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Tag: rug hooking

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!

Look who I met on Santa Fe's plaza Saturday evening!
Look who I met on Santa Fe’s plaza Saturday evening!


It’s Christmas week and I won’t even pretend that I’ll get a blog article out this week. But I do send fond holiday wishes to friends and family no matter what your faith. Eat, rest, celebrate, and enjoy each other’s company. Be kind and reap kindness in return.


Merry Christmas!


The pointsettia that's keeping me warm this week. What are you hooking this holiday?
The poinsettia that’s keeping me warm this week. What are you hooking this Christmas holiday?



Christmas is fast approaching

One Christmas mat all hooked up. Another to design and start.
One Christmas mat all hooked up and ready to be steamed and finished. Time to design and start another!

Christmas is on its way, gathering speed whether we’re ready or not. I am not ready, but then I’m never ready for this big holiday. Like I’ve mentioned before, this year is tough. Call us crazy, but we left Massachusetts in July and moved to Albuquerque not knowing a soul. I knew this time of year would be difficult, but knowing and living that are two completely different animals.

All is NOT lost, however. I’m rushing to get this post out because tomorrow is my guild’s regular monthly meeting. With a twist; it’s our Christmas party! Instead of meeting at the library, we’re off to a generous member’s home for a potluck luncheon. So, it’ll be a day of good food, adult beverages, and hooking. Can you tell I’m looking forward to it? First, however, I must design and put together a little mat to work on while I’m there. Oh, and the chick pea salad (gluten free and delicious, if I do say) won’t make itself.


The dragonfly welcomed us to River of Lights. Its wings moved!
The giant dragonfly welcomed us to River of Lights. Its wings moved!
2015-12-09 19.03.58
Pretty flowers!

While I’m off with my preparations, enjoy a bit of the light show Tom and I attended last week at the same Albuquerque Botanic Gardens where the guild does our monthly demos. River of Lights is what it’s called, and it was absolutely incredible with hundreds of huge light sculptures.


You’ll have to take my word on that as the battery died on the phone soon after we arrived. Won’t make that mistake next year.


How are your holiday preparations going? Are you ready? And please tell me that you’re making time for at least a little hooking.


A ship of lights ready to carry my cold self away...
A ship of lights ready to carry my cold self away…
I'm a butterfly!
But as a butterfly, I can sail off on my own. With my hot cup of Starbucks tea, that is.






A rug hooker’s welcome to Albuquerque

My thanks to ATHA’s Region 12 Adobe Wool Arts Guild here in Albuquerque! I attended my first meeting Wednesday last and was welcomed graciously. It was a pleasure hooking with others again even if I was actually sewing twill tape for the day – prepping one rug and finishing another.

Unfortunately, I left my phone at home that day, so I have no pics to share. My bad! But imagine my surprise when I returned home and took a look at my ATHA magazine that had just arrived, forwarded from my old address in Massachusetts. On page 48, there’s a photo of Dagmar and daughter Fiona Byrd. Gene Shepherd wrote a piece about how my new guild has been admitting youth members for over a year. Fiona’s been hooking for two years. She’s even won a blue ribbon at the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta. How great is that? For Fiona, for the art of hooking, and for Mom Dagmar, Dagmar who I’d met just that day and even sat next to.

Coincidences – or perhaps “synchronicity” is a more apt word – didn’t start there. A gentleman and his wife from Santa Fe showed up at the meeting bearing antique rugs. He was interested in restoration work or possibly selling them. My thoughts immediately went to Jessie Turbayne back in Massachusetts who hung with my old Charles River Guild. “I know someone back at home,” I offered tentatively. But being 2200 miles or so away… And just like that, someone asks, “Anyone know where Jessie Turbayne is?” Uh, yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. I passed her info on to the Santa Feans. Hopefully, she’ll be receiving an email and some pics soon.

So, I have high hopes for my hooking here in Albuquerque. The emotional pains of moving away from friends and family are somewhat ameliorated in this day of easy Internet contact. I can stay in touch with pretty much anyone with email or Facebook. But after almost two months here, I’m craving live-action friends and community. Last week was a good welcome and a perfect start.

Our new crib – come Wednesday. It needs some greening, flowers too, and definitely pumpkins, but all in good time.

This Wednesday brings us to our final moving hurdle; we close on our new house. The process of making it a home starts Thursday. I’ll be busy, but I’ll try to check in as often as I can. See High on Hooking’s Facebook page for updates. And if you have any tips (I’m talking to you, Deb!), please feel free to share them in the comments below.





Regrets, I have a few…

I move from a wonderful house, neighborhood, job, church, writing group, rug hooking guild in just four days. Across the country. It’s a planned move; I really have no excuse for my regrets, the things I intended to do, but never got around to making real. And that makes me sad.

Our home has sold. We'll miss her.
Our home has sold. We’ll miss her.
  • While I did make it to the beach this past weekend for a final farewell to the ocean (necessary when you’re moving from Massachusetts to the southwestern high desert), I didn’t manage to get down to Salty Brine Beach down in the little fishing port of Galilee, Rhode Island. If it sounds familiar and you’re not from around here, it’s because part of the beach blew up last week (no, they don’t know the exact cause yet and exploding beaches are not the norm around here, but the sunbathing lady will be okay). It’s a nice, little place to swim, but more importantly, George’s of Galilee, a fabulous restaurant right on the beach, has a sunny deck where one can sit and eat lobster and drink chardonnay while watching the boats and ferries go in and out. I never got that last lobster. Disappointed
  • Despite the fact that I was in New Hampshire last August (and lots of times before that), I’ve never made it to the Dorr Mill Store. It’s my twill tape go-to. Have you seen all the colors they carry?  And I’ve never made the pilgrimage to Halcyon in Maine where I get (also via mail) much of the rug yarn that I use. Thank God for the Internet on both accounts.
  • I planned on hitting up all the cultural activities and museums – especially those dealing with textiles like the American Textile History Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts – before I left. Little did I know how much work, the kid’s high school graduation, home repairs, selling the house, packing, and good-byes would take out of us. Damn, we were lucky if we even managed to watch television. Some evenings The Young and the Restless was as artsy as it got. (I love you, TIVO.)
  • While life’s been a series of “last times” and farewells these past weeks, there are people I would’ve liked to have seen, especially some I’ve only met through Facebook, but are nonetheless very dear to me. I hope you all know who you are. I’m truly sorry that we couldn’t meet face-to-face. Maybe one day in the future. Tom and I will still have family here in New England, and you are always welcome in Albuquerque.

Lastly, I regret that it took me so long to revamp this website and blog. Posts will undoubtedly be sporadic for a few weeks, but I’ll try to get something of the journey and the adventure up to share. Feel free to check High on Hooking’s Facebook page for updates too. Prayers for safe travels are always appreciated. I’ll see you on the other side of the country. Next stop: New Mexico!

New Mexico, here we come!

