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The work of summer

Summer arrived just this week along with the kind of “work” that seems tailor made for her. Ah, but what is the work of summer?

Photo by ghostranch.org.


By rights – thinking back to when we were kids having escaped school for two months – there should be less work in summer. For High on Hooking, that will indeed be the case in some respect. Unfortunately, Ghost Ranch (see this post) postponed our workshop there till the spring. Boo to you, Covid! I was really looking forward to it, but there is a silver lining. It’s been SIZZLING here in New Mexico for a few weeks. Last week we hit 108 degrees here on the West Side of Albuquerque! Hiking will be better in the spring. I’ll post more information as we get closer to the workshop. In the meantime, think of how fabulous it will be to do fiber art in Georgia O’Keeffe‘s special milieu, her querencia.

The place where one’s strength is drawn from; where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self.


There have been a few places in my life when I’ve felt what the Spanish call querencia. In fact, it’s why I wanted to move to the Southwest. It’s definitely something I understand about O’Keeffe.

Given the change of plans, I find that I have more time on my hands to do my own work. Frankly, this calls for some serious rejoicing as this year I’ve been working A LOT on things that I’ve HAD TO DO. I haven’t even put many new items into the Etsy shop! Sure, I chose to teach and to make the New Mexico cushion for the USA50 project. The latter took longer than anticipated, working with all wool yarn. Beautiful, but itchy wool yarn after a while. Friend Ruth has the piece at the moment as she’s converting it from the hooking to the actual cushion. Pics in the next post; I promise. It’s beautiful, and even better, it has a good story.

To me the work of summer is “lighter” than that that I think to do come October and as winter starts to blow in. Fortunately, that coincides well with the “happy rug series” (#happyrugseries) I informally started earlier in the year to combat the “heaviness” of Covid and the entire year of 2020. Sadly, between gun violence and the continued stupidity of US politics, 2021 hasn’t been much happier. BUT, given our vaccination rates here in New Mexico, life is looking much more “normal” than it did a year ago. WOOHOO!

Current projects…

Hooked rug, work of summer
ABUNDANCE, part of the #happyrugseries.

Still finishing up ABUNDANCE, the latest and largest so far in the #happyrugseries. I’ve hit a little snag, as she’s hooked with all kinds of fibers that aren’t the easiest to put a needle and thread into. Worse, there are holes built into her, so a lot of perimeter work to do. Worst, Bowyn was going crazy for rabbit scents on a walk last night so I let him run in the park. Unfortunately, my right ring finger got caught in the leash as he took off. Ouch! I won’t be wearing any rings on that finger for awhile. Fortunately, if I take the little brace off, I can still hook.

Friday, as soon as I finished hooking the NM cushion, I drew up a small, geomtric-ish pattern so that I’d have something to work on that evening while Tom ran a summertime, “Arnold” action movie for us to watch on the TV. Given all the environmental issues we’re facing these days – drought, climate change, wildfires, plastic in the ocean – I decided to hook the piece with old plastic bags. Having already hooked a larger such piece, I’d kept the most colorful bags I had. Despite the heavy environmental theme, I’m hoping the piece will still make me – and others – smile. And just maybe curb our use of plastic bags some.

I’m also getting ready to tackle some new-to-me techniques, that is, NOT rug hooking! I’ll let you know how that goes, but right now I aim to explore a bit on my own. Then there’s an article or two that need writing. While the work might be lighter in summer, there’s no lack of it!

July also brings a road trip back East. Various folks were supposed to come visit here last fall, but…you guessed it…stupid Covid. So, having not seen family in a couple of years, it’s time. Bring on the seafood! This time around, Bowyn will man the Instagram account. Tynan, 13, will stay home and keep the hearth fires warm.

Hooked rug and Bowyn a Welsh Springer spaniel
Tynan let Bowyn handle WHAT’S ON THE FRAME today. (Nonetheless, he demanded a treat as a finder’s fee.) No name yet, but it’s being hooked with plastic bags that WILL NEVER SEE THE OCEAN!




What’s your work this summer? Perhaps it’s to concentrate on family and friends, the return to life with others? YES! Enjoy.






June is already a WHIRLWIND!

Orange whirlwind
Whirlwind pic courtesy of Author: PixelAnarchy / pixabay.com.


WHIRLWIND: a small rotating windstorm of limited extent. At least according to the Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary.


Welcome the whirlwind that is June. So much is going on! But it will be of a limited extent for the most part. In July, we’ll pack up the CR-V and head back east for a couple of weeks. Till then, though…

Unfortunately, Cathy Kelly and I won’t be heading to our first show to vend as expected this coming weekend. When Covid numbers weren’t quite as low as they are now, the Spring & Fiber Festival at El Rancho de las Golondrinas near Santa Fe was canceled for 2021. Bummer, I know. But we subsequently applied for the Harvest Festival in October (during the big Balloon Fiesta here in Albuquerque); hopefully, that will pan out. The weather will be cooler then too!


CREATE DIYHigh on Hooking will be teaching at CREATE DIY in June.
Thursday, June 11, will find me back on Zoom to lead a Introduction to Rug Hooking – Not so Traditional. This workshop is part of CREATE DIY, an online textile festival from Quiltfest. Would-be students have until June 3 to register! More info can be found by following either of the links above.


Adobe Wool Arts Guild members holding hooked rugs.
Ah, the good. olde days when AWAG could hold our retreats and workshops 3 or 4 times per year. In this pic you’ll find, Liz, myself, Melinda, and Mary R. with our works in progress a few years back.

, New Mexico’s only rug hooking guild, will hold its first meeting since March of last year this month on June 16! One of our members has graciously offered her lovely backyard (complete with shade and breezes). If you’re a hooker or puncher in the Albuquerque area who’s been looking for company, please contact me at Laura@highonhooking.com. As the President of the group, I can get you in. Really. Plus, we’re a fun group.


June 27-July 2, I’ll be up at Ghost Ranch north of Santa Fe to teach Hook a Rug, Save the Planet. I especially can’t wait because it appears that cell and Internet coverage are lacking up that way. Bummer…NOT! This promises to be a real get-away! We’ll be hooking and punching during this multi day workshop. And, no worries, there will be plenty of time to explore the ranch. My hiking shoes and camera are ready! There are several art-type classes running in June; find them here. (BTW, if you even think about heading to Ghost Ranch, I have one word: SUNSCREEN.)


Clearly, I’ve got a lot of workshop prepping to do! Meanwhile, for those who follow In the Studio and our Workshop Weeks, very soon we’ll be opening up registration for all workshops running during October’s Workshop Week 3. (Make sure you pen – not pencil – October 24-30 into your calendars!) We have more classes this time around -10! – and four new teachers. And, no, not every class is about rug hooking. Keep an eye out for more information! If you’re wondering what the hell I’m talking about, email me. We’ll chat. You’re definitely missing something good.


Backside of a hooked rug.
“Abundance” (aka the “automatic hooked rug“) freshly steamed. Yes, she’s upside down. She’s the latest in my HAPPY RUG series. “Whimsy,” there on the wall, was one of the first happy rugs. 2021 can’t get enough HAPPY

The boys and I would love to show you “What’s on the frame” this first week of June, but it’s a surprise till it’s pretty much finished. Saturday, though, I steamed “Abundance,” and am hoping to get to finishing her off today. Or at least starting to. She’s pretty big, and she’s got three holes! Summertime and the sewing will NOT be easy. My arthritic hands ache just thinking about it. But she’s well worth it.





SUMMERTIME AND COVID’S ON THE WANE. What are you planning this June that you couldn’t do last June? Tell us in the comments. And stay safe!



On to Ghost Ranch!

Meet up at Ghost Ranch in June!

You know that old saying “The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away”? Well, indeed He does. Just ten or so days ago, I wrote about how excited I was to be finally attending an in-person fiber festival up at El Rancho de las Golondrinas near Santa Fe. Then, last week, Cathy and I got word that, due to state or county Covid guidelines, they had to cancel it. Not sure why, as that county is opened as much as anything can be here in NM. And I’d gone to a couple of farmers’ markets that were pretty crowded down here in Albuquerque where we aren’t quite as open. I was so anticipating the festival and chatting folks up about hooking and all things fiber…

But there is some good news. Because, I’m fully vaccinated, I taught a lovely 80-year old to punch last Friday. In person! She’s quite the pistol too. I hope to have pics when the yarn I ordered for her comes in, and I can get over to her house again. And I have a student coming this Friday as well! I’m looking forward to spreading the fiber gospel some more. In person! Thank goodness for the vaccines!


Then there’s even better news. I’d alluded earlier to the fact that I was planning to teach at a “special” venue. It’s finally up online so I can spill it. June 27 – July 2, I’ll be teaching at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiú north of here in New Mexico. Having only driven by and never stopped, I can’t wait to spend the better part of a week there. We’ll be working on both hooking and punching, stressing all the while the use of recycled and reclaimed materials in our work. Think old t-shirts, bed sheets, plastic bags, and so on. The workshop is titled HOOK A RUG SAVE THE PLANET! (Click on the link for more info.) There will be plenty of downtime to hike and explore the Ranch and surrounding area.

Photograph by ghostranch.org.

For those not familiar with Ghost Ranch,

The landscape of Ghost Ranch—made famous by painter Georgia O’Keeffe and the incomparable hospitality of first director, Jim Hall—encompasses 21,000 acres of towering rock walls, vivid colors and vast skies. People from all over the world come to work together in creation care, to paint, write poetry, to hike, ride horseback, to research globally renowned archaeological and fossil quarries or simply to rest and renew their spirits.
-Ghost Ranch website

Photograph by ghostranch.org.

Georgia O’Keeffe is indelibly and colorfully linked to the Ranch though she only owned seven acres of it. More info on that HERE. The actual owners gifted it to the Presbyterian Church who created the Ghost Ranch Education & Retreat Center. The Center “fosters well-being and spiritual health through this historic, inspiring southwest landscape.” They do that by offering various activities on the land like hiking, camping, and horseback riding as well retreats and workshops. And that, my friends, is where my class comes in. The Ranch values good stewardship of the earth. An art workshop stressing re-use of materials to make something beautiful and maybe even useful falls right in their wheelhouse. And I couldn’t be any happier. I’m thinking of what it can mean for my own art and then just to have that time away from “home” stuff. Time to talk fiber, time to hike and sketch.


Chile pepper hooked rug
“The Ripening” is all New Mexico. (Old t-shirts; 9.5″x9.5″)

If you’re thinking about traveling this summer, maybe a peaceful, fiber retreat in northern New Mexico, a place filled with our special light and color, is the place for you. Chile peppers always available!



Spinning out of control!

Spinning top
My life is spinning… (Photo by Fons Reijsbergen.)


Given Covid, I’m amazed at how busy my world’s been these past months – some days are spinning out of control! Besides hosting events, I’ve been attending plenty of others. And then there’s the literal spinning, as in vertigo. For over a month, I’ve had days feeling as if I’m walking on the deck of a boat. Sometimes the waves are just little ripples, like in a pond. Other times, there’s a big, old storm coming! While I suffer a completely unmerited hangover! The ENT says it’s not an ear or sinus infection, and the chiropractor says I’m well aligned. That leaves those pesky calcium crystals that reside in our inner ears sensing gravity. They need to be re-positioned which is why I’m off for a physical therapy evaluation tomorrow. Here’s hoping they can find a way to end the spinning.

Bowyn the Welsh Springer spaniel is sick.
Bowyn on our surprise snow day last month.

Meanwhile, poor, little Bowyn is ailing with a wicked double ear infection and mouth sores that make eating difficult. Dude’s really looking hangdog. Yesterday we saw Dr. Forsyth (of the Taylor Ranch Veterinary Clinic here in ABQ). Now we have new meds and more ear-washing; I am not Bowyn’s favorite person at the moment. Praying he feels better in a few days.




Okay, less actual places, more Zoom gatherings. Since we last checked in I’ve been to:

  • The Alt Fiber Hook-In with some lovely ladies from Canda and the US. Perhaps we should plan another for one evening or Saturday? Thoughts?
  • The Adobe Wool Arts Guild‘s first actual meeting, albeit it virtual, since March. If you’re located in New Mexico and interested in joining, email me. We’re looking to set up a class or two for next year. (Still virtual, I’m afraid.) Maybe you’d like to join us.
  • In the Studio’s inaugural Workshop Week. This was fun – Karen Miller, Susan Feller, Beth Miller, Meryl Cook, and I each held a workshop; included with “tuition” was a ticket to an evening hook-in and a closing panel discussion. Such was our success, that we’re planning another week this winter. Keep watch for that. There will be all new classes!
  • In the Studio with Nadine Falgel. Nadine spoke about how she she makes “slow art” to combat “fast fashion.” This being one of my own pet issues, I was really interested. But while I like to recycle old or would-be scrapped textiles into my own pieces, thus keeping them out of landfills, Nadine actually uses these “rags” as her subject matter. See more about her work on her Instagram page. And, BTW, she’s got a solo show coming up in the new year.
  • A Vision of Hope & Healing art show at the Santa María de la Vid Abbey in ABQ. My piece “Holes”
    Story cloth from Multicolores
    A story cloth from the artists at Multicolores.

    hung in the show. It ran until just last Friday. Unfortunately, with the Coronacootie spiking, we couldn’t have the usual opening and closing soirées, but you can see the show HERE, just scroll your way down the page when you get there.

  • Guatemala! It’s the farthest I’ve gone courtesy of the Stitching Stories Embroidery Workshop from Multicolores last week. I took that class because 1) I’ve become more interested in embroidery over the last year or so and 2) I’ve been thinking about doing a story rug. The class was kind of a 2-fer for me. I’ve been holding onto some poems that I think will work well. We didn’t start any projects in the three hours, but we practiced some of the stitches the ladies use and spoke about what we might want to do. Consider, taking one of the online Multicolores classes when they offer them again. (It’s easier than going all the way to Central America!) Micaela and Sara were excellent at demonstrating their work and answering questions on their processes. The fact that everything had to be translated both ways didn’t hurt the continuity of the workshop at all. I passed on the hooking class as I already work plenty with t-shirts, but I hear from friends that it was a good experience as well. And the tuition monies go to a great cause!


  • Tomorrow evening at 8:30 I’m heading to the Anchorage Museum in Alaska, for Amy Meissner‘s Intersectional Selves Mending Workshop. More info HERE. Like Nadine and myself, Amy’s also interested in how we can counteror at least mitigate the actions of our throw-away culture. And I’ve got some knit items that I’ve not yet tried to mend.
  • On Tuesday the 24th, the calendar on the wall (sue me; I’m a troglodyte) shows an entry for Abstract Art in America from the Whitney Museum.
  • I’m behind in the Textile Talks that happen every Wednesday. They’re mostly presentations and panel discussions about quilts, but you never know what you might pick up. They’re sponsored by the International Quilt Museum, the Modern Quilt Guild, Quilt Alliance, San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles, Studio Art Quilt Associates and Surface Design Association. More info HERE. They are recorded, so, if you’re like me, you can catch up on them at a later date.
  • In the Studio with Larry Weyand airs Wednesday, December 2, at 1:00 Eastern. More info on that HERE. A teaser: Through the process of autoethnography, I explore how my work lies in the space where narrative, psychological resilience, mat making and food intersect. Food and rugs! I’ll have more info later.
  • On December 8, I’ll be joining the “CSU Libraries and the Avenir Museum of Design and Merchandising for expert advice on how to preserve your family archives, photos, and textile heirlooms.” It seemed like a good idea. More info HERE. It’s called Caring for Your Family Treasures.

Who knows what else I’ll find to occupy myself in December? As if I wasn’t busy enough hooking and hemming my last rugs of 2020. And don’t even mention the Ribbon Rug Journal! Only a month and a half to go on that…

Small hooked rug
You too can “Build a Baby Boucherouite” or, as I like to call it, Barbies Magic Carpet.

Plans for early 2021 include the second In the Studio Workshop Week as I mentioned. I’ll also be running Building a Baby Boucherouite on my own for those who missed it in October. Keep an eye out for scheduling if you’re interested.

And although this class is scheduled and up online, I don’t believe that our proliferating Covid problem will allow it to run. Or that I’ll be comfortable leaving home for it so soon after the holidays when it’s clear that so many germs will be shared. (In which case, I can cancel…if there are even any students!) It is, however, just an honor being able to offer a class with Ghost Ranch here in New Mexico.

Just one of the views from Ghost Ranch. Sunsets in New Mexico. Its about the light.

For those not familiar with it, artist Georgia O’Keeffe‘s home in Abiquiú, New Mexico, sits at the edge of the 21,000-Ghost Ranch property, named as such because cattle rustlers trying to keep their stolen cows a secret said the ranch was haunted by evil spirits. Hopefully, the vaccines we keep talking about will work, and we’ll be able to get to this or a similar class sometime sooner than later.

Dizzy? Head spinning? Have I given you vertigo to go with mine? I hope not, especially with Thanksgiving right around the corner. We’ll have a quiet one here, much like the first holidays when we moved to Albuquerque in 2015, before we knew anyone well enough to share our bad habits and proclivities. (We had to go all Siren-like and lure people in before that could happen.) The kid is scheduled to come down for the first time since this whole mess began in March. We can’t put her off any more. Unfortunately, masks, social distancing, and a 2-week quarantine after she leaves are all on the docket. Thank goodness I have so many things to do!


Gobble, gobble!

If I don’t make it back here next week, I wish you all a wonderful and TINY Thanksgiving. Remember, you can stay small yet still have all the trimmings. And there will be less dishes to wash!

