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Tag: Jacqueline Murray Loring

The artists are angry; they’re PROTESTING!

Of course, they’re angry; they’re protesting!

That’s what I told a friend last Friday night at the opening reception for PROTEST: SEE Something, Say Something at Fusion in downtown Albuquerque. (More info HERE.) It’s a good, meaningful show, filled with all kinds of media and messages. Rightly so, with protesting as a theme, they aren’t always pretty.

Sheela Na Gig, hooked art piece
Sheela Na Gig is a Celtic symbol. I’ll let you read about her and how she was and now is used for protests HERE. (Hooked on cotton monk’s cloth with mostly old t-shirts and a bit of silk sari ribbon; embellished with glass beads.)


As I mentioned on social media after posting pics of my two pieces, I was sorry not to get more and better photographs, but I had to leave early. All Friday I’d battled a migraine; finally, the nausea and fatigue got the best of me. I didn’t feel better till Monday/Tuesday. Nonetheless, I encourage all the local readers to make their way to Fusion one afternoon or evening to see what the (protesting) artwork really looks like and to see it all.


Later every year, I create an angel for the following year. This was THE MIGHTY ONE, THE ANGEL OF 2022. (Hooked with old t-shirts, repurposed gold lamé, and plastic bags.)



Felted artwork for PROTEST show
TURTLE ISLAND SIEGE by Patricia Halloran  (Patricia had some cool things in the FABRIC OF NEW MEXICO SHOW.)




TORN BUT STILL WAVING by Elizabeth Potter (paper art)












WHOSE BODY IS THIS? artwork for Protest show
WHOSE BODY IS THIS? by Maria Jonsson (vintage dress form and acrylic paint)


BIG PHARMA SERIES #4,5,6 by Martin Terry. Martin is also the curator of this show.



From BIG PHARM SERIES #1, 2, 3 #
Close-up of part of BIG PHARMA SERIES #1, 2, 3 by Martin Terry












GET WOKE artwork in PROTEST show
GET WOKE by Paula Steinberg (upcycled chair, acrylic/oil on wood and vinyl)



SHE PERSISTED by Betty Busby (Dunicel, felt)























THE HISTORY OF BEARING CHILDREN, text by Jacqueline Murray Long, visual art by Martin Terry





Poem in PROTEST show
This is a more easily read photo of the text by Jacqueline Murray Loring. Another piece by a different artist accompanied this artwork. Visit the show to see it. (My photo didn’t come out.)














If you’re looking for a thought-provoking show, one that will let you see the outrage, the anger about so many things going on in our world today, come see the work by artists who are protesting at Fusion in Albuquerque.  Maybe we all need to start protesting.


Protest Art show poster


