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Category: workshopping

June is already a WHIRLWIND!

Orange whirlwind
Whirlwind pic courtesy of Author: PixelAnarchy / pixabay.com.


WHIRLWIND: a small rotating windstorm of limited extent. At least according to the Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary.


Welcome the whirlwind that is June. So much is going on! But it will be of a limited extent for the most part. In July, we’ll pack up the CR-V and head back east for a couple of weeks. Till then, though…

Unfortunately, Cathy Kelly and I won’t be heading to our first show to vend as expected this coming weekend. When Covid numbers weren’t quite as low as they are now, the Spring & Fiber Festival at El Rancho de las Golondrinas near Santa Fe was canceled for 2021. Bummer, I know. But we subsequently applied for the Harvest Festival in October (during the big Balloon Fiesta here in Albuquerque); hopefully, that will pan out. The weather will be cooler then too!


CREATE DIYHigh on Hooking will be teaching at CREATE DIY in June.
Thursday, June 11, will find me back on Zoom to lead a Introduction to Rug Hooking – Not so Traditional. This workshop is part of CREATE DIY, an online textile festival from Quiltfest. Would-be students have until June 3 to register! More info can be found by following either of the links above.


Adobe Wool Arts Guild members holding hooked rugs.
Ah, the good. olde days when AWAG could hold our retreats and workshops 3 or 4 times per year. In this pic you’ll find, Liz, myself, Melinda, and Mary R. with our works in progress a few years back.

, New Mexico’s only rug hooking guild, will hold its first meeting since March of last year this month on June 16! One of our members has graciously offered her lovely backyard (complete with shade and breezes). If you’re a hooker or puncher in the Albuquerque area who’s been looking for company, please contact me at Laura@highonhooking.com. As the President of the group, I can get you in. Really. Plus, we’re a fun group.


June 27-July 2, I’ll be up at Ghost Ranch north of Santa Fe to teach Hook a Rug, Save the Planet. I especially can’t wait because it appears that cell and Internet coverage are lacking up that way. Bummer…NOT! This promises to be a real get-away! We’ll be hooking and punching during this multi day workshop. And, no worries, there will be plenty of time to explore the ranch. My hiking shoes and camera are ready! There are several art-type classes running in June; find them here. (BTW, if you even think about heading to Ghost Ranch, I have one word: SUNSCREEN.)


Clearly, I’ve got a lot of workshop prepping to do! Meanwhile, for those who follow In the Studio and our Workshop Weeks, very soon we’ll be opening up registration for all workshops running during October’s Workshop Week 3. (Make sure you pen – not pencil – October 24-30 into your calendars!) We have more classes this time around -10! – and four new teachers. And, no, not every class is about rug hooking. Keep an eye out for more information! If you’re wondering what the hell I’m talking about, email me. We’ll chat. You’re definitely missing something good.


Backside of a hooked rug.
“Abundance” (aka the “automatic hooked rug“) freshly steamed. Yes, she’s upside down. She’s the latest in my HAPPY RUG series. “Whimsy,” there on the wall, was one of the first happy rugs. 2021 can’t get enough HAPPY

The boys and I would love to show you “What’s on the frame” this first week of June, but it’s a surprise till it’s pretty much finished. Saturday, though, I steamed “Abundance,” and am hoping to get to finishing her off today. Or at least starting to. She’s pretty big, and she’s got three holes! Summertime and the sewing will NOT be easy. My arthritic hands ache just thinking about it. But she’s well worth it.





SUMMERTIME AND COVID’S ON THE WANE. What are you planning this June that you couldn’t do last June? Tell us in the comments. And stay safe!



On to Ghost Ranch!

Meet up at Ghost Ranch in June!

You know that old saying “The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away”? Well, indeed He does. Just ten or so days ago, I wrote about how excited I was to be finally attending an in-person fiber festival up at El Rancho de las Golondrinas near Santa Fe. Then, last week, Cathy and I got word that, due to state or county Covid guidelines, they had to cancel it. Not sure why, as that county is opened as much as anything can be here in NM. And I’d gone to a couple of farmers’ markets that were pretty crowded down here in Albuquerque where we aren’t quite as open. I was so anticipating the festival and chatting folks up about hooking and all things fiber…

But there is some good news. Because, I’m fully vaccinated, I taught a lovely 80-year old to punch last Friday. In person! She’s quite the pistol too. I hope to have pics when the yarn I ordered for her comes in, and I can get over to her house again. And I have a student coming this Friday as well! I’m looking forward to spreading the fiber gospel some more. In person! Thank goodness for the vaccines!


Then there’s even better news. I’d alluded earlier to the fact that I was planning to teach at a “special” venue. It’s finally up online so I can spill it. June 27 – July 2, I’ll be teaching at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiú north of here in New Mexico. Having only driven by and never stopped, I can’t wait to spend the better part of a week there. We’ll be working on both hooking and punching, stressing all the while the use of recycled and reclaimed materials in our work. Think old t-shirts, bed sheets, plastic bags, and so on. The workshop is titled HOOK A RUG SAVE THE PLANET! (Click on the link for more info.) There will be plenty of downtime to hike and explore the Ranch and surrounding area.

Photograph by ghostranch.org.

For those not familiar with Ghost Ranch,

The landscape of Ghost Ranch—made famous by painter Georgia O’Keeffe and the incomparable hospitality of first director, Jim Hall—encompasses 21,000 acres of towering rock walls, vivid colors and vast skies. People from all over the world come to work together in creation care, to paint, write poetry, to hike, ride horseback, to research globally renowned archaeological and fossil quarries or simply to rest and renew their spirits.
-Ghost Ranch website

Photograph by ghostranch.org.

Georgia O’Keeffe is indelibly and colorfully linked to the Ranch though she only owned seven acres of it. More info on that HERE. The actual owners gifted it to the Presbyterian Church who created the Ghost Ranch Education & Retreat Center. The Center “fosters well-being and spiritual health through this historic, inspiring southwest landscape.” They do that by offering various activities on the land like hiking, camping, and horseback riding as well retreats and workshops. And that, my friends, is where my class comes in. The Ranch values good stewardship of the earth. An art workshop stressing re-use of materials to make something beautiful and maybe even useful falls right in their wheelhouse. And I couldn’t be any happier. I’m thinking of what it can mean for my own art and then just to have that time away from “home” stuff. Time to talk fiber, time to hike and sketch.


Chile pepper hooked rug
“The Ripening” is all New Mexico. (Old t-shirts; 9.5″x9.5″)

If you’re thinking about traveling this summer, maybe a peaceful, fiber retreat in northern New Mexico, a place filled with our special light and color, is the place for you. Chile peppers always available!



Teaching at CREATE DIY in June

CREATE DIYHigh on Hooking will be teaching at CREATE DIY in June.

I really do miss – and prefer – teaching in person, but one of the Coronacootie’s most pernicious side effects is how it’s kept us all from one another. From family members, from friends, from students and teachers, you get the idea. But humans do adapt, and makers still gotta make, so Zoom entered all our lives. Truthfully, I think that we all understand that that hasn’t necessarily been a bad thing. Many more folks were able to “get together” through Zoom talks and workshops than would’ve been possible pre-Corona. And Zoom will continue well into our futures even when we’re all vaccinated up and, hopefully, have achieved herd immunity and get back to meeting each other in real life. But till then…

If you or someone you know would like to learn how to rug hook, in June I’ll be teaching a class through the online textile arts festival CREATE DIY. In fact, there will be several workshops and a couple of lectures going on during the event.  General info can be found HERE. Topics include:

Quiltfest presents … Create DIY, a comprehensive journey into the magical world of the textile arts. Indulge yourself with Create DIY! This online festival includes educational workshops, studio tours, live presentations, and more. 

Quilting  ■   Needle Felting  ■   Stampwork  ■   Crochet  ■   Wearable Art Japanese Boro Stitching  ■   Jewelry  ■   Paper Weaving  ■   Dollmaking   ■   Dyeing  ■
Thread Painting  ■   Dorset Buttons  ■   Embroidery  ■   Rug Hooking■   Macrame  ■   Knitting  ■
Modern Weaving  ■  and more!

Join us online:
Thursday through Saturday, June 10-12, 2021


Introduction to Rug Hooking – Not So Traditional
Friday, June 11
Half-Day Workshop
12 pm – 3 pm EDT, Friday, June 11

Learn the basics of traditional rug hooking with a bit of a twist. Not only will we use the usual wool fabric strips (more about that in class), but we’ll also try old t-shirts, yarn, ribbon, and anything else you might have in your house that you can pull a loop with. We will:

  • Discuss the history of rug hooking and where it is today, including its various forms;
  • Learn how to prep our materials;
  • Begin hooking a “mug rug,” a small table mat, or wall hanging; and
  • Discuss the ways we can finish the piece when the hooking is done.
Welsh Springer spaniel on hooked rug
While big brother Tynan snoozes, Bowyn brings you “What’s on the frame.” “Abundance,” part of the #happyrugseries, is an adventure in mark-making with all kinds of fibers. And she has three holes!

There’s more info online HERE. Kits are optional, but participants need to contact me to make sure they have everything. Contact me at Laura@highonhooking.com if you have any questions.


Hoping to have a new and very special venue announcement in the next week or so. Stay tuned!

So, after a year, what’s your stance on Zoom workshops?




Hooking With and Beyond the Wool Workshop – March 20

Hooking With and Beyond the Wool Workshop running again.

Interested in hooking with things you can find in your home? Want to try fibers other than or in addition to wool? Maybe help the environment a little? Then join High on Hooking for an online workshop in March. Information is below. Note that the class is limited to 10.



hooked rug like will hook in Hooking With and Beyond the Wool Workshop
“Journey” (hooked with old bed sheets and t-shirts)

Get ready to experiment with new and different fibers in your rug hooking. Working on a “sampler” pattern, we’ll explore how different types of fibers hook up and how they “play” with wool and each other.

Early rug hooking was a make-do affair using feed bags, old clothes, and other “used” fabrics. Those pioneering hookers were practical to a fault and threw nothing away; they couldn’t afford to. Today that’s less of a problem for most rug hookers using both virgin and recycled wools. But why limit ourselves to just wool strips?

Hooking with materials other than wool allows us:

  • The chance to create new and different effects in our rug hooking;
  • To work with what we may already have in our homes;
  • To go back to the thrift store to source some of our fiber (now that quality wool’s often scarce there); and
  • To potentially do some good for the environment.

This class is designed for a student proficient at rug hooking basics, particularly the mechanics of pulling loops through a backing.

Because this is an online workshop, students will supply their own materials. You may draw up your own sampler pattern or enlarge one electronically supplied by teacher.



Class will run Saturday, March 20, 1:00 PM Eastern.

This class will be held online through Zoom. Upon registration and payment, the Zoom link and password will be sent via email (after March 1).

Class will be limited to 10 people.

The class is ONE SESSION, approximately 2.5-3 HOURS in length.

The COST of this class is $45 US.

Student will supply:

  • Hooks;
  • Backing, preferably linen or monk’s cloth rather than rug warp;
  • A frame;
  • A variety of “alternative fibers,” list to be supplied upon registration; and
  • A mind and spirit open to experimenting.

For more information or to register, please email me at Laura@highonhooking.com.

Laura Salamy is the hooker behind High on Hooking.

I’ve never been a “traditional” hooker, preferring to color outside of hooking’s more “typical lines.” Instead of limiting myself to wool, I prefer to use most any material I can get my hands on. Often that means cutting strips from old t-shirts and bed sheets. Up-cycling throw-aways to art is a priority for me. Our landfills are filling up. Or they’re already full. While certain projects benefit from virgin wools or other fibers, I like to do my little part to slow that process and make something lovely at the same time.

Laura’s work has been seen in various exhibits as well as Rug Hooking Magazine; ATHA Art of Rug Hooking magazine; Karen Miller’s book Eyes Open to the World: Memories of Travel in Wool; and Judy Taylor’s T-Shirt Treasures: Creating Heirloom Hooked Rugs from the Humble T-Shirt. She currently serves as President of the Adobe Wool Art’s Guild, New Mexico’s only rug hooking guild.

Learn more about her work at https://highonhooking.com.


A very Merry and Tiny Christmas to all!

We here at High on Hooking wish a very Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. Enjoy your holidays with those in your social bubbles. The kid will be down from Colorado tomorrow, so we’ll be celebrating a couple of days early here. Sadly, she has to work on the 24th and 26th, but roast beast and bubbly, here we come!

Before I let you go, though, a few dates in early 2021 to remember. Click on them for more info, and email me if interested or with questions.

  • Wednesday, January 13, 1:00 p.m. Eastern – IN THE STUDIO WITH TRACY JAMAR. If you haven’t heard Tracy speak, register. She’s terrific. And she does not-so-traditional hooking too!


  • Saturday, January 16, 1:00 p.m. Eastern – BUILD A BABY BOUCHEROUITE. Spaces are still available. Give yourself the gift of creativity in the New Year.


Dogs under Christmas tree
Bowyn and Tynan, the High on Hooking Dogs, bring you the final “what’s on the frame” for 2021. We all wish you a happy, happy Christmas and New Year!
  • Sunday, January 31, 1:00 p.m. Eastern – INTRO TO PUNCH NEEDLE RUG HOOKING WORKSHOP. This In the Studio WORKSHOP WEEK 2 class is full, but I’ve decided to open another session on Saturday, February 20, also at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. Give a yell if you’d like to get in on it. You will receive all benefits of WW2, including the bonus sections and coupons.


  • January 31 – February 5 – IN THE STUDIO WORKSHOP WEEK 2 – There are six workshops running this time around. Karen Miller, Beth Miller, and Meryl Cook still have openings. Susan Feller is taking names for a possible second session. Nadine Flagel, Donna Mulhollland, and I are offering second sessions. Contact individual teachers for more info. Emails in above WW2 link.

And that takes us into the time of putting work away and lighting candles and enjoying the season. Here’s to a MUCH IMPROVED NEW YEAR and some real peace and good will towards men all people (and dogs).

