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New season, new rugs, new scenery!

It’s a new season. Finally! Fall officially started Tuesday when the autumnal equinox happened. For those of us who can’t wait to give 2020 the boot, it couldn’t have come sooner.

Tynan in Bosque/woods in the new season.
A fall picture of Tynan running in the Bosque in a fall past. Sadly, he’s a little slower these days, but he enjoys his sniffing time there.

Fall is like the New Year to me; it’s a time of new beginnings. Sadly this year, that also necessitates endings. Right now I’m thinking about Friday’s death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  I like to think that she’ll have even more influence up there in heaven than what she had here on earth which is and was FREAKING AWESOME. Women, teach your daughters well. I was reading an article today about how much more house- and child-work women have to do at home during this time of the Coronacootie. It’s often been at the expense of their jobs and careers. If, like me, you’re not out in the world-at-large working, perhaps you can offer a helping hand to a working mom you know. She shouldn’t have to lose her career footing just because she can multitask better than a man, just because kids are have to be on her mind more than her partner’s.

Angel Ruth, pray for us!

So, new season, new scenery. Tom and I are finally getting out of Dodge! Our 2020 vacation plans have dwindled throughout the spring and summer from a driving trip to Oregon (we were calling it the pinot noir tour, alas) to a wedding in Rhode Island (no to planes and too many motels on the road) to northern Colorado (couldn’t find a place to rent) to farther south in New Mexico (too expensive to rent a house and the town was filled with Texans escaping germs and heat) to…thankfully…kind of in the middle of nowhere northern New Mexico. (But there is internet access, speed unknown.)

So, we’ll be off soon to visit mountains other than our own Sandias here in Albuquerque. Somewhere cooler! The plan is to veg: read, hike a little, walk, hook, read, write, read.

Did I mention reading? I have a novel written by a good friend (see below)* queued up, a backlog of New Yorkers, and String Felt Thread: The Hierarchy of Art and Craft in American Art (by Elissa Auther) as recommended reading by Susan Feller of ArtWools.

Book and magazines
Some of my reading materials for vacation. Kerry’s novel Heat Stroke is on my tablet.

I’m in the midst of sewing rug tape onto a new rug that will entertain me up there. It’s Boucherouite-esque. All recycled t-shirt. Colorful – much like the new season – but not taxing to hook. Like you want on vacation.

Below Tynan brings you part of the rug currently on the frame, though the hooking will be done tonight. You can only see a portion of it now because it’s a commission due next month. It’s hooked almost completely in wool strips and yarn. I know, I know, that doesn’t happen too often in this house. And that will continue as I found out that my wool dust allergy is worse, now extending to some loose, bulky yarns. Bummer, but I won’t give them up completely. Love them too much.

A reminder! My Alt Fibers Hook-In is taking place Wednesday, October 14, at 7:00 PM Eastern. For those in the Mountain time zone like me, that’s 5:00, cocktail time. Perfect! You can learn more about the event in the link above, but it’s a time for:

  • sharing experiences hooking with materials other than wool;
  • experimenting;

    Dog on hooked rug
    Tynan presents “Whats on the frame” today.
  • drinking cocktails;
  • chatting as if we were in a room together (the cocktails will help with that);
  • and whatever other topics and questions we come up with.

Please know that this is a hook-in, NOT a class. And wool, you’re welcome to come. I know that you play nice with other fibers in my rugs. Email me at Laura@highonhooking.com if you’re interested. (Know that may take awhile for me to get back to you.)


I pray to God that you manage(d) to get away from your everyday view for at least a little while. It’s good to get out. I’m hoping to avoid the news as much as possible and forget…what I’ll have to come home to. At least my mind and my soul will be rested.

Angel Ruth, pray for us in this new season!

*Heat Stroke is by Kerry Radloff



Studio time! And an Etsy faux pas?



Studio and guest room
New studio/guest room! Rather, this week it’s a guest room/studio!

The studio is as done as it can be for now which is good because COMPANY ARRIVES TOMORROW! Hence, it will be a guest room starting then rather than a studio. But that’s a good thing. (If I remember to go out tomorrow morning and get some soap and tooth paste.) Not unlike New England – remember, we arrived here just over three years ago from Massachusetts! – this is Albuquerque’s hopping time. No, not for colorful maple leaves and apples, but because it’s Balloon Fiesta time! The party starts Saturday and runs through next weekend.I’ll actually be at the Rail Yards vending on the last day of Fiesta; here’s hoping that some tourists mosey on in and can’t stop themselves from buying some hooked rugs. 🙂 Hey, it can happen. Last year a nice young man from San Francisco did just that very thing.

Hot air balloon in Albuquerque
Albuquerque: the hot air balloon capitol of the United States. Caught this one while I was walking right near my house. The other day I counted 26 up, up, and away!

In the meantime, “Fireworks” was purchased from my Etsy shop. I mention it because 1) I love that rug so it was hard to see it go and 2) I might’ve made a faux pas when I put a pic of the rug up on Instagram and mentioned that it was on its way to its forever home.

Funny story. Etsy tells me the rug is going to a guy in Texas. No problem. We package it up, and my courier, i.e., Tom, takes it to UPS. Off it goes. I put the post up on Instagram. Marketing, I call it. Next thing I know, some woman is responding on Instagram that it must be her rug, that her boyfriend was going to buy it for her, but she told him he should make it a Christmas surprise or one for her December birthday. Huh??? I don’t know her, so I check her profile, and – lo and behold! – she’s from the same Texas city! I tell her that I hope I haven’t ruined the surprise and…that she needs to take a pic of it in its new home. 🙂 Long story longer, the purchaser/boyfriend messages me through Etsy. He’s laughing and confirms the whole thing. So, I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t mention when I sell something??? Nah!

Have a great week all! And if you’re in for some spectacular fall scenery, come on down to Albuquerque and see the balloons!

Tynan dog and hooked rug
Tynan brings you this week’s “What’s on the frame?” The primitive is almost done! Think I need to make some color adjustments, though. Either way, the hooking will be finished tonight. Woohoo! Remember, it’s hooked from recycled t-shirts.

Pumpkins are popping!


"Pumpkin"; 20"x21"; all recycled t-shirts
“Pumpkin”; 20″x21″; all recycled t-shirts

It’s officially fall, and the pumpkins are popping even here in New Mexico. Along with them come the roasting chiles, the mums, and Halloween costumes and candy in stores (we’re not even gonna talk about the Christmas shit stuff I saw in Walmart yesterday). While I love summer and warm weather, I won’t deny my affinity for most things autumn: cooler temperatures, pumpkins (of course!), candles, sweaters, fires (even if out here they’re usually gas-fueled rather than wood), exchanging flip-flops for my kick-ass, little booties, and so on.


"Little Pumpkin"; 10"x10"; all wool (not one t-shirt loop!)
“Little Pumpkin”; 10″x10″; all wool and even llama (not one t-shirt loop!)

Like New England, New Mexico holds off till fall to show its best self. In Albuquerque we may not get the range of foliage colors quite like we had in Massachusetts, but the yellows and golds of the cottonwoods and aspens stand out brilliantly against the almost daily blue-blue sky. And there’s little chance that a nasty, wind-driven rainstorm (worse, an ice storm!) will strip the leaves off the trees one night while we sleep.

This week I’m finishing up three mug rugs to sell Sunday at my final Rail Yards date for the year. (Until December 11’s Holiday Market, that is, but more on that later.) Two are autumnal in nature, one being a pumpkin. There are two other pumpkins in my inventory, and I’m hoping that at least a couple of them find new homes this coming weekend.

Okay, this little guy is all t-shirt too. I can't help myself. He's 6"x6".
Okay, this little guy is all t-shirt too. I can’t help myself. He’s 6″x6″.

No blog next week; we’ve got my sister-in-law coming into town just in time for Albuquerque’s Balloon Fiesta. Tom and I are looking forward to going  to a “Glow” one evening which is when they fire up some of the balloons after it gets dark. They don’t go anywhere (because flying in the dark would be a CRAZY thing to do), but they look pretty…glowing. Hopefully, pics will come out so that I can share them here.


What do you look forward to most when cold weather and fall finally come calling? Share your pumpkins on High on Hooking’s Facebook page.

Fall colors of Albuquerque.
Fall colors of Albuquerque.

Away from home…

Fall slowly dawns on Albuquerque.
Fall slowly dawns on Albuquerque.

Today I ran away from home for a couple of hours. I couldn’t take those people I live with any more. Truth be told, they were probably glad to be rid of me too. Almost three months ago we left Massachusetts for New Mexico, almost three months of undiluted togetherness. I’m a person who’s used to getting out: to work, to guild meetings, to writers’ groups, to networking nights. Not that I haven’t met anyone here in Albuquerque, but the going’s been slow. Or I’m impatient.


Okay, I know I’m impatient. We haven’t even been in this house a month. I’ve found area hookers; tomorrow’s my second guild meeting with them. I’ve already managed to participate in their monthly demo at the local botanical garden. A potluck with the neighbors Sunday provided info on a couple of organizations to join. And I’m gearing up for a job search. Things are actually coming together.

The reality is that I want need to take advantage of the downtime. To write, to sketch, to plan my next chapter. The past few years have been rough what with my mother-in-law succumbing to Alzheimer’s, planning this year’s move, and my kid’s bipolar issues. Concentration has often eluded me. Life being short and all, I have to remedy that.

So, at Julia Cameron’s urging, I escaped took an artist’s date. Old Town Albuquerque is filled with all things…old and artsy in a southwesterly way. Okay, and touristy too. Because I’m finishing up some packages to send back home to family and friends, touristy was what I needed. Day of the Dead here I come!

I poked here and wandered there. First up was San Felipe Church; it was established in 1706, though the current church dates from 1793! I picked up a pottery cross to send back to my boss at Saint Blaise in Massachusetts. A tourist trap provided maracas – perfect for two little girls with fall birthdays. Dream catchers too because I just love that idea, and because I suffer from hot flashes and insomnia, I appreciate catching all the good dreams one can. After that I investigated a little home goods-type shop that provided some good inspiration for rug-making.

Aren't they great? Not sure of the artist, unfortunately.
Aren’t they great? Not sure of the artist, unfortunately.

Fortunately, I’d found free parking near the art museum (a place I’m teasing myself with, waiting to visit till winter). On my way back, wending my way through a corner of the front garden, I revisited the statuary I’d seen when I vacationed here two summers ago. How could I stay cranky after seeing these two happy bears? I couldn’t. I was glad I’d gotten out, done something on my own. Even better, tomorrow I’ll head off to lunch and a guild meeting with new friends. It doesn’t get better than that.

Is your retired husband always home? Your kids? Sure, we love them, but how do you keep your own “space,” your soul time? Be honest, do you run away from home too?




