Looking to learn rug hooking or punch needle rug hooking this year? If you’re in or plan to be in New Mexico in the fall, you’re in luck.
Logo for the Mountain and Valley Wool Festival – Looking to learn a new skill?
While High on Hooking is happy to give private lessons pretty much any time, we’re now announcing that we’ll be teaching at two fall fiber events:
–September 3/4, 2022
-At the Wildlife West Nature Park in Edgewood.
-There will be vendors, workshops, live animals, and demonstrations.
-Workshops haven’t been scheduled just yet, so check back on their website or contact me directly to take part.
MOUNTAIN AND VALLEY WOOL FESTIVAL(previously known as the Taos Wool Festival)
–October 1/2, 2022 This is perfect if you’re planning to come to New Mexico for Balloon Fiesta!
-Santa Fe County Fair Grounds, Santa Fe
-There will be vendors, a fiber critter corner (live animals), demonstrations, live music, and food! Workshops aren’t scheduled just yet, but check back on the website. -We’ll be teaching both rug hooking and punch needle rug hooking.
In the meantime, in a couple of weeks, High on Hooking is headed to Sewanee, Tennessee, to teach at the SHAKERAG WORKSHOPS starting June 18. I believe that there are still openings for workshops, so take a peak if you’re looking to learn something new or just enjoy an adult-only, creative summer camp. My own classstill has room for one or two more.More info HERE.
Bowyn and Tynan bring you WHAT’S ON THE FRAME – May 31, 2022. Yes, Bowyn needs a haircut bad.
We’ve been so busy here that it’s been a while since I’ve shared what’s on my frame. Clearly, that peeves the boys who are always on the lookout for a job that provides them a treat or eight. So, here they are. And, yes, Bowyn is hiding much of the piece. More on it later.
LE VIN, LA VIE is hooked with repurposed textiles, old plastic bags, silk sari yarn, and wool yarns and strips. The “mini Me” inspired the whole series.
In the past couple of months, we started a fun, new series of hooked art: The Cocktail Series. So far we’ve finished two pieces: the “Margarita” and “le vin, la vie.” I’ve got more drinks in mind and will intersperse them between other larger projects. And stitching and crocheting projects as well, of course. Why do just one thing when you can fill your summer up with all kinds of fiber fun?
What are your summer plans??? I hope they include a bunch of fiber projects and at least a few margaritas.
MARGARITA hooked with repurposed textiles, silk sari yarn, wool strips, and tulle ribbon.
It starts next Thursday, April 14, and runs through Saturday. Make sure you stop by the Adobe Wool Arts Guild booth to say hello and check out the hooked art made by our members.
We’re in workshop heaven here at High on Hooking. Let me explain.
Your Boucherouite will be your own pattern. It can be small just to try it all out in the workshop or as large as you’d like. (Original design.)
Because of interest during Workshop Week 4, we added another session for those who couldn’t make it in January. (The class was getting a little large too.) If you’re interested and available on Saturday, March 12, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern, give me a yell. We’re at six right now, so there’s a little more room. For info about the class, see HERE. (Also, watch for coming announcements regarding Workshop Weeks 5 and 6!)
For the workshop – punch needle by Amy Oxford. Original design.
Albuquerque’s BIG, BIENNIAL FIBER ARTS FIESTA, postponed from last year, will be open for business Thursday – Saturday, April 14-15. There’s a superb line-up of classes including my own punch needle workshop on Friday at 10:00 a.m. It is in person, and you’ll need to be vaccinated, but masks will be optional at this point. Yay! You can contact me here or see WORKSHOPS LISTING.
This is a week-long residency workshop in Sewanee, Tennessee, as part of the SHAKERAG WORKSHOPS. We’ll be doing
Table runner/wall hanging hooked with recycled textiles (old tshirts and bedsheets). (Original design.)
both rug hooking and punch needle rug hooking. In addition, though we’ll still have wool to work with, we’ll strive to look beyond the wool to materials that otherwise might end up in landfills. You know, old textiles you probably have in your house this very moment: ripped t-shirts, stained tablecloths, clothing and scarves that have seen better days… If you’re looking to pair vacation and fiber art therapy, this one’s for you. More workshop information can be found HERE and below.
Shakerag Workshops is a group of arts classes for adults held in June each year on the St. Andrew’s-Sewanee campus, in Sewanee, Tennessee. Instructors from around the world offer classes in a variety of media – knitting, basketry, book arts, clay, digital arts, felting, fiber, mixed media, jewelry, wood working, sculpture, and painting. Most participants, faculty, and staff stay on the campus, eating and working together for the week. After classes, participants enjoy hiking on the campus trails, swimming in the stream-fed mountain lake, and relaxing in yoga classes. Meals feature locally grown and organic foods served in historic Robinson Dining Hall. In the evenings, faculty members show slides and talk about their work. The studios are open throughout the night. The week culminates with a Tennessee meal on Friday evening for faculty and participants.
-from Shakerag’s website
As you can see, we’re busy these days here in the New Mexican desert. Covid’s waning, and folks are slowly getting back into the swing of things. More good news came in the mail yesterday in the form of Rug Hooking Magazine. If you recall that, during 2020, I spent much time on a yearlong project, the RIBBON RUG JOURNAL. If you turn to page 50 in RHM, you can read all about it! I also urge you to peruse Pretext Studio Rug Hooking’s Nadine Flagel‘s article on page 40. We share attitudes about the growing textile waste crisis. Her website slogan is Making Art out of Making Do: Reclaimed Text & Textiles. “Boucherouite” is a Moroccan-Arabic word for “torn” or “reused clothing.”
The High on Hooking Dogs, Bowyn and Tynan, bring you WOOLLEY MAT HORSE by Woolley Fox.
Bowyn actually calmed down enough to be in this week’s WHAT’S ON THE FRAME. This is a pattern I inherited when a member of the Adobe Wool Arts Guild passed away a few years ago. As a guild, we’ll be highlighting Pat’s rugs in a special exhibit at Fiber Arts Fiesta in April. The pattern, as I received it, was not identified.
You might remember, I hooked it a couple years back after receiving it. Because it sold, I needed to make another for the exhibit. Patti on Instagram was able to identify the pattern this week; she hooked it herself awhile back. LOL It’s from Woolley Fox and is called Woolley Mat Horse. As before, I’m hooking it with old t-shirts. Because we believed it to be Pat’s design, not a purchased pattern (also based on an antique rugs by Magdalena Briner Eby), I won’t hook the design again after I finish this iteration.
A few folks who follow High on Hooking’s Instagram account, got a peek at my offering to The Violet Protest last week. Today I packaged my 8″ x 8″ square up and mailed it off to Phoenix where it will be part of an exhibit and then sent on to lawmakers in Washington.
For those in the dark who have never heard of the Violet Protest, it’s a project that was conceived of by Ann Morton, a textile artist, educator, and “social practitioner” in Phoenix, Arizona.
“Driven by a desire to make right, the work she does reflects her own handwork, but also orchestrates handwork of interested community members through public interventions that seek to socially engage the hands of many to harness the power of making for social purpose.”
Textile artists across the country have been asked to make these 8″x8″ squares using whatever techniques they wish. My M.O., of course, is hooking. I might have used crochet or embroidery as well, but I opted to commit to only one square (knowing the project and teaching backlog that I’m already juggling). The squares are to be made using pretty much equal parts blue and red. As you know, BLUE + RED = VIOLET/PURPLE. The point is to create an “overall presentation of violet in the final display” of all the squares made.
My hooked square of wool strips and yarn and recycled silk blouse strips.
“The Violet Protest is a public effort to send 50 hand-made textile squares to each and every member of Congress
in support of these core American values:
•Respect for the other •Citizenship •Compromise •Country over party and corporate influence •Courage •Candor •Compassion •Creativity
Whether we weave, knit, crochet, quilt, or embroider all 26,750 of these squares — through this social action, and from every corner of America; we as makers of all political persuasions, believe we can employ our willing spirit and our talents to contribute to healing divisions that threaten our country. This collection of textile squares will be first displayed at Phoenix Art Museum, in the Spring of 2021, before they are sent to the new 117th Congress by late 2021.
Focused on the values we hold dear as Americans, rather than any political beliefs, the color violet symbolizes the literal combination of red and blue, long held as symbols of our nation’s differing ideologies. Our common goal is to send a physical message of friendly protest through this colossal visual expression to demonstrate that if we as citizens are willing to come together, so then must our elected officials.”
There’s still plenty of time for you to get involved with this project. In fact, Ann could use a lot more squares, all total 26,750! Maybe your rug queue isn’t as long as mine is, and you’re looking for away to resist the winter doldrums. These squares hardly take any time to hook…or crochet…or sew…or whatever. While there is a February 1 deadline for squares to be exhibited in the Phoenix Art Museum, you’ve got plenty of time – till August 1! – to get some to Ann to be sent to members of Congress later in 2021. I’m hoping that I might be able to do some more once High on Hooking’s rug obligations are fulfilled.
The tag attached to my square.
Getting involved in the Violet Protest is easy, really. Ann mails out a tag to you. You attach it to your square(s) and mail it all back. Done! For more info click HERE. You can see examples of squares on the Violet Protest Instagram page.
In other news, we had another fine Zoom gathering last Saturday for the Build a Baby Boucherouite workshop. There were five of us. If you’re interested in the class, please contact me. I will say that this is one that works better and is more fun with the energy of a small group of folks working together and bringing all kinds of ideas. If you think your guild or a klatch of friends might want to get together to explore hooking some BBs, give a yell.
A reminder, that there are a few more spaces left in In the Studio’s WORKSHOP WEEK 2. I believe that Karen Miller, Beth Miller, and Meryl Cook have a couple of “seats.” Contact them directly. (To do that follow the WW2 link above) I have some more room in my second Intro to Punch Needle Rug Hooking session on February 20. Let me know if you’d like to be join us.
Tynan and Bowyn bring you this week’s “What’s on the frame.” (Mostly because they want the Beggin’ Strips BAD.)
And lastly, Tynan and Bowyn bring you “What’s on the frame” this week. If you remember, they showed what this rug looked like when I started hooking it back in December. It’s almost done. Hope my aunt likes it. It was inspired by her color choices and a drawing she made. More on that when I finish it. Till then, be warm and stay safe. May our Covid vaccine shot(s) happen soon!
Might you be able to make a square for THE VIOLET PROTEST?
We here at High on Hooking wish a very Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. Enjoy your holidays with those in your social bubbles. The kid will be down from Colorado tomorrow, so we’ll be celebrating a couple of days early here. Sadly, she has to work on the 24th and 26th, but roast beast and bubbly, here we come!
Before I let you go, though, a few dates in early 2021 to remember. Click on them for more info, and email me if interested or with questions.
Wednesday, January 13, 1:00 p.m. Eastern – IN THE STUDIO WITH TRACY JAMAR. If you haven’t heard Tracyspeak, register. She’s terrific. And she does not-so-traditional hooking too!
Saturday, January 16, 1:00 p.m. Eastern – BUILD A BABY BOUCHEROUITE. Spaces are still available. Give yourself the gift of creativity in the New Year.
Bowyn and Tynan, the High on Hooking Dogs, bring you the final “what’s on the frame” for 2021. We all wish you a happy, happy Christmas and New Year!
Sunday, January 31, 1:00 p.m. Eastern – INTRO TO PUNCH NEEDLE RUG HOOKING WORKSHOP. This In the Studio WORKSHOP WEEK 2 class is full, but I’ve decided to open another session on Saturday, February 20, also at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. Give a yell if you’d like to get in on it. You will receive all benefits of WW2, including the bonus sections and coupons.
January 31 – February 5 –IN THE STUDIO WORKSHOP WEEK 2 – There are six workshops running this time around. Karen Miller, Beth Miller, and Meryl Cook still have openings. Susan Feller is taking names for a possible second session. Nadine Flagel, Donna Mulhollland, and I are offering second sessions. Contact individual teachers for more info. Emails in above WW2 link.
And that takes us into the time of putting work away and lighting candles and enjoying the season. Here’s to a MUCH IMPROVED NEW YEAR and some real peace and good will towards men all people (and dogs).