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Share those hearts! And other news.


Heart hooked rug for hearts for heroes
Show me your hearts; here’s mine. I attached it to my spring door decoration. It was hooked with wool, silk, and silk sari yarns. #heartsforheroes

We’re still looking for those hearts. Tag them #heartsforheroes. If you’re not sure what we’re talking about, click here now. Relatedly, Maggie Bathory at the Aspen Rug Company has a contest HEARTS FOR HOOKERS going on over at her place. Combine our two projects; do good and maybe win some wool!



In other news, I’m still not working particularly efficiently as I’d hoped to back when this all started. If you wish, you can read about that here. The situation wasn’t helped when my kid had health issues that ultimately pushed her into the hospital up in Colorado where she lives…3½ hours away. That was nerve-wracking as Tom and I couldn’t just run up to be with her. Nope, in the end she had to do it all by her lonesome. There have been some hiccups, but her health is safe and she’s back at work…on the frontlines…at a grocery store. (Another plug for #heartsforheroes.)


But I have gotten some things done. Two rugs left the Etsy shop for their forever homes. Yea! Virtual shopping can be as good if not better than going to the store. I know, three pairs of shoes have made it to my house from DSW via the post office. Then there are those two Kohl’s deliveries. Pro Chem and Maritime Family Fiber


Hooked wall hanging
“Sacred Life” now lives in Louisiana with Susan. She and Carolyn are hoping to make a trip to New Mexico late in the year. Pray they get a chance. Till then, this will have to do.


Intrigue: There’s been an ongoing rug “sale” story; really it’s all about a would-be scammer who wanted to take me for about $1000. And get a rug in the deal! That deserves it’s own post. Watch for it in the future.


hooked rug
“Tea for Me” headed up to its Oregon forever home this week! Perfect for a cool spring morning.

















Then I sold a pattern of “Big Boucherouite” after someone saw him in Rug Hooking Magazine. Damn, I think that little nugget of information was lost in the coronacootie hubbub. Yep, take a gander in the current – March/April/May – issue. My article starts on page 40. I’m so tickled! Anywho, later this week, I’ll be making that pattern available in linen and monk’s cloth in the Etsy shop. Or just contact me at Laura@highonhooking.com if you’re interested in one. Or in any other rug that I’ve hooked, for that matter. Most can be easily drawn.


Rug Hooking Magazine article
You know, I’ve had short stories printed and even rugs in the ATHA Magazine, but what a gas to have my own article and artwork in Rug Hooking Magazine!


Drawing a hooked rug pattern
This was part of the process when I drew the “Big Boucherouite” pattern for Leslie. Thank goodness for a large area on tile, and even more, doors to keep the dogs at bay.



Ribbon rug journal easter entry
Ribbon Rug Journal entry, April 12: “Easter, 2020” or “Easter, Corona Style.” Hopefully, the Easter Bunny didn’t catch the coronacootie when he delivered the eggs and candy.



Like I said in an earlier post, the Ribbon Rug Journal takes up more of my hooking time than I anticipated. I guess that’s not such a problem this year though. Sadly, so many vending and other in-person events are cancelled that I have time to spend on a big project like this one. Just the other day I finished the first roll of burlap ribbon. The new roll is a tad more difficult to work with as its weave is much looser. Danger, Will Robinson! It’s also wider which is a mixed blessing. There’s more space to hook, but showing any kind of detail is a no-go.


Other than that, there’s lots of cooking and eating and drinking going on in the Salamy house. We’re still really well stocked up. The boys keep us walking most days, thank goodness. It’s safer that way, otherwise the Wild Child (aka Bowyn) gets himself into much too much mischief. He took out a skein of rug yarn within five minutes of it being in the house. Snaked his little paw right through the doggie gate to snag it! I have managed to give them both haircuts, not that I’ll be accomplished enough to hang out a groomer’s shingle when this whole pandemic crisis is over. But I can now wield a pair of clippers and cut toenails. I call that a victory.


dogs on hooked rug
A FIRST! Tynan allowed Bowyn to share his “What’s on the frame” duty this week. (It all fell apart after I snapped the pic.) I’ll hook the last bit of this cheery, recycled bed sheet rug tonight. Then it joins a finishing queue along with a punched pillow.

I’m still interested in what you’re hooking up or even cooking up this Covid-19 “vacation.” Tell us about it below. Better yet, show us on the High on Hooking Facebook page. And get those hearts up on your front windows and doors. Share your love and gratitude with the heroes showing up at your house with yarn and shoes and food and…





Hooked rug heart
This is NOT the heart that will go on my front door, but it is a taste of what we want to do. I hooked this one last night as part of the Ribbon Rug Journal. I called it “Hear Alert” then, but it’s really “#HEARTSFORHEROES.”


So the country’s come to a standstill. Or so it seems as many of us sit at home making and walking our dogs and bingeing WestWorld and otherwise avoid contracting Covid-19. But we know that’s not true. There are still all kinds of folks out in the big, germy world. I don’t mean your fellow shoppers in Costco or Walmart. No, I’m talking the people who work in Costco and Walmart. Then there are the people driving the trucks bringing the groceries and the toilet paper to Costco and Walmart. And all the other stores and warehouses that are still open.

How about the people working in the post office, people bringing your Amazon packages? And the folks that deliver the news to our doors and televisions. There are the veterinarians and zoo keepers keeping our animals healthy. All those restaurant people making and delivering food to others who never learned how to boil water or to those of us just sick of our own cooking.

And then there are the people actually putting their lives on the line: first responders, nurses and doctors, cops, and firemen. Maybe you’re sewing masks for them in your house right now. Good for you! And thank you. They’re all busy and probably can’t stop to tell you themselves.

I know there are plenty of others out there working while you and I stay home trying to flatten the curve; I just can’t think of all the job categories. There’s not enough time, and it’s not important. What is important is to let them know how much we appreciate them all. In that vein, I’d like to propose a method for doing just that. Actually, friend and fellow hooker Cass from Tennessee suggested it. She’d seen something similar online and thought that the rug hooking community should embrace it.

What if we started a challenge of hooked hearts…design and size, etc., of your choice? They would hang on our doors or some visible place as an outward show of love and appreciation to all of the support personnel…medical, grocers, janitors, truck drivers, police and fire, postal, etc. …I’m envisioning something to represent love and thanks to these folks… Could we start here and post and spread? It seems that if the virus can spread worldwide, this could as well.
— Cass

Well, what do you think? Do you have a spare piece of monk’s cloth or linen? A pattern you’ll never do? Turn it over. Anyone can draw a heart and color it in with wool or t-shirt or whatever your leftover noodles are. It doesn’t have to be huge. Do you prefer punching? Do that, then hang it where folks will see it. Even if they don’t get the full significance, we all recognize the feelings and emotions behind a heart. Not a hooker? Feel free to branch out. Sew a heart, crochet a heart, mold a heart. It really doesn’t matter what they’re made of, just that we get them out there.

Rug Hooked heart celebrating #heartsforheroes
Another hooked heart! This one, a lavender sachet pillow, was done by Lauren Fuqua of Rugs and Pugs. I won it in one of her many give-aways. Maybe you already have a handmade heart? Put it up today!

The timing for this is absolutely perfect! Those of you who are Jewish just began your celebration of Passover which remembers the Hebrew Exodus after the tenth and most awful plague inflicted upon the ancient Egyptians. As a Christian, today I mark Holy Thursday, the start of the Easter season. Above all else, Holy Thursday is about humble service to others. Christ washed the apostles’ feet. Cass and I have daughters risking their own health to work as cashiers in the grocery stores where we all continue to shop.

By the way, your heart shouldn’t be limited to your front door or window. Nope, you’re going to post them on social media for everyone to find. And you’re gonna hashtag them: #heartsforheroes. Beth Miller of Parris House Wool Works has gotten us rug hookers used to hashtagging #greatinternationalhookin when we display the rugs we’re hooking during these pandemic days. We can do the same for our hearts.

Please hook a heart and help us to thank the heroes: Amy, Tina, Elisabeth, David, and all the others. And enjoy and appreciate what will be very different Easter and Passover holidays this year.

Please share. 

Love & Kisses



High on Hooking’s got an Etsy shop!

Pic of rug from Etsy site.
That’s the thumbnail of first rug I put up on my Etsy shop: “Hatch’s BIG Chile.” I thought that it was pretty appropriate given how much I love my new state of New Mexico. But can you believe that I’ve lived her for almost three years?!!?

After about three years of telling myself that I was going to put an Etsy shop together, I finally broke down and did it. Woohoo! (Okay, the last vow was to do it this past winter. I got close; it went up the first day of spring, which is still practically winter in a lot of the country.)

You’ll find the shop at:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HighonHooking. Now, no sniggers. I know it’s still just an itty bitty shop with – at the moment – two listings. But everyone’s got to start somewhere. And not only did I have to figure out all that was involved with the shop and creating listings and taking pics, I had to do some updating of the website here, so that things would match. Okay too, maybe I hadn’t taken care of the Gallery in a while. Maybe some of those items were sold last year. But it’s better now. Not perfect; I’ll work more on completing the website after the Etsy show has a little more…heft.

So, spread the news! You might want to add that I’ll be adding more rugs to the shop on a regular basis. If you have any ideas of how to make it a more inviting shop, give me a yell. I’m happy to get advice, especially if you already have your own Etsy shop. And if you do have a rug hooking ETSY shop, feel free to share the address below in the comments. Later I’ll transfer the info onto the “Cool Resources” page.

To those who celebrate as I do, have a
joyful Easter surrounded by friends and family!


Sewing up rugs that will appear on Etsy and in Albuquerque's Recycled Art Fair.
“What’s on the frame” this week isn’t what’s on the frame. Instead I’m doing a LOT of sewing: starting and finishing rugs. If you’ve been around awhile, you know that I sew my rug binding on before I start to hook. It’s just the way I was taught. Plus I can hook right up to the tape and rarely need to do any whipping. But maybe you enjoy the tedium of whipping? Said NO ONE ever! Because I have Albuquerque’s Recycled Art Fair next month, I’m trying to get a jump on several mug rugs. Then there are the finished rugs; well, not completely finished rugs. I’ve been putting off their hemming. Also not my favorite thing, but so much faster than whipping (she said gleefully). And unless they sell right off, all these rugs and mats will appear in my Etsy shop. For those missing Tynan, I thought it best to keep him away from all the pins and needles. He can’t get hurt. Tomorrow’s his 10th birthday!

The gospel of rug hooking successfully shared

EVFAC is located in Espanola, New Mexico, about a half-hour north of Santa Fe on the way to Taos.

My two-part class at the Española Valley Fiber Arts Center (EVFAC) finished up yesterday, and yes, peeps, we have welcomed at least one new acolyte to the fold. Woohoo! Felicity, who happens to also hail from Albuquerque, was already a fiberista first class: she knits, sews, weaves, dyes, and I don’t know what else. Except for rug hooking. She’s added that to her repertoire now. I suspect she’ll do some cool stuff with it all.

After an incredible drive up north that reminded me of why I moved to New Mexico – big, blue sky; purple mountains majesty; snow-covered peaks even in April… – I was unpacking and found that my other student had texted that she couldn’t make the class. (Fortunately, she lives near me too, so, hopefully, we can do a quick wrap-up here in ABQ.) When Felicity wasn’t there by 10:20, we got worried and called her. “Sorry! Be there soon!”  She’d gotten caught in some traffic. Whoo, I thought wiping the sweat away, I’d been worried I’d turned two people off the craft.


Rug hooking student, accepts the gospel of rug hooking.
Felicity has become a student of the gospel of rug hooking. Woohoo!


Imagine my concern then when Felicity informed me that she hadn’t finished hooking her t-shirt mat, In fact, she’d not worked on it at all! Damn, what the hell had I done or said last week? But wait! I had it all wrong. She pulls out her monks’ cloth and tells me that she started a new rug! (I’d given them enough to do just that but figured it would happen after the first one.) She has all kinds of wool yarn sitting

Felicity said she’d send me pics when she finishes her project. But I really can’t wait to see what she does with rug hooking, how she integrates it into her other artistic endeavors.

around her house and decided she wanted to try hooking that! So, there she was trying different directions and textures. I though that it was very inspired of her to go all rogue like that. Sure, she couldn’t go through the finishing process, but I had a few small rugs on me that needed to be finished up; we used them as demos. Felicity’s clearly a quick study, so she’ll get hers done up, no prob. Even better, she was able to score a Puritan frame for just $70. It had been sitting around the store for months and was in great condition.



Purtaon rug hooking frame
Pic of a Puritan frame. (Sorry, no longer available from iloverughooking.com).







Because there’d been some issues getting the class online for sign-up, I was lucky to get two students, the minimum needed for a class to run. The good thing is that where our tiny class was located required folks to walk by us and naturally stop to check out what we were up to. Several women mentioned being interested. “Would they be running the class again?” It’s up to them to bug request that EVFAC do just that. I’m up for it. And since I joined the Center as a member (which amongst other things lets you sell in the shop and outside sales they sponsor plus provides discounts for classes and items for sale), I’ll be stopping by any time I’m up in that area. And there’s a wicked sounding, one-day photography class with my name on it.


Photo of yarn.
EVFAC is filled with all things fiber. You certainly can’t get out without buying something. (Read: good stuff and reasonable prices.) Classrooms galore. During our class yesterday, there were workshops going on in felting and quilting. A new weaver was trying to warp a loom, and spinners were hanging around the couches…spinning. What else?

EVFAC’s an hour and a half ride for me, but worth it. Do you have a fiber “facility” that’s not all that near to your home, but that inspires you to drive? Extol its virtues here.


And to those celebrating this week, Happy Easter and Passover! Tom, Tynan, and I will  be taking some time off. It’s a good time to put away the social media for a bit and enjoy what we have.







It’s Easter week and there are all sorts of preparations to make. Okay, we”ve had time for a little New Mexican exploration too.

Monday, Tom and the dog and I headed over to a part of Petroglyph National Monument

The view from Petroglyph National Monument looking south down the RIo Grande river valley.
The view from Petroglyph National Monument looking south down the Rio Grande river valley.

that we’d never visited. For those not familiar with the park, it “protects one of the largest petroglyph sites in North America, featuring designs and symbols carved onto volcanic rocks by Native Americans and Spanish settlers 400 to 700 years ago. These images are a valuable record of cultural expression and hold profound spiritual significance for contemporary Native Americans and for the descendants of the early Spanish settlers.”

We observed very cool rocks and their lichens. (This is for you Karen Miller of Karen Miller Designs.)
We observed very cool rocks and their lichens. (This is for you Karen Miller of Karen D. Miller Studio.)

The national monument – which stretches about 17 miles along  Albuquerque’s west side, right near our house! – also includes several volcanic cinder cones. We hiked up one of them and were treated to fabulous views of the Rio Grande river valley.



As I mentioned last week, I was juried into a big farmers’ market here, the Rail Yards Market, which starts in early June. I’ll be vending about every other Sunday morning through September. That means I need to get on the stick and make several small mats. They tend to sell better. While there are a fair number of hookers in these parts, the general population is far more used weaving as the prominent fiber art. Here’s hoping they embrace my slightly less than traditional offerings. All I can do is try.

A new 8"x8" mat almost completed. Just needs to be pressed and finished off. Woo hoo!
A new 8″x8″ mat almost completed. Just needs to be pressed and finished off. Woo hoo!


The Colors of the Southwest show is next week! While I finished hooking “Ribbons Over Albuquerque,” it needs to be sleeved. It’s due in by Tuesday or Wednesday. Guess I better get on that too.

And lest we forget, it’s Easter week! When I joined a church out here, I volunteered to be on the Art and Environment committee. Turns out not to be as sexy as it sounds. It means that I help to take down various decorations during holidays and put up liturgically appropriate ones. At Christmas time, I did a lot of ironing for them too. We’ll see what’s in store for me Friday and Saturday. I’m hoping not to break any glass candle holders this time.


Some kind of tiny, yellow flowers on top of the cinder cone at Petroglyph. They were well protected from the crazy winds we've been having.
Some kind of tiny, yellow flowers on top of the cinder cone at Petroglyph. They were well protected from the crazy winds we’ve been having.

To those who celebrate, I wish a Joyous Easter.  Enjoy your own preparations. To everyone in the northern hemisphere, I bid you a happy spring. Albuquerque is full of flowering trees and shrubs. And pollen. Don’t forget the antihistamines!

Lilacs before Mothers' Day. Who knew that was possible?
Lilacs before Mothers’ Day. Who knew that was possible?


