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Category: rug hooking

Looking for INSPIRATION?

If you’re into any sort of creative endeavor, I suspect, like mine, you’re eyes are always open trying to find new sources of inspiration. In my case, I find the muse in all sorts of places including:

  • nature, especially here on New Mexico’s high desert;

    On the road to Taos.
    On the road to Taos there’s all kinds of inspiration to see.
  • poetry and other literature;
  • music;
  • Pinterest (also a handy place to park stuff I find online);
  • trade and other art-type books;
  • the works and designs of others (seen in person at museums and markets as well as online); and
  • magazines (I have a serious, serious addiction much to Tom’s chagrin).

So, I get all jazzed when I find something new, especially something interactive. Because, of course, I have all sorts of time for new things to do – NOT! Nonetheless, my new inspiration habit-in-the-making is completely worthwhile for a couple of reasons.

First – what am i talking about?

If you’ve liked my Facebook page, you’ve probably noticed that I try to share daily blog posts that I receive from, amongst others, rug hookers and other fiber artists. One of those is written by Kate Gillery of Briar Cottage Studio in Pittsburgh. No, I’ve never met or even corresponded with her, but she creates some nifty punch needle projects, and I know that many of you are into punch needle. Don’t know why, but one day I delved more into her website, noticing a page entitled SKETCHBOOK. Turns out it’s a blog of sorts itself!

In Sketchbook, Kate provides a one-word prompt each day. Here’s today’s:

Daily Challenge
Quick sketch no more than 15 minutes. 
First thought that comes to mind from a random word chosen from the internet.
The word today is: TEDDY BEAR
Kate also provides a sketch that she herself did; today’s includes a cute, little bear who looks like he belongs in a baby’s nursery.
Second – what am I getting out of this prompt?

Here’s the thing: While I dutifully grab my journal and pen each morning, I don’t necessarily draw anything. Rather, these prompts are pretty much like many I’ve done as writing exercises, take the prompt (be it a word, phrase, photo, whatever) and free-write for fifteen minutes. Or more, if the going is good. Sometimes you might extract a decent story from it all.

Here's a brand new mug rug set finished up just yesterday. I'm wondering if maybe I'll find a mug that go with teddy bear mug rug...
Here’s a mug rug set I finished up just yesterday. The mugs are the inspiration. Hm, can I find a mug that inspires a teddy bear rug?
Many of you know that until hooking started filling up so many of my hours, I wrote some fiction, was published in a couple of anthologies, even placed in some contests. I’m also an assistant editor for Fifth Wednesday diligently working (okay, it’s a labor of love, no pay) to find tomorrow’s great new authors. The last year I’ve been trying to make time to write, but failing miserably. Since I found Kate’s prompts, I’ve managed to do some creative writing most days. Woohoo for me! Sometimes I actually do a sketch to go with what I write, but that’s not the point. What’s important is that I’m stretching my mind in a new way – well, really an old way for me – and I’m really enjoying it.

That’s it. Simply that I’m enjoying something creative that’s also inspiring me. Take a look at Kate’s page and maybe you’ll find a muse in it too.

What are your go-to sources of inspiration?






A second New Mexican Thanksgiving!


I can’t believe we’re about to celebrate our second holiday season here in our newly(ish) adopted state of New Mexico. Thanksgiving is in two days! Tomorrow is the day to bake pies and get a head start on some side dishes. Come Thursday morning Tom, Tynan the Dog, and I will head out for a hike in order to burn a few calories before we slice into the turkey and taters and tarts. And as always, thank goodness, there will be hooking.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember, it’s all about the gratitude. (And the pumpkin pie.)

Happy Thanksgiving from High on Hooking out in New Mexico!
Happy Thanksgiving from High on Hooking out in New Mexico!

Current state of affairs…always hooking…

Damn, I wrote that headline and realized that it looked vaguely political, something I try to avoid on social media especially these days. At least the freaking election is finally over, and we can only wait to see what January will bring. In the meantime, the holidays are rushing at us like there’s no tomorrow. A portend? (Sorry. I said I wouldn’t say anything political. I won’t.) And there is hooking, always hooking.

The bag is burlap, about 6 inches by 6 inches. It's hooked with wool yarn, ribbon, and stretch velvet. Very cute.
The bag is burlap, about 6 inches by 6 inches. It’s hooked with wool yarn, ribbon, and stretch velvet. And a little pearl. Very cute, if I do say so myself.

So, what am I working on these days (always hooking)?  In hopes that I’ll get a call from the waiting list at the Rail Yards for the holiday market next month, I’m still creating rug mugs. I’ve also come up with a new item; it’ll be a great stocking stuffer, gift card holder, hostess gift, or little girl’s purse. Here’s a pic of the prototype. Like it?

I plan on filling them with candy canes for Christmas time and maybe some faux flowers or something next spring. The bags are from Hobby Lobby, too inexpensive for me to bother making. The hooking’s a bit tricky since there’s no frame involved, just your hand to stick in and hold it all. (I don’t know how Rachelle LeBlanc hooks without a frame ALL THE TIME and then gets those beautiful results.)

Albuquerque’s Fiber Fiesta is also keeping me busy and not just because I’m a guild rep to the Fiber Arts Council. I think I know what I want to create for next May’s show, and I’m doing some research, though I’m not ready to share just yet. But I better get a move on as it has to be pretty much finished by the March 1 entry deadline. For those who are interested, the Call-For-Entries is open and waiting. Consider joining us.

In between projects, I’m still working on my “fall” tree of life rug, the one I started last month. It’s coming along despite being thrown to the side on a regular basis. Always hooking….

It's about a yard across, t-shirt and bedsheet.
It’s about a yard across, t-shirt and bedsheet.

As an aside, how many of you saw this rug on page 56 of the newest ATHA magazine?

"Kenya FLora and Fauna" hooked and designed by Sylvia Huntington.
“Kenya Flora and Fauna” hooked and designed by Sylvia Huntington.

I was flipping through it the evening my copy came, when I caught sight of “Kenya Flora and Fauna.” That’s really familiar,” I said then looked a little closer. “Ha, I do know this rug!” Nancy Huntington submitted the pic; it’s a large mat that her mother-in-law Sylvia hooked after an adventure in Africa. Nan brought the rug to one of the demonstrations our guild does at the Albuquerque BioPark a couple of months ago. Kids loved it! Here are a couple of close-ups I snapped at the BioPark. (Nancy generously shared the photo above.) Fabulous rug!

Mr. Snake and a giraffe.
Mr. Snake and a giraffe.
A closer view of Sylvia's rug.
A closer view of Sylvia’s rug.












What’s your current state of affairs? On your frame, that is.

PS – Before I let you go, for anyone in the general New Mexican area, if you’re in the mood for a field trip this coming weekend (Friday-Sunday), make sure you look into the Santa Fe Fiber Festival brought to us by the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center. My partner in crime, fellow native New Englander and new New Mexican, Melinda, and I are heading up there Saturday. Hope to see you!



Thank you to ZiaWoolz!

Aren't these fingerless gloves yummy? Dag made them, and I had to have a pair. Actually, she spun and dyed the wool and then knitted them. My only problem was which color to buy!
Aren’t these fingerless gloves yummy? Dag made them, and I had to have a pair. Actually, she spun and dyed the wool, then knitted them with the resulting yarn. My only problem was which color to buy! If you’re a knitter, check out ZiaWoolz now!


I need to say a big thank you to Dagmar Beinenz-Byrd of ZiaWoolz and her family. They hosted me at Dag’s home studio for the High Desert Studio Tour this past weekend. I managed to sell at least half of my mug rug sets and a wall hanging.


After voting Tuesday, I’ll stop at Savers (with Tom, of course, who ensures that I get the 30% senior citizen discount!) to find an appropriate mug for the sister of the girl receiving my “Sparkly Snowman” rug and matching mug. “Grandma” purchased it Saturday and can’t show any favors, you know. That has to be done in time to shop for Christmas. Best to do it now…

The "Sparkly Snowman" has left the building. He was made with wool strips and yarns as well as sparkly netting. (Tom's threatened me about using that sparkly stuff again, It got all over the house.)
The “Sparkly Snowman” has left the building. He was made with wool strips and yarns as well as sparkly netting. (Tom’s threatened me about using that sparkly stuff again; it got all over the house.)

Because I’ve only got a few left, I’ll be making more mug rug sets the rest of November, at least. A setback, I learned I was wait-listed for the Rail Yards Holiday Market on December 11. After everyone heard there were 10,000 patrons last year, local artists understandably came out of the virtual woodwork. I’m a little down that I can’t count on vending at the market, but I’ll be able to use any inventory I make this month for next year and the Etsy shop that I’m planning to finally get to this winter. The only positive is that I might not have to stand in the cold for four hours much as I’d like to vend. The Rail Yards isn’t heated. Hell, there are scads of windows missing too which is part of the charm in warm weather. But I’ll definitely be there to shop all the other great artists!

The wide, wonderful world of Navajo rugs!
The wide, wonderful world of Navajo rugs!

For those who remember my post last November on the Maxwell Museum Navajo Rug Auction, if you’re in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area on November 19, all are invited to this year’s auction. It’s at the Prairie Star Restaurant in Bernalillo. Preview starts at 11:00 a.m. and the auction itself at 1:00.  I’ve included a couple of pics from last year.

Have you been to any interesting fiber arts events lately?

Thanks again, Dag and Wyatt!

Without doubt, the most spectacular rug we saw. It would've looked perfect under my dining room table. Unfortunately for us, the starting bid was $7500. No one bid on it, but all rugs not auctioned off were available for purchase after the auction at the starting bid prices. Maybe someone picked it up then.
Without doubt, the most spectacular rug we saw last year. I hope that someone’s enjoying it. I would!

Vending opportunity this weekend.

There’s no better fiber friend than one who surprises you with a vending opportunity. That’s exactly what my guild mate and yarn-dyeing-woman-extraordinaire Dagmar Beinenz-Byrd did during our latest AWAG hooking retreat a couple of weeks ago.

Mary bought the mug rug set on the left, but the one on the right will be available this Saturday during the High Desert Studio Tour in Albuquerque.
Mary bought the mug rug set on the left, but the one on the right will be available this Saturday during the High Desert Studio Tour in Albuquerque.

Because our guild is making rug mugs to sell (for charity) for next May’s Fiber Arts Fiesta here in Albuquerque, someone unfamiliar with the idea asked me to bring some in to show as examples. I brought their matching mugs even though buyers will just get the little rugs at Fiesta. Lucky for me, though, one member bought a set, and Dag invited me to sell them and some smaller mats at her house during the High Desert 8th Annual Studio Tour this coming Saturday here in Albuquerque. Woohoo! They make excellent Christmas and hostess gifts, you know.

If you live nearby, check out the High Desert website for a map of participating studios. There should be approximately 20 artists spread among the 13 sites. The tour includes painters, jewelry makers, potters, and different types of fiber artists – including Dag and me!

Not only did Dagmar dye this late fall-looking yarn, but she also knits extraordinary sweaters and sews and sells very cute project bags.
Not only did Dagmar dye this yummy, late fall-looking yarn, but she also knits extraordinary sweaters and sews-to-sell very cute project bags.

As I said, Dag creates fabulously colorific yarns at Zia Woolz. Check out her website and Etsy shop here. Not only that, she’s just fun to hang with. Plus she has absolutely AWESOME views of the Sandia Mountains from her living room window. And she makes a mean lentil soup.

If you’re in the area Saturday, stop by and say HI to both of us. Hopefully, I’ll have more info regarding yet another vending opportunity by then.

For those who might be interested, the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council has put out the call for entries for next year’s Fiesta. Have a look or give a yell if you have any questions. Please join us for this great fiber event!

