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First day of spring and the rest of 2023!

Welcome to the first day of spring! Not that it’s felt that way here in Albuquerque. It’s been in the 40s and raw the past few days. Very unusual, though we have had some warmer, blustery days for sure this month. And the rain (and snow last week) is always welcome given our drought situation.

You might’ve seen on the WELCOME page of my website, I’ve had a crazy, busy winter. My plan in January had been to extract myself from some of my “busy-ness” so that I could spend more time on my own art and explore the various ideas rolling around my head. I come up with so many plans in the shower (where I think best); then my day starts and the plans are lost. Now winter has come and gone. I refuse to lose the spring too.

Fortunately for me on this first day of spring, of renewal, I get a helping hand. Sketchbook Revival starts today. It’s a FREE, almost two-week long, online program of workshops designed to “help you feel inspired, energized, and revived.” Founder Karen Abend invites artists from all over the world to teach each workshop. Two are offered each day. You can do all of them or skip one here and there as you choose. If like me, you find life interrupts and you miss a class, you can access everything for a couple of weeks after the last workshops are published. That also means that you can join the program after it begins. And if you don’t have all the recommended supplies, no worries. You can wait a day or just use whatever you have on hand. If you’re interested, find info HERE.

By the way, I’ve written about Sketchbook Revival before. Find that post HERE. And it goes without saying, the more I play in my sketchbooks, the more likely I am to come up with interesting hooked art.

Two dogs with hooked art wish you happy spring
Tynan and Bowyn present WHAT’S ON THE FRAME this week. And they wish you HAPPY SPRING!

In that vein, I started a new piece the other day. It’s small, as I’m not sure how well it’ll look on the monk’s cloth. Hell, I don’t even have a good picture of it in my head! But it’s all about experimenting and process for me. Well, mostly. Like everyone, I like to like what I create. LOL. Tynan and Bowyn present it in the photo.

A word about Tynan. He’s really slowed down this past fall and winter. His deafness is profound, and he’s rather wobbly, but he’s still enthusiastic about his food, any food really. Thank goodness for doggie diapers, though in his presence they are “man wraps.” The good thing is that next week he celebrates his 15th birthday. Watch for him and his celebration on our social media.

How are you celebrating spring?




“Automatic” hooking


Example of automatic drawing.
Example of automatic drawing done by moi during Sketchbook Revival.



Automatic hooking – it sounds like a machine is involved. Or worse! Wink, wink! But when I typed automatic hooking, I was actually referencing the art technique developed by the Surrealists. For a quick idea of what I’m talking about, the following comes from Wikipedia:


Automatic drawing was developed by the surrealists, as a means of expressing the subconscious. In automatic drawing, the hand is allowed to move “randomly” across the paper… Hence the drawing produced may be attributed in part to the subconscious and may reveal something of the psyche, which would otherwise be repressed…

Most of the surrealists’ automatic drawings were illusionistic, or more precisely, they developed into such drawings when representational forms seemed to suggest themselves. In the 1940s and 1950s the French-Canadian group called Les Automatistes pursued creative work (chiefly painting) based on surrealist principles. They abandoned any trace of representation in their use of automatic drawing. This is perhaps a more pure form of automatic drawing since it can be almost entirely involuntary – to develop a representational form requires the conscious mind to take over the process of drawing…

You’re probably wondering why I might be providing this art history lesson when I am in no possible way an authority on art or art techniques (except, perhaps rug hooking, of course, and then only certain aspects of rug hooking). It’s because, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’ve been participating in Sketchbook Revival 2021, and one of the workshops was about automatic drawing.

Example of automatic drawing.
My first attempt at automatic drawing.

That workshop was presented by Shelley Klammer of Expressive Art Workshops:

Shelley Klammer is an online therapist who supports creative women to heal “unfinished emotional business” from the past. She is also an educator with the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. Shelley supports women to authentically self-express through spontaneous art and writing practices as a way to anchor self-safety, self-confidence and self-love.
-Karen Abend of Sketchbook Revival

To be honest, I wondered how much my drawings were really made without conscious thought. Wikipedia mentioned that too when I was exploring more about automatism..

…surrealist artists often found that their use of “automatic drawing” was not entirely automatic, rather it involved some form of conscious intervention to make the image or painting visually acceptable or comprehensible…”

Example of automatic drawing
This is an automatic drawing by a “professional.” It’s “Untitled” by Morton Schamberg (American, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1881–1918 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) circa 1916. Graphite on paper; 5 3/8 x 4 1/2 in. (13.7 x 11.4 cm). (Info from the Metropolitan Museum of Art; in the public domain.)


Artist Stephen Berry was also a bit skeptical, but he could appreciate it regardless:

It was very liberating and thoughtful. It was also an interesting way to explore different shapes, to watch myself as an artist from “the outside” and see what shapes I’m predisposed to, where I’m reverting to certain habits that are lazy, what was exciting and interesting to explore that surprised me, etc.

He had more interesting stuff to say about the technique. Click on his name above.

Hooked rug; example of automatic hooking
Close-up of my current happy rug, “Abundance.” Lots of recycled textiles. I think I like my automatic hooking better than my automatic drawing.

Scintillating as all this is, you’re undoubtedly wondering how it relates to hooking. In that aforementioned post of mine, which I wrote before I started Sketchbook Revival, I mentioned my night-hooking project, the one the boys are pictured with. It’s part of my “happy rug” series in which I’m trying to focus on the brighter aspects of life after such a crappy last year. And I wrote:

For this one, I’m trying to really just go with the flow; there’s little advance planning in it. Other than the holes, which the rug dictated to me as I sewed on his tape.

See the SYNCHRONICITY that’s happened?!!? I was already kind of doing automatic hooking before I even learned about the drawing technique. Each evening I sit down and hook whatever comes to mind at that moment with whatever I have in the two big bag and one laundry baskets of fibers I have next to me. (Yes, there’s a LOT of hooking stuff in my family room at the moment.)

Both the automatic hooking and drawing efforts are fun to try if you’re so inclined to experiment. For the latter, just Google “automatic drawing,” and a slew of options will come up in your feed. As far as rug hooking goes, just throw some hooking materials into a bag and go to town. I’m using all kinds of fibers: wool strips, wool yarns, novelty yarns, a plethora of fabrics, ribbons, and so on. There’s lots of textile recycling going on!

Dogs on example of automatic hooking
Tynan and Bowyn bring you another view of “What’s on the frame.” Obviously, someone is not completely clear on the concept of his job. It should’ve been an overview of the newest happy rug, “Abundance,” an example of automatic hooking. (Let’s imagine Tynan’s thoughts for a moment…)

What have you done lately to spice up your regular practices be it hooking, painting, writing, or even working out?




Of sketching and day-hooking

Thursday makes it a year that “regular” life came to an end here in New Mexico. Not knowing what I know now, I rather welcomed it. No meetings for the foreseeable future! Remember – we never thought the crisis would go on for sooooo long, and Zoom wasn’t a BIAd for Sketchbook Revival 2021; sketchingG THING yet. I figured I’d have time to work on my own projects and actually get a chance to explore other ideas percolating in the back of my brain, maybe even move them to the front.

Some of that happened. I certainly had ample time to “play” with the Ribbon Rug Journal. In fact, without Covid, I’m not sure how I would’ve been able to log each day’s entry. (Now if I can only get to writing the magazine article on the damn thing!) I managed, too, to finish “Holes,” a rug about the effects of motherhood on women. But then Karen Miller came up with the idea for In the Studio with its presentations and two! online Workshop Weeks (keep watch; the third will be coming), my own class offerings, and, of course, rugs to make (I do have an Etsy shop). The forced time at home was not quite so restful. Such is our new reality.

A one-line, mirror sketching from 2019. Sadly, a self-portrait.

But some things didn’t change. This March, as I did in 2019 and 2020, I will participate in Sketchbook Revival presented by artist Karen Abend. It’s a free, online event whereby each day for a couple of weeks a different instructor presents a a different approach to filling up your sketchbook or journal. As much as I used to be good at that, I’m not anymore. Sketchbook Revival gives me a do-over each year and a way to learn new techniques. As Karen says:

Some sketches are colorful. A “creature” rug perhaps?

“Imagine waking up each day brimming with ideas, excitement, and confidence to open up your sketchbook and start creating, no matter what.”

As far as I’m concerned, sketching can be relaxing and enjoyable on its own, but more importantly, better sketching leads to more  and better better hooked pieces. Click on the link above to join. While there are social media pages to share your work and to see that of others’, I generally prefer to keep to myself. And you don’t have to attend every session. I pick and choose. One comes out every day, but the videos stay up for a few weeks.

This was perhaps my favorite sketching session from last year. Who knew? Architectural drawing.

Day-hooking. I mentioned it last post. It’s not necessarily what you think. But it is another benefit of being stuck at home. I generally hook in the evening. Like many of you, if I don’t work with my hands after 8:00 p.m. or so, I’ll fall asleep. That’s when I catch up on TV and movies. But sometimes – like right now – I’m hooking a piece that needs: 1) good light, specifically, the light of day and 2) concentration. Like I said before, in another world in other years, my guild , AWAG, held three retreats and had a teacher visit us, usually for an open workshop. Each event gave me three whole days to work on more challenging rugs. And a multitude of folks to ask for advice when it was needed. Or even when it wasn’t. LOL

While I tend to do other tasks during the day, lately I’ve been trying to carve out some time for day hooking to get through this one difficult project. I feel guilty sitting on my ass, but the work happens, and I can even get some of those year-old NOVAs out of my DVR queue. So, day-hooking, yeah, it’s a thing.

Meanwhile, the night-hooking continues. Which is exactly what the boys bring to you today in the pic. I’ve started on the fourth of what I’m calling my #happyrugseries. I realized that after such a negative year, I’d prefer to mostly focus on the brighter aspects of life. For this one, I’m trying to really just go with the flow; there’s little advance planning in it. Other than the holes, which the rug dictated to me as I sewed on his tape.

Dogs with hooked rug
“What’s on the Frame.” Bowyn takes being a High on Hooking dog very seriously while Tynan is quite blasé about it these days.


Nancy Hart of AWAG created a rug a couple of years ago that I really loved. I miss you, Nancy, but you’re here with me in spirit, and your rug is my inspiration for this project. Tom’s going to kill me as parked in the living room is a large shopping bag AND a laundry basket filled with all kinds of fiber to pick and choose from as I go. (Plus the day-hooking paraphernalia.) But I’m enjoying working on it all!



What’s got you’re attention these days as we head into the final stretch of the Coronacootie’s reign?


Workshop reminder:  Hooking With and Beyond the Wool happens this Saturday. Contact me if you’re interested.

