opportunity, too, to add a few missing states to my repertoire. I’ve never been to Utah (other than Four Corners), Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon.

By the time we get back, it’ll be Workshop Week 5 and even Halloween. Then the holidays and… You see why I need a break?

But I’ll be around online, certainly, and in touch with folks. Being away always lets me refresh, see things in a new way, and be inspired. All of which usually allows for some new and exciting artwork. At least to and for me. Perhaps for others as well.



Mountain and Valley Wool Festival (MAVWA):  September 29 – October 2
The festival is Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2, but the workshops happen the Thursday and Friday before. I’m teaching Thursday. Find info HERE. BTW, if you’re thinking of coming for MAVWA, know that it’s the start of Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque. Think 500 hot air balloons in the air at one time. Pictures and words can’t do it justice.

In the Studio Online Workshop Week 5:  October 23 – 30
While I’m not teaching this time around, I am the general administrator, so if you need a catalog or have questions, please give a yell. We have eight great teachers and workshops scheduled. If you’re just realizing you forgot to register, now’s the time. Some classes have filled, but teachers have waiting lists, and some have already scheduled second sessions. More info HERE.

High Desert Studio Tour – December 3
After missing two or three years, the High Desert Studio Tour is back! As in the past, I’ll be camped out at the home of ZiaWoolz. Dagmar generously invites myself and a few other artists to hang our shingles out with hers for the day. If you’re looking for some gorgeous, hand-dyed yarn, check out her Etsy shop, or better yet, visit us in December.

Dogs sit with hooked art
The boys bring you a HAPPY NEW YEAR WHAT’S ON THE FRAME this week. THE REZ is hooked on monk’s cloth with old t-shirts, wool strips, and wool yarn. So far…


View our CALENDAR page to see more dates to be added as we go further into the fall.



The boys and I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR, a cooler fall, and success with all your efforts at renewal!




Punch Needle at Heart of NM Fiber & Art Gathering

Love punch needle? New Mexico or visiting fiber folks, this is for you!

The HEART OF NEW MEXICO FIBER AND ART GATHERING happens in Edgewood at the Wildlife West Nature Park during Labor Day Weekend. If you’ve had a yen to learn punch needle, now’s your chance. WORKSHOP info HERE.

PLUS there will be vendors, other workshops, music, animals, and all kinds of things. Register online or contact me with interest or questions concerning the punch needle class.

PS – If you can’t make this workshop, see the CALENDAR for other class opportunities.


Punch Needle workshop info and poster
