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Workshop Week from In the Studio: October 26-30



Advertising photo for Workshop Week

We’ve all been enjoying the In the Studio talks that have been running on certain Wednesdays since May; Workshop Week is your chance to “play with” the five artists behind the In the Studio series. Of course, the classes will necessarily be online, Zoom. But this undoubtedly allows many to attend workshops they wouldn’t have been able to travel to and attend otherwise. It brings new meaning to the phrase about a door closing and 5 windows opening. Or something like that.

Descriptions of the five workshops are found by scrolling below. You’ll also notice there are some free bennies for folks who sign up for at least one class. We’ll be running an evening hook-in for all participants that Wednesday and a panel discussion to close the whole shindig out come Friday evening.

Please note that some classes will be creating waiting lists if they fill quickly. Also, popular classes will probably run again sometime in the new year, either under the auspices of another In the Studio Workshop Week or independently by a particular teacher.

If you have any questions, please contact the individual teacher or me at Laura@highonhooking.com, and I’ll forward your question to the appropriate person.

Hope to see you at our first Workshop Week!




Rug hooking workshop this week!

Poster for rug hooking workshop

Maybe you forgot to sign up? Or you’re stuck at home, bored, having to quarantine? Actually, I hope you’re just looking to try something new with your hooking. The workshop runs this Wednesday, August 19, at 1 PM Eastern (that’s 11:00 AM Mountain, my time!) on Zoom. We’ve got a couple of openings still, so if you know how to pull a loop, you might want to join us. More info here.



Sunflowers – hopefully they’re a neutral subject


Hooked Sunflower Rug used as a bench cover
“Melinda’s Rug” shown as a bench cover. It was hooked using recycled t-shirts.

I decided to talk sunflowers , mostly because I’m pretty sick of all the negativity surrounding us today. And yet…I bet there are folks out there that can find something disapproving about one of my favorite flowers. Too bad! Because, as I will remind you all, I AM THE BOSS OF MY RUGS. AND MY BLOG.

Now that that’s off my chest, I can go on. Sunflowers are starting to bloom here in New Mexico. The garden varieties and the ones that I find on my walks in the Bosque, the woods running along the currently almost non-existent Rio Grande River here in Albuquerque. Sorry! I’ll try to get back to being positive.

New Mexican Sunflower
This is the first sunflower that greeted the kid and me as we crossed over the Texas border into New Mexico five years ago last week.

I recently finished “Melinda’s Rug,” and many of you have seen it on my social media accounts. It’s pretty in pastels. Just the colors that Melinda loves, particularly the turquoises. (An aside: It’s a housewarming present for the house she and Gary build over two years ago. I’m a tad tardy.)

But it’s not the first “sunflower” rug that I’ve hooked. In fact, I like to make at least one per year. And I always do one, a mug rug, for the silent auction at Mountainair’s Sunflowers Festival. Which will not be taking place this August. Thank you, Coronacootie. 🙁

I decided to take a look back and see the progression of this series of mine.

BTW: I’m not a botanist. So don’t hold me to a strict definition of sunflowers.

Round sunflower hooked rug
I’m pretty sure this is the first sunflower rug I hooked. It says 2013, but I think it’s older, that that’s when I took a photo to get ready to sell it. Some lady told me that I should’ve put elastic around the edge so it could be used as a toilet top cover. That was after she told me how she used to hook. In the 70s. I really wanted to tell her a few things…













Sunflower hooked rug
After blue I decided to try red for a background. Sure, they were simplistic. but they sold! Again, recycled t-shirts.
Sunflower hooked rug
Okay, this one looks more like the sun itself. But experimentation is good. Especially in a little 6×6 mat. Also t-shirt.













Sunflower hooked rug
Mug rugs make for excellent palates to explore different colors and textures! This one is one of my favorites. I like the fall colors. It includes wool strips, silk sari yarn, and wool yarn.







Sunflower hooked ruggggg
It’s another mostly wool sunflower rug. With a little silk sari yarn hooked in too. Silk sari yarn is perhaps my most favorite thing to hook. I seem to recall that there was a little velvet involved in this one too.
















Dog on sunflower hooked rug
I went back to recycled t-shirts for this table runner/bench cover. Tynan liked it. I really loved the green background! So did customers. 🙂



Sunflower hooked rugs
I liked the green t-shirts so much that I went for it again the next year.





Sunflower hooked rug
Last fall, inspired by a t-shirt of mine that I’d been hoarding for years, I hooked another mug rug experiment. Loved it so much, after one other little guy with similar colors, I hooked “Melinda’s Rug.”
















So, I hoped you enjoyed the “Sunflower Tour” as much as me. But maybe you’re a tulip person. Or you prefer zinnias. I’ve done those flowers too, but not like the sunflowers. They’re special. To me, at least. But if you’ve got examples of other flowers, please share them on our Facebook page. We love seeing beautiful things, no matter what they may be.

Till next week, please stay healthy. And positive. I know it’s hard these days. It can be depressing. But the country and world have gone through worse. Most of all, remember to be kind to the other folks out there. We’re all in it together.



BTW: If you have any interest in High on Hooking’s inaugural Zoom workshop Hooking With and beyond the Wool on August 19, it’s almost full. See details here.



Hook a Rug, Save the Planet – with Laura Salamy


Want to learn a new skill and recycle some old stuff at the same time? We’ll be doing just that in my workshop “Hook a Rug, Save the Planet.”


November 2, 2019
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Learn the basics of traditional rug hooking but with a twist – using old t-shirts, recycled wool strips, yarn, ribbon, and anything else you have in the house that you can pull a loop with. We’ll talk about “virgin” fibers, certainly, but we’ll do our part for the environment and save some money while we make something beautiful. During the class, you’ll learn how to:

• transfer a pattern onto a monk’s cloth backing;
• prepare your materials;
• begin hooking a mug rug and table “mat” or wall-hanging.

Laura Salamy will present "Hook a rug, Save the planet" workshop November 2.
Laura Salamy will present “Hook a Rug, Save the Planet” workshop November 2.

We’ll discuss various ways you might want to finish your rug after all the hooking is done. *No experience is necessary; just come prepared to play with color and textures!


Learn how to make a hooked rug in "Hook a rug, save the planet" workshop
Rug hooked using recycled t-shirts.

Material students should provide: good scissors and quilting hoop if you have one. If not EVFAC will provide a 12” hoop for use in this class (available for purchase)

Material instructor will provide: Monk’s cloth backing; hooks; rug binding; extra frames to try; thread/needles; hooking materials

Laura is an experienced, albeit “less-than-traditional” rug hooker who owns a business, High on Hooking (www.highonhooking.com), selling hooked items primarily in local shows and on Etsy. She’s lived in Albuquerque for over four years, leaving gray New England for the Southwest’s sunny, open skies. In 2018, she was elected President of the Adobe Wool Arts Guild (AWAG), New Mexico’s only rug hooking guild.

This class requires a minimum of three students.

Non-Member: $80 (Member $65)

Materials Fee: $15
Materials fee is paid at first class meeting.

Class will take place at Española Valley Fiber Arts Center in Española, NM.

For more info click here.



Albuquerque fiber-phernalia and Donna Hrkman

Donna Hrkman, rug hooking teacher, and Indian Boy rug.
Donna Hrkman holding her rug “Indian Boy.”


I know, I know, I’ve been gone a few weeks, but with all the fiber-phernalia going on in the Albuquerque area, you can’t blame me.


  • All the guilds participating in our BIG FIBER ARTS FIESTA are busy preparing their booths and volunteers. And, of course, the hundreds of masterpieces that will be on display for those three days. Let me remind you:  Thursday-Saturday, May 30, 31 and June 1; hours are 10-5; at Expo New Mexico. There will also be: classes; over 50 vendors; Betty Busby as featured artist; five different special exhibits (including the Adobe Wool Arts Guild‘s friendship rugs!); demonstrations, and  a free craft – good for the kids…and you!


Rug hooking exhibit
High on Hooking’s and Catherine Kelly‘s display at last year’s Fiber Crawl. Location: Casa San Ysidro in Albuquerque.
  • Before we can even get to Expo and the Fiesta, we’ve got the New Mexico’s second annual fiber adventure: FIBER CRAWL!  High on Hooking will be participating again this year as a vendor/demonstrator; we’ll be at the Open Space Visitors’ Center (conveniently close to home!) for the three days. The whole thing is organized by the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center.  As pulled from the website:


The New Mexico Fiber Crawl is an opportunity to explore fiber studios and farms, experience fiber demonstrations, attend special gallery and museum events, win prizes, and visit fiber arts shops.

Whether you are a fiber enthusiast, a visitor, a friend or a collector, the 2019 New Mexico Fiber Crawl is a great way to discover and enjoy the world of fiber arts in Northern New Mexico. You’ll meet the weavers, knitters, spinners, felters, embroiderers and new media artists who are sharing their love of the fiber arts at this event. Plus, you’ll have a great time!

Donna Hrkman, rug hooking teacher, and class.
Members of the Adobe Wool Arts Guild surround Donna Hrkman to learn her technique for enlarging an image to be used as a pattern.


  • Lastly and most fun, a couple of weeks ago, the esteemed rug hooking teacher DONNA HRKMAN was here in Albuquerque sharing tips of the trade with and instilling self-confidence into members of the Adobe Wool Arts Guild (AWAG). We cannot gush enough about her class, the exquisite rugs she shared, the patterns she drew, the wool and other goodies she brought to us. Not only that, she was just plain fun to be with. Unfortunately, her plane came in almost a full day late, so sight-seeing was limited, but we all rolled with the punches. We got cozy with one another at a meet-and-greet supper here at High on Hooking’s crib with plenty of vittles left for Tuesday’s lunch. Dinner’s out included margaritas and New Mexican food along with excellent conversation. For any hooking group or guild looking for a teacher, we at AWAG can’t recommend Donna enough.
Donna Hrkman and Alheimer's hooked rug.
Donna Hrkman describes how she created the hooked words in her “Alzheimer’s Rug.”

And lastly, I wanted to show you what being a busy hooking bee finally did for me. Maybe you saw it on our Instagram post.

Dog and writer celebrate finish of a hooked rug.
“Big Boucherouite” is finally done! Tynan and I celebrate. Tom’s margarita completed our little party.

I started this rug over a year ago, worked on it sporadically till late November of 2018. (Because I’m not involved in enough stuff as it is.) After my vending year was over, I started hooking in earnest, finally finishing the hooking maybe a month or so ago. After giving my arthritic hands a break, I started the finish work. Everything was done and the High on Hooking tag sewn on this Sunday afternoon. Did you hear my sigh on relief?

Please share your spring fiber-phernalia here

and on our Facebook page.

High on Hooking tag on hooked rug

