Woohoo! “Memory of Water” is off to another show. Not a fiber arts show, but an exhibit of all kinds of media. Last month I saw that the Fuller Lodge Art Center (FLAC) up in Los Alamos (New Mexico) had a call for artists for “Making Waves,” their August exhibit.
A single stone thrown into the water can create a ripple that will affect the entire pond. Water is a sacred and often misused blessing, especially in the desert landscape of New Mexico. Take on water and all that it means to us personally. Don’t shy away from the controversy water issues can create! We want to see artwork that makes the biggest splash!
–from FLAC’s website
It appears that after spending a year on my hallway wall, “Memory of Water” made another splash with FLAC’s jurists. (You might remember that it was in Albuquerque’s Open Space Visitor Center’s “WATER” exhibit last year.) The show runs August 2-31, so we’re off to Los Alamos this week to deliver the piece. Tynan and new puppy Bowyn will get to take a ride!
Truthfully, we’ll be making three trips up north to Los Alamos this coming month. We’ll have to retrieve the piece after the show. And mid month…we’re back up there for FLAC’s Summer Arts and Crafts Fair! First time High on Hooking’s vended this show. Here’s hoping for a beautifully sunny mountain day. No monsoon rains.
Maybe you’ll show at one of these events, particularly if you’re in the greater northern New Mexican area. If you’re at the Arts and Crafts Fair, mention the blog and get 10% off a rug!
Okay, maybe not “just like that,” but the “Big Boucherouite” is hooked. Finally. After about three and a half months of hooking approximately three hours per day. My arthritic hands are not particularly pleased with me at the moment, and I haven’t even told them about the next part: hemming. Putting needle and thread into hooked bed sheets and t-shirts isn’t the most fun thing one can do. I’ll give the hands a week or two off before we start to sew.
“Big Boucherouite” is hooked completely from old bed sheets and t-shirts. This is recycled (fiber) art at its best. 🙂
In the meantime I have to finish my friendship rug – the entire background which does include words (I know, I know!). At least hooking wool is more gentle on the paws than hooking cotton. The friendship rug has to be completed by Albuquerque’s Fiber Arts Fiesta just like “Big Boucherouite.” In fact, all nine of the guild‘s friendship rugs constitute a special exhibit. If you can make it, Fiesta is May 30, 31 and June 1 at Expo here in Albuquerque.
Fellow hookers, I’ve spent an incredible amount of time hooking the background of one BIG rug; the friendship rug isn’t as large, but it ain’t small either. I’ve been dreaming of other rugs I want/need to start. Ideas to get me through this next background before I can start something new?
Weather’s beautiful here in Albuquerque this week, even hitting the 70s. Condolences to those still victim to winter’s frigid temperatures. May spring come quickly to you. And if you’re in the ABQ area, remember that the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Spring Show is this weekend! (Not that I get to go…)